Sjögren's Syndrome – Oral Manifestations and Management

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Oral health practitioners are seeing a higher incidence of xerostomia and Sjögren's syndrome than ever before. It is due to an aging population and a greater reliance on drugs and therapies that cause xerostomia. The dental specialist must know the xerostomia symptoms and signs, consider Sjögren's syndrome in their differential diagnosis, and promptly share their findings and concerns with other medical professionals, such as the primary care doctor, rheumatologist, and ophthalmologist for evaluation.

Join the expert Dentist, Dr. Devyani Bahl, in our exclusive Dent-E-ssentials session on “Sjögren's Syndrome – Oral Manifestations and Management” on 9th June 2023, 3:00 PM IST onwards.

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Please put up a transcript. I cannot understand your accent. Thank you.
