the most tragic theory about Severus Snape

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not a Snape apologist but this did hit me in the feels

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"Has it ever crossed your brilliant mind that I don't want to do this anymore"
-Severus Snape


He wanted out from under the thumbs of both Dumbledore and Voldemort. I think he figured death would be more peaceful than living as he was, and there was a chance to reunite with Lily on the other side.


“No snape I’m not letting you have that job” Dumbledore said calmly as snape suffers


You realize that Snape applying for the job each year, and not getting it was an act right? It was a story made up by both Dumbledore & Snape, so when Voldermort eventually came back, Snape had a plausible excuse to go back to the DeathEaters.... He says as much to Bellatrix & Narcissa in the HBP. He wasn't looking for a way out. He would never abandon Lily's son like that. He may not have liked Harry, but he was protecting him for Lily. He wouldn't have left that obligation for anything.


Childhood me: I hate Snape
Adult me: I am Snape


I've always considered the problem with the defense of the dark arts' teacher position more of a coincidence/sort of an honest bad luck streak, rather than an actual curse on a job title.

Pretty sure Snape just thought his predecessors (before he finally got the job) were just all incompetent, unsuitable, sub par teachers, tho


I would have to disagree partially with that statement. I do believe snape wanted the possibility to finally rest, but I don't believe for a second that snape regarded himself as being under dumbledores control, or that he held the current fanvision of an evil dumbledore. The way I interpret snapes relationship with dumbledore is through snapes perspective. Hogwarts is his home, and dumbledore is the only person in the world that truelly knows him, and there is an enormous amount of mutual trust. I therefore think that snape regarded dumbledore as his best and only true friend and mentor, altough he absolutely cared for hogwarts as his home and his collegues, but in a more superficial way.


Snape followed Dumbledore's plan until the moment he died. There's no way Snape wanted "out." He even took up the post of being the headmaster to fulfill his promise to protect the school after Dumbledore's gone. Everything that Snape did after he became Dumbledore's person was to repent for Lily's death. In his final moment, Snape was begging Voldemort to let him go back into the school to find Harry because he NEEDED to deliver Dumbledore's final instruction to Harry. If he lived, I doubt his relationship with Harry would improve but there would at least be respect between them. Although I can't remember if there was a line in the book where it explains why he was applying for the cursed post every year, one thing is for sure. Snape was not such a coward. (Prince's Tale book 7.)


You also need to realise that Dumbledore never give the position to Snape because he wanted to protect him from the curse and was forced to give it to him in the end because he only trust him at point


It doesn't tell how badly he wants out of Dumbledore's control. It tells how badly he wanted out of a life in a world where Lily was dead.


As a kid I thought he wanted the position to break the curse. He was exceptional with the Dark Arts, going so far as to make a potential lethal (pretty damn lethal if you don't know the specific healing spell) at 16, so finding a counter curse should be in the realm of possibility. It is sad knowing he never truly valued his life, but he did at least do the future generations proud. He was a strict instructor who made sure his students learned, even if his methods were unsavory and cruel


Man if I was Snape I’d have already swan dived off Yavenclaw tower during Harry’s first year. No way I’m dealing with mr. Golden boy for 7 school years 💀💀💀


Man, the more and more I learn about Snape, the more appealing his character becomes to me, and my respect for him also grows with it day by day. Snape is, without a doubt, the most grey and three dimensional character in the whole HP franchise.


I seriously hope there’s no sev haters here bc it feels like heaven living amongst peeps who love him and understand him


I believe that snape asked every year for that position because not only did he not value his life but i think it wasn't about him being out of Dumbledore's control but getting out of Voldemort's control.he didnt want to work for the person who killed the woman he loved.


Wow, that's dark. It also makes a lot of sense.


I hated snape until I found out his past and the good things about him-In the movies I couldn't care less about book snape


She didn't push the soda tab down, why didn't she push the tab down


I had a theory that Dumbledore was weaponizing the curse to expose and oust the inconpetent ones. It fits for Quirrell and Lockhart.

But it falls apart. Lupin was great. Dumbledore didn't know that Moody was actually BCJ, and both real Moody and polyjuiced BCJ were great. Umbridge was a plant that Dumbledore had no say over. And Snape had to move to the next phase of the mission at the end of the year/after Dumbledore's death.


i think that he played this as he played bulling students to show that he is badguy and voldemort would bellived that he is still on his side
