Which Version of Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Should You Play? - All Ports Reviewed & Compared

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Special thank you to Square Enix for providing a review code for the Xbox version. Thank you to my friend @PhillzHurrr for providing PS5 footage.

This is a comprehensive review & comparison of Crisis Core Final Natalya VII for the Sony PlayStation Portable (PSP) & Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion for the Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series, and Steam. We'll cover gameplay, visual, and audio differences found among every version of the game. This comparison should inform you of any and all significant differences between each version of the game. It'll also provide you with enough information so that you can decide which version you'd prefer. It also provides common ground for discussion among which version others may prefer & the points of contention to refer to in discussion, in addition to clearing up potential misconceptions.

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0:00 - Opening
0:34 - PSP version (NA/JP)
1:22 - Reunion
7:50 - Visual/Performance comparisons
9:53 - Voice & Music Comparisons
12:30 - Final Thoughts
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I do prefer the OG dub . Is really odd that both old and new Sephiroth voice are actor who played Superman


Regardless of which version you play, the one constant is that Genesis is equally insufferable with his "this is my story and you're all supporting characters" energy in both


Honestly, I love the original CC, flaws and all, but I do think most of the QoL changes in Reunion top it. Both games are worth playing, especially if you like one or the other, but I think all I really needed this game to do for me was to be fun enough to play and still get through the story. The story captured my heart the first time I experienced it, and, going back 10 years later, it still does.


I love the new version, but I really wish there was an option to have the original voice cast as well as the new. I'm too used to Zack's original voice.


In regards to the Steam Deck version:

It DOES uphold 60 FPS mostly stable (50-60) on HIGH settings. Make sure you change the resolution to something smaller than the Steam Deck native one first then back to 1280 x 800. This should fix your FPS problems. It did with me. The Steam Deck memorises your PC configs and seems to try to apply 1920 x 1080 for me even though it displays 1280 x 800 on the graphics settings. So for anyone still on the fence about this one, there ya go :)


Always appreciate the exhausting amount of work you do to provide clear and in depth comparison between game versions.
See you next year!


I'm going with the Switch version simply to have that option of playing it on handheld. Square did an amazing job on this remaster. I wish Type-0 would receive that same treatment.


5:01 For anyone who might not have their Buster Sword proficiency at 100% yet, you CAN do it. It's a long grind and you don't need to since there's no achievement for it but if you do want to, there's a lot of misinformation about how it's done since the game is still relatively new.

1: Go into mission 1-2-1 "Challenge from Security" and grind encounters do 3 things while doing so
1a: Defeat enemies while in the Battle Stance with the Strong Attack
1b: Defeat enemies while in the Battle Stance with a Command Materia attack (I recommend Assault Twister)
1c: Go into Battle stance and and take damage until your proficiency stops going up in that fight with Enhanced Guard. Simply going into Battle Stance activates Enhanced Guard so it's just taking damage.

You can only earn 30% proficiency for doing each of these things in Battle Stance and how much you get per fight is different from encounter to encounter. Usually between 0.05 - 0.12% if my memory serves me right. You get different abilities while grinding but I don't think there's a way to see what those are in game. the reason I recommend grinding out the initial 90% is because you need a piercing ability Austin talked about to get the last 10%. And Again, like Austin said it's at 47% that you unlock this.

after you get to 90% you will not be able to progress without defeating enemies with Barrier and MBarrier while in Battle Stance.

Go into mission 9-6-5 and grind out encounters because almost all of the encounters have enemies with Barrier and MBarrier and you just need to kill enough enemies with Barrier and MBarrier respectively to get the last two 5%. It doesn't show you the progression, it just tells you that you got it with a pop up on the side. It's just hitting your head against the wall killing enemies over and over. Eventually those screens will pop up. and you will get to 95% and then 100% shortly after doing more encounters. And again, complete the mission if you want to complete and keep your progress.

Also be careful in mission 9-6-5 if you're doing this on a first playthrough! I recommend doing this on New Game + but it is possible even if it's painful. It's an end game activity for end game rewards, you know?

Sorry if that's too ramble-ey. I just want to help get people get 100% proficiency because people online are straight up saying it's impossible get to 100% when you definitely can.


I loved the original CC on PSP, and it's crazy to see how much different Reunion is to it. When it comes to the new voice acting, I feel like maybe it should have had a complete script overhaul, as it's not bad in some places. But even the best of voice actors might have a hard time delivering the more stiff anime like lines. Also Genesis is as insufferable as always, so good job there.


I prefer the original English dub but otherwise i greatly prefer the updated reunion version of the game tho I wouldn’t be surprised if the pc version gets a mod for the voices lol


I bought the Switch version which i have no regrets on buying just because i did originally play this game on the PSP so it just feels right to keep playing it as a handheld game.


They did soo many good things graphics aside. If it wasn’t for the voice actor this would be an instant buy. Great comparison


I completed the original PSP game twice as a kid and it's a childhood favourite. Nice that new people can experience it, but there's nothing here for me, I don't need to pay £50 for the same story.


I've bounced through forums searching for the differences, but none comes close to this video comparison. An above and beyond production and comparison. Thank you, good sir!


My personal opinion. Play the remake on PC. everything is great in the remake aside from Zacks voice, it really is the one thing that holds the remake back. New VA is a joke even in later more serious scenes, but if you can play on PC play the original.


gameplay changes were good, most va except for zach is well done throughout, and the music is either faithful or just better mixed for a variety of equipment. zach’s voice lines are hit or miss. sometimes it’s alright, and sometimes compared to the original it’s like he’s forgotten how to pace and tone his delivery. good game overall and a great way to get crisis core into more peoples hands


This review has by a country mile the best breakdown of all the quality of life improvements in the game. I was unsure whether to bother with it but I think I will now.👍


You've really improved on the production value of your videos in the past few years. This video told me everything I needed to know in a concise way with no padding.


In regards of which version to play, I’d say Reunion is the better option. There are so many Quality of life and obviously better looking graphics. Fighting is so much faster and fun. Unfortunately Zack’s new VA does seem to be the less popular one, but for people who haven’t played the original I think this won’t be an issue if you have no point of reference. I feel this is due to the PSPs original dialogue direction setting it in stone, and the new VA just can’t quite perfectly imitate the original. We’ll see in Rebirth, when he can talk more like he wants.


I really enjoy the 2000's feel of the original CC songs more.