overstimulation is ruining your life

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I was aware that i didn't enjoy social media lately but I simply wasn't doing anything about it. This video encouraged and inspired me to swap my daily activities, thank you


This is true. If you want to be a productive person who consistently moves towards their goals, constantly looking at your phone is holding you back. It makes you the equivalent of an athlete who smokes.


I minimized my screentime earlier this year - almost no video games, almost no phone, etc. - and I was so much happier. The fear of missing out is something so hard to get control over, especially for people like me, who have ADHD. At times, I can't even listen to music or I'll get distracted by it immediately. Lately, I started to be active on social media again and... it feels like I am poisoning myself with it.

Born in the 90s, I oh-so very often wish to go back to the time when we only used our phones to message or call each other.

Smartphones - to me - are both a blessing and a curse.


I was a social media addict. Even though I am now learning coding and new foreign languages, I still have the urge to watch entertainment YouTube videos and the urge to check if someone was replying to my comment or gave a heart to my comment. It is too powerful.


I got dizzy when I am addicted to social media, but I got dizzier when I realized I have nothing to do aside from scrolling social media.
But recently, the thing that could break me free from social media is: not opening social media when I just woke up, when I am going to sleep, and when I am bored.
and I decided to do something productive, such as working, freelancing, reading book, doing yoga, just simply walking around blocks, etc.


i didn't realize how miserable social media made me until i started a fufilling job. thinking about all the time i lost scrolling through ig, twitter and reddit makes me so sad. there was even days where i wouldn't leave the house at all and just scroll through social media for hours on end. it makes so happy that i could break the cycle thanks to my daily routine and now only focus on stuff that makes me happy.


This video Is literally a whole fucking ad and it's literally PART of the problem with social media and overstimulation


Context switching is why ADHD is so troubling. We do it naturally without much else to distract us, we have a hard time focusing on things at the best of times, and its hard to get back into it. How much worse when you're getting distracted by phone notifications and the like.


Even the most simple things can change everything, you are making such content that all the people that is watching you has something to thank you for.


our attention spans aren't decreasing; what's actually happening is that the world around us has gotten terrifyingly good at hijacking our attention. There's actually no study that indicates our attention span is worsening - a bunch of articles all hinting at a microsoft study that only had a figure of it that isn't related to the findings of the study. Our attention spans are just as good as they have always been; we can still read books as long as we enjoy them, we can still watch movies, we can still game for hours on end or focus on any enjoyable activity for a long period of time. It's more of a serotonin baseline decrease (if I were to hypothesize) from the constant bombardment of dopaminergic hormones and the overwhelming amount of information we absorb throughout our daily lives (we can try cutting off social media and such, but that's not an addiction, but rather a coping mechanism to deal with this lower serotonin baseline and the decay of our social lives since 2020 hasn't made that any easier.).

TLDR; attention spans aren't decreasing, nothing wrong with us; it's our overstimulating environments as you correctly state in the video :)


Is it just me or her voice is really so addractive (addictive+attractive) ❤


Thanks for reminding me that social media is the pathogen who is killing my dreams


I am happy there are so many helpful/self-improvement content on youtube these days, i'm not totally free of social media but my usage of it has decreased A LOT in the past few months thanks to your tips and other channels as well, i'm definitely not as anxious as i was a before, thanks a lot ♥


Ruri, your way of communicating these elaborate ideas is very effective and you always reach the main point of what you’re saying in a clean way, so that we can understand better the argument. Really, your videos are amazing. Keep doing this, you’re teaching us so many important things that I’m actually applying to my everyday life, it’s incredible. Just wanted to let you know that you’re doing a great job


Thank you for addressing this issue. "Context Switching" was the word I was looking for. Thank you for reaffirming what I have been suspecting and struggling with for years. Now, I think I can focus better in my life. Thanks to you, Ruri-san!!!


This is a good video that coincides with where I’m at currently mentally. I’ve adjusted my approach to social media because I’m realizing that certain aspects have drained me mentally. I’m not done with the process, but my social media experience is WAY better right now than it was before I started the process last week.


Social medias, short-time videos are really difficult challenges for humanity now. You're either captured by them or you live your life, move towards and reach the goals. With constant phone using, one'll never have desired outcomes and make their live better.
Thanks you for paying attention and outlining this problem! I hope your videos will help many people to overcome the addiction


Really proud of your progress over the months, the video production on your videos has increased tremendously. Props to your editor. (As one editor to another)
Thank you for this upload! Really insightful stuff, would be nice if you could tackle on the "The Fear of Missing Out'.

It'd be really helpful for people to disconnect from social media in a more healthy way without FOMO imo. Keep up the great work Ruri!


We absolutely appreciate all the strategies that you gave us in this video, Ruri! Even though I've been implementing some of them in my life for the purpose of getting out of my comfort zone and finally enhance my productivity significantly, one of the most valuable and interesting insights that I have never tried out previously is reading ficcional books at night, largely before sleep. That's because I authentically used to have trouble with sleeping too late, almost midnight, just because I would constantly waste over an hour on social media, which impacts not only our quality of sleep, but also our health at all negatively in the long-term. Neverhtless, when I started incorporating this tip in reading ficcional books a few minutes before actually going to bed, I've realized a signficant improvement in my quality of sleep and all my health. It definitely helped me to end up the day by feeling happy and much less anxiously, especially if the book don't have a sad and terrible end in addition to owning an easy and simple language to understand. I've recently tried it out by reading "Wonder" and it worked perfectly to me. So thanks a bunch for the tip, Ruri. I'm sure it'll also work to everybody else who watch your channel.


I let myself go to be honest, all these years I didn’t give a single crap about myself. This is some serious self-improving quality content and I can reintegrate many things that are healthy to my life thanks to this video, thanks.
