Practice Kendo At Home

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How do we practice kendo at home? What are the important things when you train kendo at home?

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Kendo training is similar to katana (sword) training. You can use the sword or bokken (bokuto) or shinai.

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Рекомендации по теме

The fact that he’s still liking comments 8 YEARS LATER😧 What a king


love the way he said "you don't need power yet, you need proper form"…….young grasshopper lol


When you have nothing to do in quarantine


Whenever I'm practicing, I always come back to this video. I find a lot of things I'm doing are actually wrong and I'm able to fix them before it's to late. I'm so thankful for this video.


This video literally improved my axe chopping ability. My blade bites a full 1/2 inch deeper into wood when I use my shoulders to snap the blade forward instead of my wrists. The way you explained this really makes it obvious: use the large muscles in the shoulder instead of the arms. Thanks for the lesson!


Fun fact: he is a demon slayer and his rank is hashira


You're welcome! Glad that it was helpful!


The one thing I've learned in this art is the basics will always be the best to master in order to have discipline


Gotta love this guy, It makes me smile everytime he says, "but we don't do that in Kendo"


When u wanna do kendo but u can't find a class also when your mom won't pay for it;-;


does the crooked outlet annoy anyone else


Other title: *how to do soul reaper training at home*


About time i find a video like this after destroying half of my room with ny bokken


Finally not some stupid american "ULTIMATE KATANA MASTER DESTRUCTION" wannabe on youtube who all western societies think is high and mighty, this man right here is the example to follow when practicing kendo


When people the just got done watching demon slayer like:👁👄👁


Me: Wants to try this “Kendo” stuff out...

My home: sorry I am toO SMOL


Oooh, look what a gem I managed to find...


Thanks to you i started practicing sports in general, i had real problems with my breathing in the past and when i started kendo at home it gave me a goal to start working on my breathing and after that i started jogging and swimming all this was thanks to kendo, i'll always be thankful to this video for making me care not only about kendo but about my health in general... it's been a year since i started and met some really cool people, it's just life changing.


Learning Kendo at home is so relaxing for me, It feels so amazing to do it knowing that I'm doing the right thing. Thank you for making this video and helping us learn!


I bought a bokken when I was about 14 and it has just been sitting there, I now bought a real Katana the other day but I know I need to practice with my wooden stick first.
