If A Man Wants A 50/50 Relationship, THIS Is What He Means!

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As a certified life coach, relationship coach, and dating coach, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

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As a man myself, this man is speaking straight up facts. Ladies, do not compromise on your relationships.


50/50 just means, the man wants to save money for his actual wife. He wants a roommate with benefits.


SheRaSeven1 talks about this all the time! Never do a 50/50 relationship. It is a scam and men will use and deplete you! Don’t do it!


When people ask me why I'm single, its because of things like this


When men do half of the pregnancy and child birth. I will be paying half of the money.


All true! Happend with my ex and I. Started 50/50 then he slowly just turned into a princess lol! I made most of the money, took care of the groceries and home. He could barely be bothered to walk our dog when I wasn't home. Then had the nerve to say things like "why don't you go put on some lingerie for me" 😅yeah- let me get right on that after cooking, cleaning, walking the dog and taking out the trash...oh also- wanna buy me some lingerie? Cuz I just spent all my money on our bills 😂😂😂😂


They want a beautiful woman, but they don't realise how expensive it is to be beautiful, skin, hair, clothes, nails, etc. And they still want 50/50


BALANCE!!! Thank you, Stephan. It's so great to hear someone else usimg that word. Equity and equality are different.


I appreciate this video Stephan. You're right. When I worked, went to school at the same time, and picked up our children by myself, I was exhausted, and the hubby still expected me to be intimate, but I was exhausted.😟 Years later, the Lord changed things around, whereas I had to be a stay-at-home mom because of circumstances, and I eventually excepted my role, and understood the importance of at least one parent being home for when the children ( a few of them were teens by then) got out of school, etc. Speaking on behalf of women and stay-at-home homeschooling moms, a think a stigmatism is put on us, because we don't bring anything to the table financially, and we're looked at as less valuable by some of our children and our spouse. Without the wife doing a whole host of things, the husband wouldn't be able to even manage all that we do, plus work a full time job. When my son started acting up really bad, I told my husband that he needed to step up, because he had been taking a back seat too long as far as parenting, and that I was exhausted. He used to tell me that I was a superhero, so I told him that I'm not a superhero, things were just thrown on me and I just had to deal with it the best way that I could, but no more. I told him if he didn't step up I was going to leave and sign over custody to him for our son. He then said "well if you leave, then I'm not going to be able to work this job". That made him quickly realize that with me sacrificing to stay home, he was then able to go to work worry free, work overtime if he had to, and he wouldn't have to question who was going to watch the children, feed them, help with homework (the ones who go to school), keep the house clean, take care of the children when they got sick, etc. So no it will never be 50/50, because if I were to be put on payroll for everything that I do, I would be making more money than my husband.😂


You are absolutely right! I got divorced because I couldn't stand being a woman and a man at the same time. Provide, be a mom, housekeeper, never again! Why do we need then a man? cook and clean for him?


I dumped my ex 4 years ago. He wanted that 50/50 crap but wanted ME to do the most of everything. Saying "I'm not paying for a woman to be with me. Then tried to come back to me this year with that same mindset. Only I had met a "real" man. He didn't believe in 50/50. He was always in tune with my needs and was a provider. We had to give each other space due to me needing to repair some things within me. I appreciate him more now. Mr. 50/50 can stay in his lane. I'm going with Mr. 100.😊


I needed to hear this, especially the 1st part about starting out 50/50 and then me as the guy ending up still doing less.


I make 80k, own my own home, and will not have kids. Why would I go 50/50? Lol. I can afford to stay single. I don't need a second income to survive.


so happy that real men are stepping up to the plate. everything discussed in this video is 100% accurate. A Man and A Woman are two totally different beings and we are wired differently. By NATURE women are nurtures, patient, caring, soft and feminine. That's her dominant position.. and understand if a woman is operating out of her masculinity it's because 1. she feels that's her only option. 2. Her femininity was misused, mishandled or not cared for properly and last her guy dropped the ball. Men by nature are Providers, Protectors, Leaders and Planners. ofc within both parties both energies exist.


I think this 50/50 convo would end if people would be real.

As a man, you should do your best to provide for and protect your wife. If you can't pay all of the bills then cover the major ones at least. With that being said your wife has to be ok the lifestyle that your income can afford. If not then she should bring some income in as well and not pressure you or make you feel bad about what you can't do.

Lastly, a woman who really loves you is not going to watch you continuously bust your ass and not try to help just because you are the man. This also applies to men when it comes to their women and any household duties. People who truly love one another work together as a team. What that teamwork looks like varies on their relationship.


7 yr relationship was always Dutch 50/50 he was emotionally unavailable no love.


50/50 does not exist in this planet. Somebody will always do more than the other.


Men, always remember that she can take 50/50 in the divorce but won't put in 50/50 in the marriage...let that sink in...


If my grandfather had known that my Mom & Step-dad were going to go 50/50 on the bills, he would have had a fit!!!! I will NEVER go 50/50 with a man. It didn't work out for my parents & only means that the man is NOT 100% committed!!! THAT would be appropriate for a friend, NOT for a husband.


I dont agree with 50/50, but to be honest, most guys are not making $80, 000 so that salary is a bad example. And if they are, in some cities like NY, LA, SF, that's not enough to support 2 people. That being said, we are not taking into account the current economic state of the U.S. You're very lucky if you're living somewhere decent where rent is $1, 500. These jobs aren't even matching inflation. If single people are complaining about the cost of living, then how do you think a man who's trying to pay 70% to 100% of the bills for two people or a family of 3 or 4 feels? Social media has everyone thinking that a 6 figure income is are soooo easy to obtain when the reality is that they aren't. The middle class is fading away and the wage gap between the extremely wealthy and most regular people is getting wider by the second. We have to be realistic about how finances before we to go into the relationships. The economy is not designed for everyone to be a high earner. It's just not. Opportunities are dwindling. Just look on the job boards. They are listing fewer and fewer decent career opportunities.
