Struggling With Sin

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The question I am asked most in private is, "Why do I still sin even though I am a Christian and will I lose my salvation if I cannot stop?"
This is a video answer to a struggle every Christian faces.

Music Credits:
Audiomachine - Transcendence
Audiomachine - The Last One
Audiomachine - Final Hope
Audiomachine - Maya

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"You cannot get yourself good so God will love you, you can only give yourself to God, so He can make you good." I like that. In my scrapbook.


bro or who ever made this video, thank you. but above all I thank God for answering me tonight. I know understand and accept the fact that I am a sinner who needs gods help to overcome my sinful nature. praise be to Jesus. Amen.


Watching this 6 years later and realizing that IP's videos have always been epic


Not gonna lie. . . made me cry.  God bless you IP.


Thank you. Before your channel i would constantly question god's existance. and your videos not only helped me believe, but it helped me know him. Thank you ip.
Keep up the good work!
Happy New Year Btw.


Jesus died for my past, present and future sins, thank you Lord!


Inspiring video. I've been a Christian for little over half a year, and I realize I still struggle with sin. We all do. My problem is that I know it is wrong, but can't help but do it. But I must realize that Christianity is about admitting you are a sinner and need Jesus to be saved from it.

The car rage thing you talked about was a great example, I struggle with that too. Sometimes I feel like I become a different person when I get into my car. But as you said, the key is focusing on Christ and what He has done for me, then over time it will transform me. The thing is that the 'fruit' need time to grow, but I believe it will. I'll remember this every time I drive.


Thank you so much! I needed this! I really needed this! I questioned either If I am truly saved or not so many times because I just can't seem to get over a certain sin. But you helped me see things more clearly inspiring philosophy. Thank you.


That passage in Romans 7 is the very passage that brought me to Christ almost 3 years ago now. God bless you for making this video friend! :-)


What a video! I had tears streaming down my eyes while watching, and I am not the type to readily admit this kind of thing. What a relief; to know that God loves us first, and then makes us good. We don't have to earn His love. Intellectually, I suppose anyone, when pressed, would conclude the same thing (otherwise our situation is hopeless), but who actually lives that way. We all try to earn our way in. But there is no earning our way in; no way. Thanks for making. I mean it when I say that this is video, when taken seriously, can change someone's life.


Thank you for citing Romans 7 and seeing it for what it really says. Paul, mature in walk still struggled with the flesh. I often turn to this passage whenever I sin or struggling with something fleshly.


this video made me cry
So true, Everything is true
I mean, I struggle with Sin day after day,
i hate my Sin
its not the Kind of Sin that i can stop like somebody would with Pornography and stuff like that, Its with the mind itself, And Ive been praying to change my ways because i felt Unworthy, After watching this, I felt so reassured, Doesn't mean im gonna stop fighting against my flesh


Thank you for this. Again you have addressed an important and complex issue. This is a question I hear quite often as a pastor. I am going to share this with my entire congregation. I believe this will be very helpful to many people struggling with this question.

Grace and peace.


Thank you very much for posting this video. It is exactly what I need, since I kept trying so hard for years to be a good Christian. I never stopped condemning myself for any detailed wrongdoing I had and asked for forgiveness. I tried so hard that everyone else thought I am a spiritual figure. But only I know that under my almost perfect Christian mask, a starving and frightening soul never stopped wandering. I felt so tired, and disappointed, because no matter how hard I tried, things just could not be the way I wanted. I hated myself more than any other people, I could not accept a so ugly and imperfect me for years... This does impact my relationship with the people I love. Because I feel so insecure that I could not trust people easily and that brought them really dreadful hurt. I always asked myself, "What are you doing here? You are an accident!" Your video really drove my tears out. I began to realize something. And I hope this time, I can really rest in Christ's grace and glory. 😊


Thank you so much. I really needed this video. Just today I was having this difficult bout of hopelessness over my sin. I couldn't do anything but worry about it and feel like this failure.

Many times I have this fear of going out into the real world and people basically rejecting me for being a Christian and not being perfect. That they'd misinterpret Christianity as "how to be perfect in 12 steps", and so if I said something about this or that being sinful or there being wrong with anything in the world they'd call me a hypocrite if they knew about my own struggles. I think that's why Christianity is disliked so much--it says that nothing is impossible with God. People would rather just accept the impossible and ignore sin. They'd rather just have a Christianity that is summed up with "God makes sure that I'm happy" and ignore sin altogether. They'd rather say it doesn't exist because if they acknowledged it then they'd have to feel convicted by it and then try and give it up, which they think is impossible.

Granted, it's not easy. But you're right, the best thing a Christian can do for themselves is realize that the Spirit's work is a gradual transformation, a learning experience. For me, it's brought a lot of pain, and quite honestly there are times I wish I was completely ignorant of sin and Christianity in general. I could go on doing what I wanted to and not worry about it so much like I'm doing now. But then I would live in ignorance of my problems until they had some terrible consequences.

It ultimately comes down to whether or not you are willing to give it all up and undo everything bad about yourself, or whether you'd rather just stay that way. Frankly, staying that way is much easier and maybe even more fun. Worldliness just seems too attractive, and getting rid of it is hard. But realizing that you are not your deeds and desires, and that you are a person beyond that with infinite worth to God, is worth the pain, when you learn to rise above it.

Please pray for me, and again thank you so much for making this :)


I did not take IP as the type that listens to metal. That made me laugh a bit. Ya but thanks for the video. Your videos really help me.


This teared me up. Thank you for the videos you make, and praise Jesus.


BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED. Not because of what you do but because of what HE has DONE


I know this is an older video but I really really needed to hear this. It's been a very inspiring and eye opening week for me. Started very dismal but transformed into something positive and this was the perfect video to wrap up the week in preparation for the new week ahead. Thank you and God bless.


i grew up in a legalistic church.. and carry the burdens today, at the age 60! I know its by HIS GRACE AND LOVE that i shall make it to heaven.. great video and narration
