5 reasons why I gave up on LECA

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I still love LECA and semi-hydroponics, but through a series over oversights and poor choices, I just couldn't handle it anymore. I hope to try LECA again another day when I can do it in a much less time consuming way.

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Special thanks to Sheffield Made Plants, Pete vs Plants, and Plants & Tings for help with this.

Remember to check out Nora The LECA Queen if you want to start LECA the right way.


Love the interaction between you and other YouTubers. I watch Sheffield made plants (he’s local to me) but haven’t caught up with the others so thank you for the introductions! You are my favourite though! But don’t tell the others


I appreciate that you're so open and honest about your struggles.


Nora uses GT Foliage Focus which I buy from Amazon. Pretty sure you’re in the US also. Growing in Leca isn’t complicated. I have friends that just put the Leca/Pon in a jar & never flush. Just feed the plants an inorganic food and the algae is so thick you can’t see the water lever. Their plants are thriving in suboptimal conditions. I think some people just over complicate things unnecessarily.


I’ve been using Dynagrow Foliage and my plants have been thriving! It’s just one teaspoon per gallon .


That was great! Love seeing the two cameos at the end.


I just wanted to say that this channel has really helped me take better care of my houseplants.

Thanks for all that you do.


I always enjoy your videos! I love how instead of presuming to be some kind of perfect expert, you reveal the mistakes you've made and what you've learned from them (which is a huge part of growing plants!). It's very refreshing and enjoyable to watch.


I am glad I finally found your channel. No nonsense plant care advice with a sense of humor. Short, sweet, and to the point.😊


Reminder: its spring, the best time to take cuttings, propagate, obtain new plants and repot, they will make it the best now, especially picky ones. Remind your viewers about that, nobody should miss it.


Included my other 2 fave plant guys! Thanks for sharing your experience, it's greatly appreciated and helpful 🙂


Love it when other plant creators make cameos. Can't wait until you assemble your avengers


Your videos are MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!! I am so glad to see your subscribers rising!!!! ❤❤


I started with LECA last summer but after The Leca Queen experienced problem after problem with Alocasia, in a panic move I aborted my journey. The three or four plants in Leca were moved to water and perlite until suitable for soil.
Today I love LECA. I use it in my decorative pots/planters. I cover the bottom with single layer of Leca balls then place the plant/nursery pot inside.
I don't have the science behind it but know that my plants are responding positively to Leca or should I say, being raised by Leca.
Thanks for the updated video. I watched your video from a year ago " u are not ready for leca". Then I jumped into the Leca pool anyway. Guess experience is the best teacher.


General Hydroponics Maxi Gro is $20 for 2.2lbs in Canada. It's a dry 1-part, has cal-mag, 5.8-6.0 PH every time, and lasts longer than the GH 3-part kit which costs 2-3 times more.


Great one, thanks for the heads up on your LECA journey! Definetly something to think about. Loved the skits as well, you guys were hilarious. My experience with trading was pretty similar unfortunately, it's difficult to find someone who is willing to trade and if you find them you struggle to find the right plants to trade. Selling is just less laborious in my opinion.
Have a great one Lee 😊


Kinda counter intuitive, but I found leca works really well for succulents. I'm just using some random cactus fertilizer and I let it dry out completely


Yey! Collaboration with Richard! What a nice community, I love both of you! 😁


What a great, informative and fun video!


I found putting putting the clay balls mixed into the potting mix works alot better than just a standard Ariod mix, especially on plants with delicate roots. I don't do hydro with them at all as the summer months (I actually live in the same state Pete vs plants lives) keeping them hydrated is just impossible for me. However mixing it through the potting mix allows there to be gaps that the plants can snake around and excess water can just easily pass through without leaving the soil too damp. It's helped my Thai monsteras recover to do this after reciving them and having to regrow roots after root rot issues in normal aroid & perlite mixs just straight up almost killed them. It might not work for everyone, but all the plants I've changed over to this method have been doing great so far.
