Hit a PLATEAU?? How To Start Losing Fat Again

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Hit a PLATEAU?? How To Start Losing Fat Again

There is a huuuuuge mistake people make when they hit a plateau 😮

A lot of the time, someone suddenly stops seeing changes, likely after a period of seeing changes fairly quickly.

This is SUPER FRUSTRATING, so a lot of the time, people will start to change too many things, too quickly, only to make matters MORE difficult for themselves.

This is what I like to call, “The Guessing Game Strategy”.

The problem here is, you can’t guess your way to your dream body!

When it comes to adjusting your routine to accelerate results, there are MANY different steps you can take.

But you need to make sure you’re strategic with these changes or you may find yourself taking an extreme approach, which is when things REALLY start to go downhill. 😱

When this happens, you start to feel like your motivation is dwindling into nothing and you think you’re not cut out for this...

… In reality, you’re making INCORRECT changes or TOO DRASTIC changes.

Which makes things WAY more difficult than necessary!

Sometimes, the answer IS to lower calories and increase activity. 🤷‍♀️

Other times, the answer is to INCREASE calories and DECREASE activity. 😮

Sometimes a diet break is needed.

Or perhaps a refeed, carb cycling, or a reverse diet.

It depends on so many different factors and is VERY individualized.

It’s not something you can just quickly figure out, a ton of background is needed such as:

-how long you’ve been on your current amount of calories,
-how consistent you’ve been,
-how you’re feeling,
-energy levels,
-how have your workouts been,
-past dieting history,
...and SO many more things.

Once you start to do things properly, you don’t feel like you need super human levels of motivation to make progress, because things will feel LESS difficult.

So remember:

DO NOT follow The ‘Guessing Game’ Strategy

Instead, follow a Personalized Plan of Action 😎

Follow me!!

Instagram: @Lauragfit

Рекомендации по теме

The plateau where you got this word sounds beautiful. In the disease there are the words crisis, i.e. the rise of the disease, the decline of the disease and remission, weakening or decrease. Those. the process of movement of disease or recovery. Plateau geographical designation (fr. Plateau, from plat - "flat") - an elevated plain with a flat or wavy, weakly divided surface, bounded by distinct ledges from the neighboring plain spaces of the earth's surface. The plateau does not have movement because it is a plane. displacement due to the shift of tectonic plates. We are constantly on it on the plateau. It does not rise and fall. I did not understand. What does medicine and geography do. There is a name stable remission. Reconvalescence is a recovery process. normal life of the body after an illness. Stable (lat. Equilibrium) state of health. Have not tried to repeat the textbook of geography..
The geographic society can sue you for illegal use of the geographic designation of the plateau


all that you really need to do to start losing fat again after a plateau is to start being active again through exercise, sports, or general activity, and making sure you are in a caloric deficit again. If your goal is different, then just change what you are doing so you can achieve that goal. 💪👍✌🤙🤘
