How LECA Grows Plants TWICE as Fast

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🌿 13X stronger than mosquito bits:



Video Equipment Used:

0:00 Intro
0:18 What is LECA?
0:28 Does LECA have Nutrients
0:35 Kratky VS DWC
0:41 What does LECA Stand For?
0:50 Characteristics of LECA
1:06 Soil VS LECA
1:17 The benefits of an Air Stone or Air Pump
1:48 How much faster does LECA grow than Soil
1:55 LECA VS Soil Side by Side
2:28 Why People Don't like LECA
3:03 LECA Low Maintenance
3:20 Passive VS Active LECA
3:43 LECA Monstera Albos Automation
3:57 How to reuse LECA
4:06 Simple LECA Recipe
4:36 LECA Kit
In this video, we go over:
Is LECA worth it
LECA Growth Rate
Does LECA Grow Plants Faster
LECA 101
LECA Explained
What is Semi Hydro

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#LECA #hydroponics #rareplants

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I do earn a small amount money from amazon affiliate links if purchases are made, but with NO extra cost to you. This does not create incentive to make videos like this. My goal is to make reliable, honest, plant content viewers can trust. -Chris
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I don't know how anyone could not like LECA!
I have been growing plants since childhood. LECA and self watering pots changed my whole plant life! I have made Pon and use Luchuza pon, but Leca is still the easiest! And with plants everywhere, if a pot gets knocked over clean up is a breeze! I don't worry about leaving my plants for a week or two like others do. In my opinion, LECA allows me to spend more time admiring and enjoying my plants than maintaining them.


💚This is a great video. Had to share it with my other half in order to clarify the “how.” Thanks for the pro tip about adding peroxide to keep algae at bay!


I think i should try Leca 🌿♥️ happy planting!


All my plants are converted to Leca, I put holes all over the pots for aeration and stand the pots in saucers making sure there is always nutrient solution in the saucer, then leave the leca to do the rest . I find this a foolproof way to grow amazing plants. Love the video.


I’m always happy when you put out LECA videos.

Keep spreading the good word 🙌🙌

My plants became soooo much happier once I started using LECA.

Not only because of LECA itself but also because of what the learning process involving LECA taught me about my plants (I use clear vessels that I typically place inside opaque pots). When I check on roots, it’s amazing seeing how moisture levels matter.

And I guess I knew roots needed to breath and wanted nutrients but I didn’t know know until I started experimenting how important those components were.

Root health is so critical and in soil… there’s a lot you can’t see.

I still use soil if a plant’s happy and I don’t mind how it’s potted but I prefer LECA. It’s amazing. I feel like so many people are missing out.


Totally with you on this, Chris. I don't really get some of the hate out there for LECA specifically, particularly if people are fine with Pon. No one's forcing anyone to use semi-hydro if they don't enjoy it, but it really does improve my "plant lifestyle" and gives me a ton more freedom (effectively watering much less often and still getting more growth). I grow 80-90% of my plants in either LECA or "DIY" non-Lechuza Pon. There rest are in sphagnum (temporarily) or in tree fern fibre (usually for rooting cuttings, tiny seedlings, or saving rescues.) I love it! Never gonna give you up, LECA. 😉


I have a barepaw plant and a burrows tail in leca. And they love it.


The thing that really does encourage algae isn't LECA but clear glass containers! Algae needs light, and the more light that reaches the water the more algae you'll get. I've been using LECA now for several years for many different plants and have not had any trouble at all with algae. But my plants are all growing in opaque containers ...mostly ceramic, but a few plastic ones as well.

Also, I've had excellent results for both flowering and non-flowering plants using ordinary liquid fertiliser. It's not necessary to buy the hydroponic kind. I use Baby Bio (regular and orchid), the various Focus brand plant-specific fertilisers, some Marphyl, and Tomorite for flowering plants a couple of times a year.


I love LECA. I use pon too but LECA is my favorite. I recently took cuttings of my dying maranta's and put them in LECA and they are loving it. No brown tips.


I love leca/ coarse “pon” for my plants. It has made having many plants SO much easier. No having to wait for water to drain out, no doubt if the soil is ready to be watered and no doubts when i last fertilized.
Also, i have my “string ofs” in an unfertiled pon like substrate and therefore doing netter than ever! I just let the reservoir stay dry for a little longer than for my tropical plants.


I've been using LECA for 3 years now, and I love it. I mainly use it with self watering pots and wicking material. I mix up MSU fertilizer and water, and that's it. My plants love it, and it's so much cleaner! ❤❤❤❤❤


I agree LECA Is the fastest growth I have ever seen. All my soil plants struggle to grow new growth, mostly because its winter but the house is fairly warm above 21 degrees.
But my Begonia in LECA is growing 2 leaves at the same time while producing more auxin buds in different location of the main stem. Incredible. However I m a stick with soil for most plants because that is for personal taste! Go Leca People enjoy that wonderful fast growth :D


My hubby has been wanting me to start growing some of our house plants in Leca…after watching this video I think I might give it a shot. Thanks very informative!


I LOVE using leca. I've migrated a few of my plants over and they are THRIVING.


I’m obsessed with pretty aglaonemas. Please do a video with how to grow large leaves. Mine seem to grow wider, but small leaves. Thanks a bunch. Please make daily content ❤❤ also all my aglaonemas are in Leca.


Hey uh a psa from the orchid community, we don’t use leca often. Very rarely in fact.


thanks for the information
I saw yesterday kill that plant video thumbnail and didn't know anything about leca


Your videos are sensible well explained!! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


I started using Leca about 6 months ago, and I am hooked!! It's so great ❤🌱


lecas like the bugatti of the plant world. everyone wants to have it but only some do. For me its because i have 0 idea but this was was helpful. Thank
