What If Obi-Wan JOINED Dooku in Attack of the Clones (Star Wars What Ifs)

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What would've happened had Obi-Wan taken Dooku's offer on Geonosis, and joined him. Would Obi-Wan be fully corrupted by the dark side of the force, or would he use it as a covert op, to get behind enemy lines?
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every moment between Satine makes me want to cry because I remember the moment Kenobi says "had you of said the words i would of left the jedi order"


Im still shocked that they chose to kill Padmé. This doubles as a what if Padmé died on geonosis. I also love the relationship between anakin and windu in this one.


Finally we will see a What if theory about Count Dooku


Anakin:You become the very thing you swore to destroy.
Obi-Wan:Don’t make me kill you.


What if Anakin joined Obi Wan in his Quest to save Satine?
What If The Wills Guided Anakin From Birth?


Honestly the way you played Obi-Wan in this it honestly you made him a light side aligned sith. The subterfuge the trickery the exploring of the force. He basically used the way of the new sith to finally corner them and fully defeat them.


These stories always somehow manage to hit me in the feels keep up the good work I can't get enough of these.


Beautiful but heartbreaking.... Kenobi's great sacrifice is one thing, but Skywalker's story is also tragic even though he never becomes Vader, loses his limbs and burns.
Was Satine's daughter's name Ashla? Because that would totally capture the essence of Kenobi's soul.


-What if in SWTOR, Ochos of Oblivion didn’t happen and Vitiate/Valkrion return around the movies?
-What if Revan escaped the Maelstrom Prison during the Clone Wars?
-What if the Sith Empire returned during the Galactic Civil War instead of the Clone Wars?
-What if Anakin WAS granted the Rank of Master when appointed to the Jedi Council?
-What if Anakin saved Mace Windu and stayed in the light during Order 66?
-What if Thrawn was present during the Original Trilogy?
-What if Anakin/Vader was a double agent and played the long game like your Rebel Thrawn fic?
-What if Maul was found by the Jedi before Sidious?
-What if Vader, Thrawn and several Imperials started an Imperial rebellion separate from the Rebels, which really took off around the DS1 destruction?
-What if Vader never burned on Mustafar?
-What if Grevious was a Republic General but still hated the Jedi?
-What if Starkiller lived at the end of TFU1 and later trained the Skywalker Twins?
-What if Lord Starkiller lived at the end of TFU1 dark side ending and ignoring the dlc, basically replacing Vader?


The thing I like about these is that they are around an hour long so I can chill out and sleep while watching these


I liked how Kenobi got a double legacy with both the Jedi and the Mandalorians.

I’m still waiting for a story that doesn’t involve force welders; Iden Versio, Hondo Ohnaka, Han Solo… someone who is relatable because they don’t have special abilities; but dose have wit, creativity, cunning, etc.
Stay awesome dude!


The moment between Mace and Anakin, on Geonosis. The love and respect shown to Anakin, was absolutely beautiful.

Well done.


A surprisingly good effort. I totally was expecting either\or A. Anakin falling to the dark side after Padme's death B. Obi-Wan being corrupted\falling to the dark side (perhaps in the final moments revealing he had trapped the Jedi, or falling much earlier), but you went with none of these, giving him the strength to resist till the end, something very few Jedi could have attained. I have myself always hated Obi-Wan for lying to Luke ("different point of view" my @ss), but this reality actually made me admire him. I don't think you could possibly do better than that.


What if Darth Maul didn't overestimate himself, killed Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan and raided the Jedi Temple alongside Darth Sidious?
It would be very interesting to see what a couple of more years of training togheter Maul and Sidious would do togheter if they decide to take the power for themselves in the old fashioned Sith way. By conquering the Jedi and slaying them one by one.


I've Always wondered this and I wonder since Anakin is still a padawan will he join with Kenobi & Dooku or go back to the order and be miserable


Interestingly enough how Anakin didn't fall to the dark side because of Mace's aid. Thank you for your amazing fanfic!


What if Qui Gon saved Anakin. Basically, since the force was sensing Anakin's fall, the force would try to save the universe by reviving qui Gon after all this time. Qui Gon would wake up barley clothed in an alleyway. Qui Gon would be confused. He had never even heard of anything like this. He saw smoke coming from the Jedi temple. Qui Gon's face would turn blue feeling sick. He dug through charity bins, trying to find clothes. He then stole a transport to the Jedi temple. He walked through the main entrance, only to be stopped by clones. They would demand he leave. Qui Gon would use a Jedi mind trick to convince them he was the chancellor's personal enforcer. They let him in. He walks around the temple. Tears rolling down his face. He had never been so upset in his life. He checks the security footage, sees a Jedi slaughtering the younglings and other Jedi, but something was off about this Jedi. It was almost like he knew who he was. He opened up a log hologram and used the force to guide him to the boy's name and face. The screen stopped rolling. He opened the file. It was Anakin Skywalker the chosen one. Basically he would find a light Saber. Sense he should go to Padme. He decided to look above the rooftop only to see Kenobi conversing with Padme about Anakin. He would sneak onto Padme's ship. Obi-Wan would feel a presence he had never felt since his master's death. He couldn't risk blowing his cover. Qui Gon would go to the front of the ship, deactivating 3PO and started watching the fight. He then walked outside, saw Padme on the floor. Sensing something wrong, he felt Padme's cheek. She was pregnant with Anakin's children. He then rushed to the two of them only to spot R2 D2. He thought he looked familiar. He nodded at the droid. R2 beeped back. He remembered who he was. He then ran to the two master and apprentice. Anakin was about to jump. Then they both heard a voice. A voice saying Anakin.

I reckon it would be interesting. You could add more detail and finish the story. I reckon Qui Gon would have to fight Anakin while convincing him to stop. He then redeems Anakin and after a while, the ones come to Qui Gon. They tell him he needs to return back to the force. They said they're goodbyes and he disappeared with only his robes on the floor.


3rd times the charm!
What if Count Dooku after leaving the Jedi order was contacted by qui gon force ghost and instead of becoming count of Serrano, falling to the dark side and forming the separatist, he learn from qui gon and forms his own “grey Jedi” Order.

BTW looking forward to the video! I live to see more what if about count Dooku. I fell like he is an underrated character and that the prequel movies should have more scenes with him.


This was a very well put together story, it stayed true to the different characters. A good story has to be compelling, you will have points where the story gets a little slow, but bounces back. You also included compelling pivot points that were griping, and those made the entire story compelling. I hated that you had Padme die, but I liked how you used her death as one to those compelling moments where the story had one of many critical pivot moments. I will not say this is my favorite story, but it is in the top 5 if not the top 3. So overall excellent story.


what if obi wan went with yoda to kill palpatine
what if anakin went to utapau instead of obi wan
what if pre vizsla killed maul
what if maul killed obi wan on tatooine
what if the eternal empire invaded during the clone wars
