Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion - DF Tech Review - PS5/Xbox Series X/S and Switch Tested!

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Originally released for PSP - and PSP only - Crisis Core has been upgraded signficantly for its remaster and in this video content, Oliver Mackenzie assesses the remaster compared to the original game, checks out all the current-gen versions and even sees how locations from the new release compare to Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

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Crisis Core on the PSP is one of the most graphically premium games on the system next to GoW: Ghost Of Sparta, Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker, and Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. No matter how many times I beat the games I just refused to uninstall them from my Memory Stick. Just I could return to the games after a while and ogle at their console quality-like graphics (at least at the time), impressively squeezed onto a portable system that is essentially an underpowered PS2 handheld.


For a PSP game, those facial animations are still better than a lot of modern day games. I don't know why developers neglect this so much. I mean, even Jak & Daxter had beautiful animation face and body animation on the PS2! And then, of course, Naughty Dog went on to have some of the best work in the industry.


Impressive how good they managed to make it look on Switch. I'm guessing the extended transition from last generation to current generation have allowed a lot of developers to increase their skill in scalability for games. Getting some of these games to run on the VHS Xbox is probably near as difficult.

Never had a PSP, so I'm glad I will eventually get a chance to play this game. I'll pick it up a little later on.


Now THIS is what I call a remaster. Seriously impressive work, both on a technical, but also artistic level. This can only be achieved by genuine fans of the original, which is why it's so rare to see a remaster of this quality. It's not really a remake, even though it has new content, I would still consider it a remaster because aforementioned new content is literally just voiced versions of previously written dialogue.
Crisis Core Reunion is exactly how I remember Crisis Core being from back in the day.


You know that "this is how I always remember it looking!" meme? Yeah, I'm finally having that with this. Reunion is how I always remember the original PSP version looking (obviously not at 60fps but still). Seeing the original and Reunion back-to-back like this,


Crisis Core, along with Dissidia 012 [Duodecim] Final Fantasy, and KH: Birth By Sleep, was one of my favorite PSP games of all time! I've remembered replaying the original game more than 15 times and put about 300 hours into the game.

I'm glad the game was remastered for all current consoles. It's also great for introducing new players into the Final Fantasy VII series and for those who missed out on the original PSP version.


Crisis core on the PSP looks better than the newer Pokemon games


I bought a PSP just to play this game back in the day. I adore this game. I'm really enjoying the new faster paced combat. The previous version wouldn't have worked on any console other than the PSP, so I'm glad to see the change. Very pleased with this version


This game was the main reason I wanted a PSP back in the day.


I love this game so freaking much, corny voice acting and all. Actually surprised they got it to play on switch fairly well. Currently playing it on PS5 and replayed the original via emulation on Steam Deck earlier this year. One of my fave entries despite not being mainline. I'm so glad you guys covered it.


While not even in the same league as FF7 Remake graphically, I still love Crisis Core. It has a great story and made me realize Zack is an amazing character.


The original game still holds up (visually) amazing well imo.


Awesome video Oliver, thanks for going to the effort of doing all the side-by-side comparisons with the PSP game. I’ve wanted to revisit this one for years, looking forward to replaying on Series X.


The original PSP game held up surprisingly well. And look at Switch - the little console that could! So impressed at how much this little device has punched above its weight. I hope its eventual successor does the same.


Weirdly enough, FF7 Crisis Core on the PSP was my very first Final Fantasy game! I had not played many, and the PSP was my darling device. I knew of Final Fantasy 7 because of its infamy, so Crisis Core felt like the next best thing to me. I am so incredibly happy to see it get a really well-done remaster by Square.


I play this game on my OLED LG C1 and looks incredible. They did an impressive job with this one.


I've been looking forward to this. Having a Switch version sounds interesting, given that the game looks so similar to FF7's remake.


The switch port is really nice, It looks and feels great on my non oled switch.


Would love to see a DF Retro on the original Crisis Core for PSP Hardware.


Played through it on Switch, first time going all the way through CC. Loved it.
