Who is A.I. art actually for? #ai #filmmaking #aiart

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Short edited by Benjamin Collins



Patrick Willems
P.O. Box 380333
Brooklyn, NY 11238
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I saw it put best as “AI accidentally made me believe in the concept of a human soul by showing me what art looks like without it.”


Why would I read a book nobody bothered to write?

Why would I watch a movie nobody cared enough about to film?

Why would I view a piece of artwork nobody wanted to draw?


The irony with A.I is that the people most enthusiastic about it is the same people least equipped to use it well. They are seriously just trying to replace their ghost artists.


Problem is AI lacks creativity and actual intelligence for creative problem solving. That's why continuity is such an issue because it doesn't really understand what the fck is happening, it just produces.


"AI democratises movie making, now everyone can do it!"
No. It automatises it. Do you want to know what democratises it? The camera on every phone!


EXACTLY THIS. These are also the same lazy people who think nothing of using their _fake_ A.I. to enter contests competing against REAL artists who have actually worked hard to hone their talents. Most of them are talentless, but some of them actually DO have some sort of artistic abilities (whether in pen/pencil/paint, physical media, music, architecture, fashion, filmmaking, etc) but are too lazy to do anything with it, and they see A.I. as a shortcut. Even now I see people in this comment section giving weak arguments on why they feel that A.I. is useful. And all they give are selfish reasons that boil down to laziness, or cheapness in not wanting to commission an actual artist. So instead they STEAL that artist's work by feeding it to their A.I. program to "train" that A.I. to mimic the REAL artists they are trying to copy.

These are the very same people who flock to the comment section under art videos to BERATE and BELITTLE artists and call us "selfish". They are also the same people who enter art contests using their FAKE A.I. art and see nothing wrong with competing against the REAL artists who they have STOLEN from (i.e., used their style and works to "train" their A.I. program to draw.) These are the same people who use A.I. to do deepfake videos of celebrities, using their artificial voices to say or sing anything they desire. A.I. is an abomination in the hands of certain people. This was never something that should have been released to the public. This goes beyond people using A.I. for movie-making, music making, or illustration making. There is real danger in it's mimicry.


Being an aspiring filmmaker and an artist now is maddening, because dealing with techbros telling me all about how I should use AI is so annoying. I’m trying to work to make something worthwhile, something that makes me happy, and instead you want me to use this vapid program with no soul, that can’t generate any sort of continuity, even? It’s ridiculous. Not that any of it matters, really. It’s just a general nuisance. Can’t wait for the trend to die out and for AI to move on to more useful things.


"Replace newspapers with your own personalized open source AI. Do the same for Hollywood. End remote control of minds. Now the user decides, not a media corporation."

Then that AI will become your own personal echo chamber. It will only say what you want to hear, confirming things that you already believe, never disagreeing with you. That already happens to some extent with how social media algorithm works, but for it to be 100% of how you get information, it sounds terrifying. I would not want to live in a world where my ideas are never challenged.


The people I see experimenting with AI the most are artists themselves — 3D modelers, photographers, motion designers, etc. — curious about emerging technology. Anyone who's been to Adobe MAX knows that it's creatives; not tech bros playing with this stuff.


I would really like people that don't consider themselves artist, don't think about art that much, or simply are not interested in the ethical discussion, to be more empathetic with artists and why they are against generative A.I.


A.I. art is some of the most banal, soulless, vapid things to come to the artistic fields. There's something so inherently uncanny and inhuman about it. There's something to be said about the people who enjoy it with no critique or resistance. These people never actually understood the value and meaning of art, they only have ever had a tertiary and surface level appreciation of it. It says a lot.


Bro, nukes are against Geneva conventions!


“If everyones super, no one will be” ahh tech bros


A.I can be an excellent tool... should never be a replacement/substitution for an entire process.


An enormous part of looking at art is experiencing the fascination of looking through someone else's eyes. Seems we can only be enthralled so long by looking into a kaleidoscope.


Which makes It extra sad when real artist (like the voidz or tears for fears) blatantly use AI generated images as album covers.


The problem is AI, even AI intended for creative purposes, can’t invent something new. It’s just an advanced version of predictive text, giving you the most statistically likely answer it can generate. And even if you make the argument that all art is in some way inspired or influenced by other art, AI can’t synthesize creative inspiration with the same nuance and intention that a human mind can.


Bro literally dropped a diss track without any song or music.


AI 'art' can't exist without stealing work from real artists. It's not me saying but all the CEO pleading with congress to let them keep stealing so they can keep their grift afloat a few more weeks


And the higher ups at tons of studies and businesses took the bait. Many artists have already been let go in anticipation of technology. All of the sites we use to post and communicate have announced they've been feeding art and content to AI companies without giving us a choice to withdraw our work until after the fact.
It's been a devastating and exhausting year.
