The Physics of Time | Robert Wright & Tim Maudlin [The Wright Show]

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0:39 Three fundamental questions about time
12:47 Revisiting the famous “twins paradox” thought experiment
20:45 Why Tim thinks mainstream physicists are wrong about time
36:42 Einstein and determinism
46:00 Why Einstein was wrong about quantum entanglement
64:26 Non-locality, the weirdest thing in physics

Recorded July 27, 2018

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That was pretty painful. I have heard Tim being interviewed several times. Nobody interrupted him as much as this guy did.


Why do an interview if you don’t let your guest finish answering the questions you ask them? If you want to hear yourself talk then just do solo videos.


Yes please stop interrupting. Thanks in advance.


I get why some wouldn't like the interview style but this made me laugh out loud at times. More important the interviewer asked all the right questions, getting to the point, with the right amount of skepticism in his voice. Most of these are way too polite and the interviewers don't want to admit confusion. This was great. Well done both of you.


I have to commend Tim on his patience. Also, Mr Wrights voice is very grating.


The host on the left is too loud in your earphones. The guest on the right is low on volume, speaks less and is interrupted by the host when the host is not distracted by something else.


Q. If nothing ever happened, no cause or effects, no events at all. Would time still exist? Or is time simply an artifact to measure a series of events as they occur?


I’ve enjoyed some or Maudlin’s lectures, but here he is making issues even more confusing than they need to be. He makes statements like “there is no such thing as velocity”, which is pointless statement when the interviewer clearly is referring to the relative rate of directional change between two observers.

Furthermore, he never says WHY Feynman was wrong about acceleration explaining why one twin is older than the other. If he has a better answer, I’d like to hear it.

Overall, he was extremely frustrating to listen to here. He seems more concerned with word definitions when he should have, as a philosopher, listened to Wittgenstein: meaning is use.


5:55 "Jules Verne". He means H.G. Wells.


Bob, I like your interviews, but on this one, you spent too much time trying to explain your understanding of physics instead of allowing your guest to provide information and his own expertise.


I am confused by two statements that seem to contradict. At 32:57 Maudlin says there is a mistaken belief that "motion is relative... and Newton could have told him it was false". Maudlin later says "There are no absolute velocities" . Doesn't the latter imply the former?


Proper time gives that foliation: how could anybody miss that is the real mistery...
Indeed, among other things, yes: the travelling twin gets into the future of the twin that stays.
(I am not allowed links here or I'd have attached a spacetime diagram.)


20:00 Ok in Planet of the Apes they come back after say 1 year and the world had gone through 3000 years. Einstein would say that is possible, wouldn't he? That is exactly the twin’s paradox.

Wouldn't you say that the astronauts came back to their future? Of course they exist in NOW, but 3000 years have elapsed.


Prof TMaud you enlighten me time doesn’t go forward and backward, it oscillates outward or inward and like on a river force pushing u forward or flowing down like in a whirlpool going

Also thanks for video, interrupting can stop train of thought and could be improved on, still a 8.5 out of 10 for me so thanks both of you.


Proper time, τ, is a very local phenomenon. τ time always advances at 1 sec / sec.
Dimensional time, t, is not the same. Many paths exist from (x, y, z, t) to (x, y, z, t'); the clocks going different paths take different times. Unlike distance where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, the straight path in which (x, y, z) never change as t does, takes the longest τ.
Think of τ emerging from each point at 1 sec / sec. The rate of this emergence is affected by the average density of all matter at that point. The average density of matter provides the shape of spacetime; there is an easiest way to go at each point.


Ok. I'm out of here. I just can't stand all this interruption. You're supposed to be interviewing Maudlin, man. Very poor. Very, very poor. It's like you're trying to strut your knowledge around or something. Here you've got a highly trained expert on the philosophy of science in the conversation and you're jumping him every time he doesn't say all the same things idiots off the street say.


I was watching to see what they have to say about time until they got to Twin Paradox. I had no hope that Roberts Wright to undrestand anything becuase he is lost in the basics it seems, but I hoped Tim Mudlin to say something meaningful. However I god disappointed that he neither undretands the meaning of this phenomena called Twin Paradox. It is a paradox simply becuase in relativity we cannot decide who is moving and who is stationary! As simple as that and as such it would be a PARADOX to say the one on Earth gets older.


I've watched multiple videos that show how acceleration explains the twin paradox. Tim has, once again, blown my mind.


Like many commentators stated, i also do think the host could have let the guest speak more instead of constant interruptions and long explanations of ones own confusions and thinking. Asking short questions and letting the guest talk would have done a better job.


Time exist and real in the conventional truth but it doesnt exist in the ultimate truth.just as we dont exist in the the ultimate sense.our body is like lego bricks forming a body but nobody can stop its disintegration when death can we say something exist as ultimate truth when every second our body is changing.
