Все публикации

Robert Lawrence Kuhn: A Landscape of Consciousness? Toward a Taxonomy of Explanations & Implications

Vedanta and the Hard Problem of Consciousness | Anand Vaidya Lecture

Chris Fields: What is a Theory of Consciousness for? Quantum Mechanics, Minds & Minimal Physicalism

Consciousness and its Physical Headset | Donald Hoffman Lecture

Murray Shanahan: What are Conscious Exotica? Consciousness, AI & the Space of Possible Minds

Explainable and Reliable AI and Autonomous Adaptive Intelligence | Stephen Grossberg Lecture

Terrence Deacon: Did Mind Emerge From Matter? Origin of Life, Causal Emergence, & Descartes' Shadow

Where Minds Come From: The Scaling of Collective Intelligence, AI, and You | Michael Levin Lecture

David Papineau: Is the Mind Just the Brain? Materialism & the Problem with Phenomenal Consciousness

Certainties & Surprises in Our Daily Lives: The Brain as a Prediction Machine | Karl Friston Lecture

The Reactivity Schema Theory of Consciousness | Keith Frankish Lecture

Federico Faggin: What is the One Consciousness? Bridging the Gap between Quantum & Classical Reality

Keith Frankish: What is Descartes' Prison? Illusionism as Intuition Pumps for Consciousness Theories

Tony Nader: Is Consciousness All There Is? The Field of All Possibilities & The Ultimate Singularity

Kabbalah & The Mind-Body Problem | Hyman Schipper Lecture

John Vervaeke: Can Science Untangle the World-Knot of Consciousness? Relevance Realization & Meaning

Michael Levin: What is Synthbiosis? Diverse Intelligence Beyond AI & The Space of Possible Minds

Roy Baumeister: Do Humans have Free Will? The Self, Ego Depletion Theory, Self Control & Willpower

Johnjoe McFadden: Is Consciousness an Electromagnetic Information Field? The CEMI Field Theory

Tevin Naidu: What is Consciousness? Theories of Consciousness & The Mind-Body Solution

Brian Keating: What is Space, Time, & Matter? The Origin & Evolution of the Universe

Curt Jaimungal: What is a Theory of Everything (ToE)? Theories of Everything /\ Mind-Body Solution

Stephen Law: Could God be Evil? Belief in the Supernatural & The Evil God Challenge

Ogi Ogas: Can this Unified Theory of Consciousness Explain all States of Mind? The Hard Problem