7 Signs INFJ Likes You - How INFJs Show Love

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INFJs are sociable introverts with a capacity to develop a wide variety of friendships with many types of people. What they truly desire however are deep, meaningful connections with people and these types of relationships are few and far between. INFJs are very selective in who they open themselves up to and when they’ve chosen to do so, it is because they’ve found someone truly special to them.
We all express love in our own special way but there is an idea that there are 5 types of love expression.
quality time.
words of affirmation.
acts of service.
physical touch.
receiving gifts.
In a survey posted on Thought Catalog dot com, “quality time” was cited as the most popular ‘love language’ voted by INFJs followed by “words of affirmation” and “physical touch”. Here is rundown of the ways in which INFJ show affection and signs that they like or are in love with you.
We all express love in our own special way but there is an idea that there are 5 types of love expression.
quality time.
words of affirmation.
acts of service.
physical touch.
receiving gifts.
In a survey posted on Thought Catalog dot com, “quality time” was cited as the most popular ‘love language’ voted by INFJs followed by “words of affirmation” and “physical touch”. Here is rundown of the ways in which INFJ show affection and signs that they like or are in love with you.
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