SHBG, PCOS, and Testosterone in Women

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What is Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, and how is it related to testosterone, estrogen, and PCOS in women? SHBG is a glycoprotein which binds to estrogen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and testosterone. Essentially, SHBG is responsible for balancing these hormones (especially testosterone!) and transporting them to the tissues in your body!

So let’s talk about what causes high and low SHBG levels, symptoms and conditions that may be associated with these levels, and how you can optimize your SHBG levels to minimize your risk for insulin resistance and PCOS.

Follow me on Instagram: @dralexmayer

Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored and has been created with the intent of providing general educational information. Any such presentation of information by Dr. Alexandra Mayer is for general guidance is not intended to be nor should it be construed as the practice of medicine or specific medical advice. You should consult with your doctor to ensure that anything discussed in the video is right for you, given your unique set of health circumstances.
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Most of the vids about shbg are dudes looking to BOOST TESTOSTERONE, so thanks for providing this level headed and useful video :)


Just found out today my SHBG is over 200! I'm meeting with my doctor next week to find out what this means and what to do. I have many of the things you talked about in your video -- weight gain, changes in mood and focus, low muscle mass and low energy and I've taken HRT since my hysterectomy in 2017 as well as thyroid medication. I'm praying my doctor can help as I haven't felt like myself for such a long time. THANK YOU so much for your video! You've given me hope! Most of the videos out there talk about the effect of SHBG on men. It was so nice to finally find a video that talked about the effects it has on women.


Please make other videos on similar topics like estrogen dominance, how to increase progesterone and lower androgens for women with PCOS and endometriosis ! This video was great and super informative because nobody talks about! Thanks :)


My SHBG is quite high (175.4 nmol/l) since I started using Fo-Ti, DHT blocker and DIM. I am also doing intermittent fasting for a year, lost 5 kg too. I was losing a lot of hair, but finally this has been sorted. I am very happy!


Hello, thank you very much for your video !!! :)
First of all, I live in a small town in Belgium and all the doctors I consulted have no in-depth knowledge on the subject and never helped me. I always had to look for myself on the internet.
When I stopped taking the pill, I gained more than 15 kg. While I was on the pill, I was "thin", without any problems. I stopped for my health. Then, I had several problems that were triggered by stopping the pill, I had cysts on my ovaries, and many symptoms of PCOS. When I had my blood tests done, I always had a very high testosterone level. I can't get it down, but I eat very healthy (vegetal), I do sports, I don't smoke, I only drink water, I eat high protein meals, I take supplements, vitamins... I have a very healthy life. But still, I don't lose weight, I just get fatter and fatter...
It makes me very sad. So I thought I had PCOS. I had my blood work done again, and it tells me that my SHBG level is super high, twice the limit! And, my total testosterone is very very high. So, I go to an endocrinologist who just tells me that I have PCOS and there is no treatment for it. I came out very sad, I had no precise explanations, no help.
I do my research on the internet and I see that a high level means that we don't have PCOS.
So what exactly do I have?
How can I have too high a total testosterone level and too high a SHBG level? Is this possible?
How can I lower my testosterone and SHBG? Knowing that I haven't taken oral contraceptives for 4 years.
I don't know what to do to lose weight anymore, I am very unhappy and I don't have any help from any doctor...

My total testosterone level is 810 ng/l.
Free testosterone is 12ng/l. It is not too high, but not too low either...
Bound testosterone is 99%.
SHBG 131 nmol/L.

Could you please help me? Thank you very much!! :)

Have a nice day!
Best Regards,


Amazing video!!!! I’ve been struggling for sooo long and this video laid out everything I feel like I needed to know


Thank you for posting this! I was so confused by my test results and what it means for my body and I was getting very stressed about it while I wait for my appointment with my doctor, and this has helped me so much!


I like how you chuckle and say "that doesn't tell us much information" while not telling us much information😂
Never got a single number or approximation of what is considered optimal or ideal.


Is the video not going to say what would constitute a "low" number in a test?

It's maddening how you can't seem to find what IDEAL RANGE is and not just an average of what everyone's results are.


Wonderful content, great communication style!
So grateful to have found a doctor with a natural focus and holistic approach.
Do you offer telemedicine?


Hello Dr. Alexandra, I am curious about Stinging Nettle and it's affects with PCOS. You mentioned that nettle can help if you have high levels of SHBG. If you have PCOS you are experiencing low levels of SHBG, from research about stinging nettle, it is said that it can help with low levels of SHBG because it mops up excess androgens and estrogen. I bought a pound of stinging nettle and am feeling confused wither it will help me or increase my symptoms of PCOS. What are your thoughts?


Lovo the content, tho it was some what confuse.. a board would be a nice ideia to illustrate what you are talking about..


My SHBG is on borderline according to my test reports it is 47.1nmol/L at age of 20-24 is it normal please reply ?


He said my test is low is 14 I just started taking shots I am exhausted I am 30 and look 60 fr I am taking a million supplements going crazy these shots are new but I’m getting confused between adrenal fatigue and the sex binding hormone and pcos


My SHBG has been high for at least two years! I have been having all sorts of unexplainable symptoms. I was told to take my oral HRT and don’t worry about the SHBG lab. I am stopping HRT and maybe thyroid medication. Still processing where or who to go to next to get this addressed? Thank you!


Yes just got them 2 weeks ago. My Free testosterone 5.0
Shbg 25
Testosterone 26
DHEA 203
Estradiol 26
Progesterone 22.4
C Reactive 34.6 I currently am taking 400 MG of progesterone at night. I will increase my consumption of green tea. I love it.


I'm on no estrogen or birth control and and my SHBG is high. I'm on thyroid medication though. How do I lower this?


I experienced the issue with a high cortisol what hugely impacted my shbg and it always used to


I have PCOS (Menopause, 56 years) and very low shbg. What can I do to increase it. I can feel the testosterone on my hair follicles.


My free and total testosterone was in normal range and my Shbg too but on the lower spectrum but my Bioavailable testosterone was HIGH . What does it mean? I was brushed off by the gynecologist
