What Does A Low Testosterone Level Mean In Menopause?

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What Does A Low Testosterone Level Mean In Menopause // Many women are surprised or worried about what their low testosterone levels mean at menopause. In this video, I answer the most common questions about low testosterone levels in women, including why this happens, what it means, and if you should treat it.

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What are your remaining questions about having a low testosterone level?


Libido is NOT the only thing testosterone is helpful for! Surgical menopause here - was on estrogen and progesterone (E helped hot flashes, moodiness; P helped with sleep). It was only after adding T that my world changed! My brain fog lifted, my joint aches went away, my strength and endurance came back, my ability to gain muscle and lose body fat (without changing my diet or workout) became almost effortless. The research is out there! Maybe physicians in this country need to pay attention to the information that is in other countries that SHOW the effectiveness of treating menopausal women (particularly those of us who have no ovaries) with testosterone as part of their bHRT/HRT protocols.


Risk factors for low testosterone in women are more than just low libido.
Other risks include sarcopenia and osteoperosis.


Wow, low libido is the least of my concern of low testosterone level. Shocked it's the only symptom mentioned.
Low testosterone causes crepey skin and fragile or thinning hair anong others


It’s also normal during menopause to have decreased estrogen but we replace it because it can prevent heart disease, Alzheimer’s and osteoporosis as well as help us feel better and preserve the functioning of many other organs from atrophy. My point is stating that testosterone is normal to be non existent in menopause is not a good answer. Does testosterone preserve muscle mass? What other things does testosterone do in the body? Treating symptoms is not good enough as we want to preserve organ function and have a good quality of life.


Having absolutely no libido, will probably cause a divorce. And depression. And I’m really surprised that more men doctors do not help their female patients with this problem.


You're really only addressing ONE symptom? I have LOW testosterone and a HIGH libido, but I feel terrible with low energy, low motivation, weight gain, mood swings, waking in the middle of the night, and super long recovery times when I exercise. Low testosterone is the only deficiency that's shown up on my bloodwork. While low libido may be ONE symptom for SOME people, this video is totally missing the mark on the VAST array of symptoms.


When your obese, your eyelids are so dry, that their cracking. When your body is exhausted and fatigued, to the point you can't get out of bed. Cold hands and feet but your sweating. You need testosterone treatment.


Woah. I was tolerant of this rather superficial vid until we got to “single”….hypoactive sexual whatever…”. What part of “not functioning at reasonable levels” does this dr not understand? I would hope that any professional I employed would understand that “sexuality” is not “are you married/ sleeping with someone etc etc…”. We’re talking about optimal brain function and neuroprotection. If your testosterone is bottomed out so that you don’t have the energy to exercise, clearly that’s more than low libido. That’s more like Peter Attia and longevity territory. Inactivity is a serious risk factor.


This is helpful. Could you make a video about DHEA. Also on a separate topic - adenomyosis, how to manage. Can't find much on the topic and management strategies.
Thanks a bunch!


Thank you helped me so much! I just received my test results yesterday and I am low in my Ts as a 44 year old woman. I decided yesterday to go with the gel because I am suffering with all of the issues you spoke about. So, thank you for the information you provided I feel for the first time since I have been feeling so crappy that there is actually hope. 🤞


I used to be very efficient and now it’s hard for me to get out of bed! I’m happy just can’t get myself going! My libido is not low, I just don’t feel like initiating like I used to. My health consultant friend showed me that sprinting, steak, sex, squats, sleep, sauna, sunlight and sea salt All increase testosterone! I’ve tried most and they do work ❤. Just getting myself to do them is the problem. I’m 57 and wondering if testosterone gel would help? Thank you


Thank you for this video. Could you perhaps do one on the role of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and its role in hormone replacement? I read that SHBG can rise with prolonged oral contraceptive use and then stay elevated forever, influencing the amount of replacement hormones that will be bioavailable in the body. On the other hand, there is information on “how to lower your SHBG”… 😁 Would love it if you could weigh in on this as a trusted source of information.


Please provide units of measure when you refer to hormone level values. Very helpful information. Thank you.


What’s your opinion on elevated SHBG levels? Is it important? Mine came back at 537 so I was really concerned.


Very good information! At the beginning she said it can help with osteoporosis, I wonder if prescribing it exclusively for low libido will prevent the rest of the women from benefiting from having stronger bones during old age


My wife uses the cream. She feels good with her testosterone at around 150ng/dl


I have low testosterone and experiencing hair loss. What should I do?


My total T is 11 and my free T is .1, so I’m guessing that is low. No wonder I feel horrible


Thank you so much for taking the time to make this video ❤
