Lycra is DESTROYING Cycling.

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Lycra is DESTROYING cycling, and we're talking about it in today's video. 🚲

Cycling is the best mode of transport ever invented. But the garish colours and tight-fitting elements of lycra may be destroying cycling.

Lycra was originally created for women's lingerie, but it was soon adopted for athletic wear.

The problem is many believe they have to be kitted out in lycra to even get on a bicycle. That is just not the case. You can wear whatever you want when you cycle.

Just remember to ensure your clothes aren't going to get stuck in your bike. Overall, comfort comes first and if you don't want to wear lycra when you cycle, that is more than okay! 🚴

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Рекомендации по теме

How does someone wearing lycra spoil someone else's bike ride? Just be friendly and courteous to others. That's all that matters.


I guess people haven't heard of Ali express, or many manufacturers who design inexpensive Lycra clothing. Anyone can generally get their hands on it to go cycling. There's no necessary reason to buy expensive outfits for riding, unless really needed, or desired.


Justifying lycra costumes is sad unless your professional, but they're all IT nerds.i like a frame of snooker but i don't go to the club with waist coat and bow tie.


For me I'm on guard against too much of the road cyclist "glam" image. I see it as pretentious where yes a guy has a road bike and he rides it, but he isn't out racing like most of us aren't. I ride my bikes for various purposes, one of which, a big one, is workouts so that means workout clothes not glam clothes. I don't even have any cycling specific clothes except my caps. The biggest problem is staying practical for the ride and still staying warm enough in shorts when winter closes in here. I can do it up to a point, then I'm either forced to discontinue rides or wear sweat pants and tie off. So that's where the spandex guys get me. They can keep riding when it's too cold for shorts and they have better pants for riding. But I simply hate the semi-sissy image of that so much that I just won't do it. It's like a guy wearing leotards! Plus I'd guess lots of them discontinue it anyway in colder areas. Also I think this lady is very much right about the image part whereby with all the glam clothes it looks like sport all the time, it looks elite all the time, it looks like narrow athletics all the time, and not practical. Besides the fifty year olds men looking kind of silly with it. It also looks dangerous with the combination of clothes and helmets and not approachable for normal people, where what we want to see are more people on bikes being healthy and doing practical things and wearing roughly normal clothes at it.


I hate seeing cyclists wear this. It's like they all want to be a part of an exclusive club, so they put on a idiotic uniform for it. I can't help but laugh at the Group of friends who wear the same colors. Oh how cute


Thank you so much, that was helpful :)


good info. a notch too preachy, rapha sells plenty of lycra


What clothes are recommended for sidewalks?


Flares aren’t that helpful an alternative🫡
