THE 5 BIGGEST SECRETS OF THE INFJ (that we never reveal voluntarily)

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INFJ Life Coach Lesson: Today, we will be discussing the five most intriguing secrets of the INFJ personality. Unlike some individuals who wear their true selves on their sleeves, INFJs are a complex puzzle waiting to be unraveled. Their unique traits and qualities are deeply embedded within them, often unnoticed by others. However, once these secrets are unveiled, people are left astonished. Therefore, our focus today is to delve into these secrets and explore whether they should remain hidden or be brought to light. How can we make use of this knowledge? Join us as we uncover the enigma that is the INFJ.

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I have frequently found that people tend to underestimate me until they see me in circumstances that require a stronger/firmer response.


Honestly, certain things I’ve outgrown or just don’t care about anymore. I respect others’ boundaries, so I’m not worrying about being somebody’s “savior.” I just believe in being real and writing the truth about spiritual and natural things. How others receive it is none of my concern. I don’t care if others don’t like certain things I do or decisions I make.

I can’t control others’ reactions, I’m not looking for others’ approval, and I’m not responsible for others’ emotions or feelings. I wish others well, but I don’t chase after people, and especially those who I’m not that close to anyway. What others cannot accept about my personal beliefs, morals, or principles I know someone else will. I trust GOD’s judgment because He knows all things, including how to place the right people in one’s life.


I think that these things are only “secrets” because other people are not sensitive to my actions and words. I do express myself clearly, other people just mostly ignore or dismiss it. Over time, it feels like a waste of energy to express myself to people who aren’t curious or open. Being loud and proud doesn’t feel like my personality, I’m more subtle. Expressing myself to people who are shocked or terrified and cannot manage to cobble together any type of coherent response to me... feels like a big waste of time and energy. Their reactions affect me whether I like it or not.


I’m in my late 20s and I’ve been judged all my life and even assaulted by my caregivers, friends and I have moved on.
That has made me a person that either loves unconditionally or door slam entirely. There’s no In between 😅


That is why we say too much: "I am sorry" for everything, all the time! We fell responsability for peoples feelings.


Infjs are a frightening breed period😂 the devine power in them sure can rattle normal folks😂😂


I’ve found people who are insecure, especially narcissists are intimidated by me and resort to bullying me. A big flag is folks who tell me “I hate people. People suck”I’ve learned to door slam but tbh it’s still uncomfortable to be around that negative energy.


Im just being nice and I care about you as a human being, im not hitting on you. Nor am i, in the least, interested in having any kind of relationship with you.


I learned I was INFJ at work 40 years ago. It was a communication class for the entire plant. Never knew anything else about it. Just took several internet tests 5 or so years ago. I always enjoyed working alone and always got projects done even others. Eventually the plant put most everything on me working alone on third shift or weekend shifts. Anyway what does it all mean being an INFJ? I enjoy being alone. Happy and content with myself. Continue to do projects in my own home. I help others. Stores and malls can drive me crazy at times I always need to get out. If I’m overwhelmed I like to get alone and do something for myself and live being outdoors. So often people on the street pick me out of a crowd to help them with a problem? I often thought I had a sign on my forehead. My brother and nephew noticed it to since we hung out together. I think I’m a narcissist magnet. But have learned about those demonic people.


Hi, I'm under the impression that I need to educate each person I'm encountering on a personal level and I don't have energy nor time for that so I simply avoid. Am I the only one feeling that way?


I definitely connect with being fiercely independent and I honestly think that my parents don't expect that.


You have mentioned the "Hidden Savior", in concept, etc. This is really sinking in for me. I DO need to extend this part of myself in a more healthy way. That would definitely be MUCH better, all around! Thank you, Wenzes! You're the best! Ocho 8


My bullies deprive me of affection, acceptance, and freedom but they don't know I can live without them, i only seek validation from God, if God says you're doing it wrong, and majority says its right, I 'd rather be wrong or vice versa. People are not good judgers of character, including myself, our knowledge is limited. God's wisdom is the measurement, it's better to be humble than to always be right, its the pathway to limitless power.
Sometimes, I'm shocked listening to things I really wouldn't want to just because we are open to people. I should speak up when I disagree so that they know my stand but still in a way that is respectful.


Wow! You truly see inside my head. The 'versions of myself' and 'responsibilty of making sure other people are happy'. It is good to feel someone understands and can express that. I have taken the MBTI test a few times, and been INFJ every time, but interestingly huge % for the NFJ but always only 50-55% introvert, which I feel is true. My partner persuades me to attend social events. I don't want to go, but once I'm there, he says he loves how I 'easily strike up conversations, make friends' which he says he would find awkward. I love being with people, but underneath I crave time on my own to be in my own space.


We know who we are and the good we do and bring to others, if its not good enough to them and judges us instead of expressing appreciation, oh well, its on them. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn what people think or say about me, as long as I know I've done the right thing morally and for good purpose, that's all that matters. Like I said "We know who we are very well".


I love this feeling of being like an open book to someone, thank you


You changed my life girl. Thank you for yet another incredible life changing video ❤️


We also sometimes hide it because we have created patterns from an early age of "fitting in"...
I became accustomed to "mimicking" everyone around me in a small, southern, country town pretty much from fresh out of the womb.
Your videos have helped me realize who I am from an "outside" perspective. Thank you so much! 🙏

Which you covered at around 3 minutes a bit. I'm just saying sometimes it's, just like life, our spot in space and time determines the strategies needed in order to get where we are today...

I can't imagine realizing what I have realized without ALL of the pain.


Some factors are very true, some not really. I have a very good friend of many years, and our relationship we don't expect anything from each other, but we're both rational and logical, although I'm a lot more emotional than she.


This is so amazing, Im an INFJ for sure, also a Leo, also a Monkey but this stuff really hits home to me, very eye opening at a time I am looking at parts of my life I'm trying to change. Thanks
