LECA Grows TWICE as FAST as SOIL #LECA #rareplants #plant

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🚀 Our FERTILIZER: LEAF LUX - i've never been more proud of a product


🪴 Gnat Resistant Aroid Mix [NEW RELEASE]

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I’ve use leca several times, but i never knew it was an acronym


Yes! I love leca, I use it for my orchids and bonsais! I boil it in a goodwill pot so I can reuse it. Leca really does provide excellent airflow and wicks water efficiently. You can keep the pot constantly moist with a dish of water because leca doesn’t break down, that means you can get away with overpotting.
Your plants can adapt to it, however there are some pitfalls.
Roots that didn’t grow into the leca will probably die from transplant shock, unless you make the change slowly. ( marsh plants will have an easier time adapting)
You have to keep leca wet constantly if it’s the sole medium.
Salt deposits show up when the pot dries up and can burn the roots.
You want to keep the stems / rhizomes dry, otherwise they will rot and kill your plant.
Lastly, leca is inert and doesn’t provide any nutrients to plants, so your plants depend on you for every nutrient if you pot it in leca alone!
There is a learning curve but when you get it right, your plants will grow like crazy! 👍🏼


Thank you for the LECA PLAYLIST. I learn so much from you🌿🤩🌿


I like leca to fill the bottom of my succulent type plants pots, mixed in all purpose, and absolutely works great for water propagating to hold cuttings in place. I also small like lava rocks for finer rooting plants. I sift them out my mixes, rinse, and reuse. That stuff is great.


I can attest to this, I had several monstera's in one pot, very juvenile... I put one in an aroid mix, two in soil with perlite, and one in leca. The leca one already gets fenestrations and big leaves, the other 3 plants maybe got 1 or two new very juvenile looking leaves.


I thought leca has serious ph problems and issues wicking water around making them essentially rocks and the plant has to then create deep roots that become water roots to get any water from the bottom reservoir. Which end up rotting for obvious reasons... Pretty much most orchid growers find it terrible for orchids and the only reason it got into the orchid community was influencer wrongfully praising it and making content. And people eating it up like candy.


Im curious cause I want to slowly switch into a leca but I also use a moss pole and I do not want to resign with it. My question and concern is if I use a wire mesh to build my moss pole is it good to put into a water with plant and fertilizer? I am worrying about the paint that is used to color the wire mesh that will by constantly under water. What do you think?


do u have a video explaining leca vs pon?(:


The leca at the plant stores near me is VERY expensive for what you get


when you use leca do you need to add other mix fo r the nutrition?


Hmmm... I've been debating about moving some of my plants over to leca. I wonder how my monstera would appreciate it.


It's false to say soil has slower growth. It's the opposite. LECA's advantage is that extra air reduces overwatering problems for newbs posing as experts, but the tradeoff is reduced fine root hairs, reduced mycorrhizal fungal root associations, and reduced nutrient uptake. For instance that banana plant has zero chance of ever growing even half as fast in LECA than it can grow in real soil. But as a baby plant grown in inappropriately low light indoors by beginners, then yes LECA reduces chance of root rot. For a real pro, it would be inconceivable to even consider stunting their plants with that stuff.


You put in an air rock in every plant pot?


Bro is acting like you cant make soil and it's a one size fits all. Lexa is nice no doubt about that, but dont act like its the best thing. Despite what he said, making soils is a thing.


I hate it. It sucks for everything I’ve ever tried to use it for. There’s always a better cheaper alternative.
