Testosterone for women | Confidence in Menopause

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In this presentation, Dr Louise Newson looks at the role of the hormone testosterone throughout a woman’s body, the impact of menopause, and testosterone as a menopause treatment.

This presentation covers:
• About testosterone – is it just a male hormone?
• Why testosterone is a key hormone for women throughout the body
• Sex and the perimenopause and menopause
• Genitourinary syndrome of the menopause (GSM)
• NICE menopause guidelines covering testosterone and reduced sexual desire
• Physical and psychological symptoms of the perimenopause and menopause
• Hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)
• Common concerns and misconceptions around testosterone use
• Long term safety data, and Newson Health retrospective cohort study on testosterone
• Who should consider using testosterone?
• Preparations and dose, review and monitoring
• Testosterone for women in the UK: the current picture

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Dr. Louise Newson should win a Nobel Peace Prize for all she is doing for womankind. Her research and tactful delivery of solid evidence based scientific material (that the medical community and all women need to be made aware of) are truly superb. Thank you so much Dr. Newson for your dedication to improving health outcomes for women worldwide. You are appreciated greatly!


Thank you so much for what you do!!! Sincerely I appreciate your information so wholeheartedly! Since watching your videos, combined with my own research, I have been able to advocate for myself with my own doctors and help educate them regarding what I have learned. My health has improved significantly over the last 2 years and I just started testosterone so I hope that my wellness journey continues to improve. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


In the US, we have clinics that use a testosterone pellet where the dose is prepared for women. They also can do cream. Usually can’t get it from GP or OBGYN. Have to pay out of pocket.


This is helpful. Why don't the doctors know. Im getting the run around for a year


Wonderful presentation, thank you!! One day, it will be you shown on slides in a medical history lesson ❤️. What you’ve achieved in women’s health is truly remarkable and can’t thank you enough. I know it’s a bit weird to say this but, i really do love you!


That was one of the best videos addressing testosterone for woman that I’ve ever heard! Thank you ❤


I was lucky to get an apt with a menopause Dr. I am happy to use the men’s. I got 3 months worth to try . I also managed to get bio identical HRT before this ❤❤


After fifteen years post hysterectomy and experiencing every symptom on the list you described (hell) i finally have been able to get HRT (Divigel and testosterone cream from a compounding pharmacy). I’m angry it took so long to live healthy again and feel like the damage is done but better late than never to enjoy some life left and my grand children, husband, and love life again. It’s an absolute tragedy women have been treated as second class citizens to men. I’m so glad that women are now doctors and scientists in greater numbers because that’s what it took. The internet as well I credit for allowing women to share their horror stories and highlight this so we can all live a quality life. Thank you so much for your contribution to womankind. We are after all, one half the population of the earth and give birth to the other half.


Thank you SO much for all you are doing to help women Louise. Please can I ask, are all the GPs in your clinics fully up to date with all your research?


I just got some testosterone cream today! I'm so excited to see what happens. :)


Wonderful presentation, thank you for illuminating your knowledge on this important subject. I have also been looking at Dr. Rebecca Glaser's work, who claims estrodial cream coupled with testosterone might be considered before going on oral or hrt systemically delivered through the liver.


Wauw what a great presentation!!! Thank you


I’m looking for a good clinic in the uk that isn’t too expensive if anyone could recommend


My sleep anxiety come back again!!
It's crippling and debilitating I feel a overwhelming intense heat on my face, feel I can't breathe!
I've changed my hrt from patch to a gel as I wasn't absorbing well, my mireena coil is misplaced and awaiting for an op to remove it, I've been waiting for a year on the nhs!!!
I've been suggested to take utragestran 100mg, I'm to scared to take it by mouth as I'm progesterone intolerance as I've always suffered from pms .
So I've been using utragestran every other night vaginally, I get sore breasts and my anxiety come back worse than every😢
I feel lost with this debilitating SLEEP ANXIETY!❤
