New PC with old hard drive vs Old PC with new SSD

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#harddrivevsssd #versus #bottleneck
Can you make a fancy new PC slower than an old PC simply by switching their storage?
In other words, is a new PC with an old hard drive slower than an old PC with a new SSD?

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ancient pc: uses a core 2
me watching this video with my core 2 quad:


But I remember the days when a hard disk was the bees knees compared to running off of a floppy drive only system - but then I also remember the days when floppy drives were the bees knees compared to loading off of a cassette tape drive...and then I remember the days of how a serial terminal for entering a program was the bees knees compared to a punch card machine - but I don't remember the days of having to toggle the bits into memory from a front panel, so no, I never saw dinosaurs roaming around on the Great Plains - that was before my time


Once you go SSD, you'll never go back.


Interesting video, one small correction though, it's easy to mix up bits and Bytes, but SATA 2 runs at 3 Gb/s (bits) or around 300 MB/s (Bytes). Which is about half that of SATA 3, but twice as fast as SATA 1.


That's why no matter how old a system I have, none of them that I own use a Hard Drive as a boot drive.


"The hard drive equivalent of polio" lol i love when you make these comments


The biggest upgrade ever to my laptop was installing an m.2 ssd. It came with only a 5200rpm HDD from the factory so it was incredibly slow, even though it has an 8th gen i5 and sufficient memory. Imo it should be made illegal to ship modern computers without an ssd at least as a boot drive.


Now we know how to reach 20-30 FPS on CS:GO.


2:25 it's actually 300MB/s, not Mb/s. Good old bit/byte confusion.


"Look at my horse, the steroids amazin', give it a boot, the load times are blazin', with a click on the drive your PC will fly, and then it will die when you install a spinny, 'Oooh that's pokey.' Mm do you think so? Well I'd better not show you where the SATA port is RAID..."

I am both very sorry and on the other hand not at all sorry for this.


Thank you for making this video; it does highlight the increasing importance of faster storage, it all adds up when going about day to day operations. Whats great about using SSDs in older builds is despite SATA/IDE limitations what really matters is its IOPS performance, how quickly it can handle a bunch of smaller files. In my first gen pentium 4 (using an sata to ide converter that plugs directly into the motherboard helps); it lowered my boot times of windows 7 from 5 minutes to 1.5; and a minute of that is spent on bios initialization. For myself; any build these days back to the original Pentium gets an ssd; even 486s and prior get sd cards, will never go back to using hard drives for anything but mass storage.


great video, an SSD can help older systems longevity with windows 10 big time. I did this to a C2Q system that my aunt uses and she didn't believe me when I said I just changed the drive.


I replaced my old laptop 2, 5" HDD, now it feels fast like my main rig.


I've climbed the mountains of bodies of gamers who've died having to wait for Windows to install or games to load.. MOUNTAINS.. upon mountains of our fallen brothers fighting the battle of load times.

So sad.



I recently upgraded my dads 10 Year old Toshiba Laptop (L350-264) from Windows 7 to Windows 10 and changed the Hard Drive 240GB to an Spare HyperX Savage 500GB SSD I had.

This upgrade and update made it a whole new machine


The answer is that hard drive bottlenecks are severe. Even with new HDDs. I have a new-ish laptop that came with a SATA3 5400RPM 1TB HDD and it ran like molasses on a sub freezing day. I cloned that drive to an old SSD that is 500GB and now that laptop flies. It won't game, but it loads Libre Writer in a few seconds instead of minutes.


Wow - all the Gary’s came out of the wood work with the Mega Byte/Bit chit chat 😂 what a fiasco you have caused Dawid!


Thats the kind of information you simply don't get anywhere else!


You could get a PCI SATA3 adapter for the old system, probably pretty cheap. That and max the CPU out for like $20. Core2Quad if you can, that should make a huge difference.


I’m using two HDD’s for mass storage and a SSD for my OS
