What is Sjögren's Syndrome? Eye Doctor Explains

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What is Sjogren's syndrome?
👉 Sjogrens syndrome is an autoimmune disease typically occurring in women in their middle age (however it can occur at younger ages too). In Sjogren’s syndrome, the body’s immune cells begin to attack various exocrine glands, such as the salivary glands and the lacrimal, or tear glands.

Sjögren’s Syndrome Symptoms
- Severe Dry Eyes
- Dry Mouth
- Dry Mucous secretions

Sjögren’s Syndrome Diagnosis
A Diagnosis of Sjogrens syndrome is based on
- Ocular signs and symptoms
- Oral signs and symptoms
- Histopathology
- Autoantibodies
- anti-Ro(SSA)
- anti-La(SSB)

People with a Sjogren’s Syndrome diagnosis are best followed by rheumatology and optometry or ophthalmology.

Note: Dry eye syndrome can be complicated by other forms of ocular surface disease and it is always best to consult with your local eye care professional if you are experiencing any eye pain or vision changes.

🔷Dry Eye Resources for you🔷

DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored, but some of these links are affiliate links where I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.

1. Eye Drops for Dry eyes
- PRO TIP: Look for non-preserved tears if using more than 4-6x per day
- Gel drops last longer on the eye but may blur vision temporarily

2. Hot Compress for Eyes (Ones I like)

3. Blepharitis
Check out the #1 Clinically Proven way to prevent blepharitis, improve oil gland function and relieve dry eye AT HOME!

4. Omega 3 fatty acids
Increase your omega 3 intake and decrease Omega 6s from processed food
*always speak with your local physician before taking any supplement
-Omega 3 I have tried or had success with

DISCLAIMER: We are ambassadors or affiliates for many of the brands we reference on the channel. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

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1239 2nd St N # 741, Sauk Rapids, MN 56379

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About this video: What is Sjogrens Syndrome? Do you have dry eye symptoms and a dry mouth? In this video, Joseph J. Allen OD FAAO, reviews the basics of sjogren’s syndrome, how sjogren’s is diagnosed, how sjögrens syndrome affects the eyes and several sjögren’s syndrome treatments. In addition, If you are looking for dry eye treatments, then this video may help you. If you are struggling with severe dry eye syndrome symptoms it is important to follow up with a specialist in either optometry or ophthalmology that is trained in dry eye disease management.

MEDICAL ADVICE DISCLAIMER: All content in this video and description including: infor­ma­tion, opinions, con­tent, ref­er­ences and links is for infor­ma­tional pur­poses only. The Author does not pro­vide any med­ical advice on the Site. Access­ing, viewing, read­ing or oth­er­wise using this content does NOT cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and it’s author. Pro­vid­ing per­sonal or med­ical infor­ma­tion to the Principal author does not cre­ate a physician-patient rela­tion­ship between you and the Principal author or authors. Noth­ing con­tained in this video or it’s description is intended to estab­lish a physician-patient rela­tion­ship, to replace the ser­vices of a trained physi­cian or health care pro­fes­sional, or oth­er­wise to be a sub­sti­tute for pro­fes­sional med­ical advice, diag­no­sis, or treatment. You should con­sult a licensed physi­cian or appropriately-credentialed health care worker in your com­mu­nity in all mat­ters relat­ing to your health.
Рекомендации по теме

I've had sjogrens syndrome for about 10 years. I also have RA. The extreme dry eye is so difficult to deal with, but for me what is absolutely miserable is the strings of mucus that get trapped on the center of my eye and deep around the back of the eye. It feels like a cat hair or saw dust has gotten trapped.. Sometimes its so severe, I can't even open my eyes. I don't know if my eye spasms or what is going on, but its miserable. I do take restasis and systane which helps, but I have to douse my eye constantly with the systane. Its hard to be social when you have extreme dry eye and mouth, but I do my best and just keep chugging along! 😇


I was diagnosed with lupus and sjogrens a little over a year ago. All came about when I went to a lasix consult and was told I was not a candidate because of the level of dryness I had. He said I needed to worry about corneal abrasions. So I went to my md in hopes to get a clean bill of health, some piece of mind and then try a different lasix dr. Long story short abnormal labs and a rheumatologist referral ended up uncovering some autoimmune diseases for me. I was heartbroken when lasix was no longer an option for me. Daily soft contacts curl, get brittle and lift off my actual eye after about 4hrs. Happy to report after tear duct plugs I know have a tear film! Since I can no longer wear soft contacts my dr. Is fitting me for scleral lenses. I just had my second fitting today! It's a discouraging diagnosis, but so grateful for all the advances in medicine that help!!! And hallelujah for scleral lenses, I can't wait!!! Thank you for your video!


I am exhausted by the numerous ointments and gum, warm compresses etc that I need to be doing for this disease 24/7. Also have RA.


wow Watching this video gives me so much understanding of what is been a long time struggle for my eyes. I was diagnosed with Lupus and Sjogrens Syndrome. This is so frustrating as I am followed by a specialists but none ever helped me in my struggle with all the symptoms you described. My eyes felt like I had sand in them and hurt to the point of not being able to sleep. I am very thankful to just have your video showing up on my TV. Its amazing that happened as I was in so much discomfort as my eyes were extremely irritated and I tried everything I knew. my Mom was watching me struggling to keep my eyes open, asking my husband and son to help me by looking if there is something that irritated my eyes. Mom was praying for a way to relief my pain when your video showed up about dry eyes. Thank you and definitely we praise God as was a perfect timming


I've had Sjogrens for over 12 years. I've lost many meibonian glands at this point, but am doing quite well (today!). Suggest to all to really seek out a dr who specializes in dry eye treatment - and keep watching Dr Allen's videos! Something that helped a LOT was switching to exclusively preservative-free eye drops - wish someone told me earlier how important this is. I also get serum tears from Vital Tears - game changer, especially during a flare (I usually get flares in winter/dry conditions). I've been on Lotemax (steroid) for ~10 years, and yes, I did get cataracts by age 64, but, we've all got cataracts coming eventually, so don't use this as a reason to not use steroids when needed. God bless all with Sjogrens and keep learning! There is help available - find someone who understands that!


My mom has this and struggles with the effects. She has dry eyes and dry mouth. She tried Restasis and felt like it hasn't worked for her and it's just so expensive to use long term .


Hi, just wanted to say a huge thank you for what you're doing, please don't ever leave ;)


I have seronegative RA and Sjogren's and have had the "Lupus rash" on my face for years, but no diagnosis. My grandma had Lupus, my mom had JRA and my daughter has autoimmune disease. I also have fibromyalgia and ME/CFS and can no longer walk more than a few feet. What I do have is a good attitude in spite of the most horrible pain!!!


This is so helpful and useful!
I feel information like this should be given to the general public to be made aware of the dangers as it could happen to anyone! Wow I actually learned something new today .. alot of people have dry mouth but imagine they didnt even know this was a possibility :o thankyou your videos are fabulous ❤ xxx


I’m 26 and have been having Sjögren symptoms as young as 5yrs old. I cannot recall a time when my mouth, eyes or skin weren’t severely dry. For the longest time I thought it was normal until I was around 12 and I continued to get cavities despite brushing multiple times a day and not eating sugars. I first heard of Sjögrens when I was 17 and I pretty much assumed I had it. I was finally diagnosed at 23 along with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus. Artificial tears do nothing to help me and I’m so glad I found this video. My symptoms continue to get more uncomfortable so I’m glad I have some new treatments I can research and ask about. Thank you.


My aunt and cousin have this condition. Thank you for the information.


I have had sjogrens since I was 19. (I also have lupus.) My rheumatologist diagnosed me when I kept having my parotid gland swell painfully. I wear contacts during the day, and I have only minimal dryness when I am wearing them. However, when I take my contacts out, I have extremely dry eyes and redness, to the point that I have to put drops in quite frequently. I use an eye lubricant gel in my eyes at night. I tend to over-wear my contacts because my eyes feel so much better with them in. My ophthalmologist recommended restasis, but so far I have declined, and I just wear my contacts as much as possible. I always wondered why my eyes felt better with my contacts in. Thank you so much for this video.


Thanks for this video! Both my mom and I have Sjogrens . I have it without antibodies and she has it with high antibodies. I can get away with eye drops, bruder eye mask, and collagen eye plugs, but I have only had it for 4 years. My mom has had it for a couple of decades and has had to use some of the medications you mentioned, plus she has a serum her doctor makes that's made out of her own blood that her doctor makes that she puts on her eyes.


Is there any treatment or home remedies for reactivation of lacrimal glands for tear production ?


Thank you for all this information. I have had dry eyes for years. None of my optometrists seemed to be worried. I finally developed another medical issue that lead me to a rheumatologist, who diagnosed me with fibromyalgia and Sjorgens. We tried plugs, didn't help. Cauterized the tear ducts, still no help. I take several prescription eye drops, and I worry about Long term use. Tried medications for Sjorgens, but too many side effects that woul not go away, and again, how safe are they long term? My only option at this point is continue to use additional artificial tears.


Sjogren's comes with serious complications if left untreated, including: an increased risk of lymphoma and multiple myeloma. oral yeast infections. dental cavities.👍


Your video posts are so informative, thank you so much! I went to my Optometrist yesterday because my caruncle has been inflamed for weeks and Ive been waking up with severe dry eyes. I can barely open them in the morning. started researching online for the cause of inflammation and dry eyes. I came across the word Sjogren’s online. Thank you again for the explanation. Keep up your wonderful work!


Hi there! Can you make a video about scleral lenses that isn’t a how to insert video? I’m looking for more detailed patient education on the concept and details about scleral lenses; how they differ from soft contacts, how long they last, cost, what conditions would benefit from it, pros cons etc!


Sjorgrens is killing my I now have Meibomian gland disease n past 2 months have been a nightmare! So many gross swollen glands inside my lower lid are swollen n look like pus. My glands are dry n atrophied at this point n it feels like sand is in my eyes. Nothing helps n I’m afraid this feeling will never go away😓😓 I cant even cry for god sakes. It’s fully understood that I’d like to gauge my damn eyes out at this point


Hi doctor, I got dry eye recently. My question is that sometimes I feel it dryer after warm compress. Why is that?
