Queen Elizabeth death: The monarchy’s complicated legacy of colonialism and reconciliation

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In the wake of Queen Elizabeth II’s death, Indigenous peoples in Canada are speaking out about the community’s longstanding and deeply complex history with the monarchy. While headlines have by and large focused on tributes to the queen, her death has prompted a larger conversation.

For 70 years, the queen ruled as the constitutional head of Canada — making up almost half of the time period that Canada became its own nation. During that time period, Indigenous communities have faced some of the “worst and most draconian” policies in history, University of Manitoba Indigenous Studies Professor Niigaan Sinclair said.

And when it comes to the legacy she leaves behind, Sinclair points out that Indigenous people have called out to the queen during 22 national visits, and her "ambivalence" has left a “very lasting and painful legacy in Indigenous communities.”

RoseAnne Archibald, national chief of the Assembly of First Nations, tweeted in the aftermath of Her Majesty’s death that “As many mourn the passing of QEII, let’s remember that grief and accountability can exist in the same space, simultaneously.”

As for the new King Charles III’s ability to address Britain’s wrongdoings, how hopeful are these communities? Shallima Maharaj has more.

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The English took their Colonial responsibilities seriously, not like Dictators.
The English didn’t just take things they added things to the countries they explored.
When the British pulled out they left behind: Langauge, Legal System, Schools, Churches, Hospital’s, Government, Public Buildings, all still in use.
Ask Hong Kong how life is under the Chinese? Ask African Countries after the English, French, Belgians pulled out what happened.
The British gave the world Magna Carta, Free Speech, and End the Slave Trade. Produced the finest literature ever written. Many Empires have gone before, you will not see one so benign as the English.
The English were explorers, who spread democracy and Government to the World.
Reconciliation what the Native Chiefs do to balance their fat bank accounts.


People in Commonwealth countries want to keep ties with the Royal Family.
The Crown is not a dictatorship like China.


Quick question: why do all abused and tormented dogs and cats come from Indian reserves? Clean up your own backyards and wake the eff up!!


Wow how the word of complicated has been used as a cover, over the word atrocity.


The British Empire showed up and built civilizations. Prior to Europeans showing up, what was life like for these First Nations? These people hadn't even invented the wheel. They didn't have metal tools like axes and knives. They warred and skirmished with each other over territory and resources all the time. To sit there and pretend that the British didn't improve things when they showed up is asinine.


University Prof, Niigaan Sinclair should know better .
The Queen does did not rule as the Constitutional Head of Canada.
Prime Ministers recommended a Governor General to the Queen, who then approves the person .
Just as the Queen approved Mary Simon to be the Governor General .

The Queen would not dare interfere with internal Canadian issues .
The last time a Governor General interfered with Canadian politics was in 1926 with the King Byng affair
which created a Constitutional Crisis .

As the Governor General, Mary Simon holds the Executive Authority - She signs legislation to become law .
The Laurentian Elites would love to open up the Constitution and grab that power .

If anything the Governor General should have more authority - such as deciding when Parliament sits .
This would stop governments from delaying Parliament - then trying to rush through legislation
- while accusing the opposition of delaying it .



Yes well I do not deny their plight. Historically though look at the record of workhouses and indentured servitude in England it's not all racial it's economic and that legacy continues today look at the homeless and the poor and how they are degraded still. It's a hierarchy. Their idea of "reconciliation" is the expectation people bow and beg to them.


With the appointment and relationship that was building between the Queen and GG Mary Simon, I think that would be the first major step of the monarchy towards serious reconciliation. We forget that the Queen was not allowed to interfere with the Hose of Commons. No Head of state under this system is allowed to do this. The Head of State is also expected to honour the wishes of the PM and there is mutual guidance between them. However with the our current GG, I believe progress can be fell upon deaf ears despite how it seems. I firmly believe that within his ability to do so, and Canadas current commitments to Reconciliation, that King Charles, will continue in that spirit. I don;t believe that any of those call outs for help,


Reservation system must go, integrate into society or the disgusting drug abuse, animal abuse, and sexual assaults will continue among these people.

In addition, the indigoneous leader featured clearly hasn’t spent more than 10 minutes on an Indian reservation in his life.


Guide the people out of the mess oh my God you've ever been downtown Winnipeg the back lanes like garbage all over the place


What of the French, oh they killed there monarchy, so things are all now.
