AI and Filmmaking

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The problem is, the world is already drowning in content. AI is going to pump out enormous quantities of everything. There are not enough bored, human eyeballs in the world to possibly watch it all. Each film that is created will be a needle in a haystack the size of Mount Everest.


Studio executive attempting to replace everyone with A.I. but ends up just replacing themselves also sounds like a great premise for a Twilight Zone or Black Mirror episode.


I love how Airhead feels like watching a bunch of unrelated stock footage featuring the same model. Really makes you feel your limited time on this earth slip away pointlessly.


All I can think of is what Francis Ford Coppola said when the first Avatar came out - technology can surely enhance the experience but the only thing that will change cinema or push the medium forward is storytelling that is new, original and true to each generation.


When I first saw that AI "film" I immediately knew why they used that balloon head character. The AI can't consistently generate the same main character scene by scene.


All the ethics aside. This stuff will probably result in an onslaught of so much new content that audiences will become overwhelmed and nearly impossible to impress.


Just a few years ago the anime Carol and Tuesday portrayed a future where all music is written by AI, and then this duo comes along and write their own songs and everyone is like
It seemed silly at the time, but I guess they knew where the wind was blowing.


That one scene in The Incredibles of syndrome explaining how he will sell his inventions to people so they can all be super is how I feel about AI content. "And when everyone's super no one will be."


I don’t believe that people who argue for, like and make ai “movies” are even interested in making movies in the first place. At the end of the day people who make movies make them because they like making it, a ai movie takes all the pure love of the craft out of it


Was listening to this while eating lunch. 8:00 hit pretty hard lol. Yeah, generative AI is a product of a consumption based media landscape. It will absolutely worsen the situation: but we already live in a consumption based society, and art still lives. It still fights, and people care about it. And it will, and they will, for as long as humans have a desire to hear stories, to empathize, to imagine.
At the same time, I was hoping this trend of shallow and boring media would end, or at least decrease. At this point, it's clear to me that we're stuck now, there's no going back. As long as slop is easy and cheap to make, it will be made. Until eventually we all live in a junk-food dystopia.


I’ve noticed a huge correlation between AI bros and guys who have never had a creative thought in their life. That Venn diagram is one circle.


Great overview. As someone who spends 200+ hours/ video researching, writing and manually painting digital artwork with a stylus, the distinction between intentional art and algorithm is the thing I want people to appreciate. 3D printers can make far more realistic statues than Michelangelo’s David, and I’m utterly uninterested in all of them.


Painters and illustratiors have been on the forefront of this dillema for over a year now. There is a number of people who dont understand what "soul" is, or what it means for a project to have passion or love put into it. These people will continue to press on with advancing text to image, text to music and text to video until one day, they will wonder why no movies, games or stories effect them like they used to. Why everything feels so derivative and shallow.

The process of creating something imbunes the product with something from its creator. Its the mistakes or unique choices that often make things enjoyable to experience. Without that touch, the work becomes empty at the core with no soul, and leaves you feeling nothing after " consuming" it


There was one AI short that I saw where one of its scenes was blatantly just copying that one Leonardo DiCaprio fireworks scene in The Great Gatsby. Every action, every gesture, even the framing was the exact same. I think that tells me a lot about these AI


Rewatching this in 10 years will be so fulfilling.


I‘m happy as long as AI movies are bad. I‘m getting worried when AI “art“ is starting to get good. As an artist myself a future where AI has taken over the entertainment industry is one of the most terrifying dystopias I can imagine


For me it’s like having symptoms of the flu vs actually having the flu. The AI has symptoms of being a film, it is literally a moving image with sound - but is not actually a film, no creative decisions inspire any part of its makeup.


I find it funny how people will praise these fully-AI "movie" on Twitter, then complain about modern blockbusters being written by AI when they don't like them.


Automation is great for doing the jobs that people don’t enjoy/get fulfillment out of doing. When people praise AI’s replication of art, it communicates to me that they see the process of creating art as pointless and inconsequential


It’s also so fitting that an AI might see a human head as a balloon with nothing in it
