7 Things That Tell Men You Have Class - Women MUST WATCH

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7 Things That Tell Men You Have Class - Dating Advice for Women

Ever wondered why men pay attention to whether a woman has class?
It's more than just appearances or social status—it's about the deeper qualities that radiate from within. As a Relationship coach, I've seen firsthand in relationships how men are drawn to women who possess certain intangible qualities that signify class. Join me as we explore why class matters and how you can embody these traits to attract the right kind of attention from men.

00:00 Topic Summary
00:57 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 01
01:59 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 02
02:40 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 03
03:18 Quick Dating Advice for Women
03:52 Things That Tell Men You Have Class04
04:34 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 05
05:32 Quick Dating Advice for Women
06:10 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 06
07:03 Things That Tell Men You Have Class 07
07:42 Closing

01. Emotional Maturity
Men seek healthy relationships, and emotional maturity fosters stability and effective communication. Handling emotions with grace impresses a man, making him feel you're ahead in emotional intelligence.

02. Pride
How you care for possessions reflects class. Tending to your belongings signals diligence and effort, qualities vital in sustaining relationships.

03. Resilience
Life throws curveballs, and handling them gracefully impresses a man. Showing resilience amidst challenges demonstrates strength and capability.

04. Respect
Demonstrating respect for others showcases your character. Good manners and consideration make a man envision a respectful and caring partner.

05. Modesty
A classy woman exudes confidence without flaunting assets. Leaving something to the imagination ignites attraction and mystery, fostering intrigue.

06. Kindness
Kindness extends beyond romantic relationships. Treating others reflects your character, drawing a man to your compassionate and empathetic nature.

07. Independence
An independent woman values self-sufficiency, enhancing her life with goals and ambitions. Maintaining independence while sharing life with a partner enriches relationships.

These 7 traits signify personal growth. Cultivating class isn't about superiority but creating magnetic energy that attracts men. Focus on self-improvement first.

Ismael Gomez III
I'm a Cuban - American Relationship Coach, Author, and Speaker.


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It takes a man of class to appreciate a woman of class.


Classy women

1. Emotional maturity
2. Pride (take care of oneself)
3. Resilience
4.Respect -self respect
5. Modesty- mystery
6. Kindness
7. Independence


Young women: invest in your growth in all areas, invest in your career, your education, your physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial health, and focus on yourself and your self-love. What you think about yourself is what is important. YOU are the one assessing men; do not settle or wait for men to assess you and choose you. Value yourself and be authentic; do not play the game of trying to make men or any person happy.


Young woman: my best advice: dont lost yourself for a guy... The correct one will love you as you are❤


Excellent tips! As a woman I've learned that religion plays a big part too. When she's close to God and puts Him first she is worth keeping and fighting for. We all have a purpose in life beyond just finding someone, getting married, and raising a family. When you put God first He will give you that wholeness you've been searching for. A man can't complete a woman and a woman can't complete a man. Only God can.


Class is not swearing and behaving like a bogan. Class is being diplomatic and staying above the insults of others.


Things a woman appreciates about a man—shows he has class. 1. Opens car door. 2. Does not expel gas while he walks around the car to driver side. 3. Picks me up at my door with classy clothes on. 3. He doesn’t leave junk in the floorboard. 4. Picks up the check and leaves a good tip. 5. Doesn’t flirt with waitress or any other woman or especially a man 6. Doesn’t ditch me to go off to do something that I don’t do —like rock climbing. 7. Good hygiene and good sense of humor —total turn off is laziness and rudeness to me or others.


i am all of these yet he never hesitated in breaking my heart by going with a lower class woman. still healing...


I respect all the advice here but still it's in the eyes of the beholder, its in their personality preferences.. we can't say that men like these or that, different people, different preferences. Some like shy some find it boring. All I can say as a woman is just BE YOURSELF and whoever accepts you of who u are is your right guy.


i'm not even sure if most of us need to "change" so much-except when change means to really start caring more for our souls, loving life and living according to our values. The rest will follow


1) Emotional maturity. Can you control your emotions and express them.
2) Pride. How.you take care of your body, home, car.
3) Resilience. Can you keep a clear head in the face of adversity?.
4) Respectful of others
5) Modesty. Leaving things to the imagination physically and emotionally.
6) Kindness.
7) Independence


I've observed when women are smart, friendly, beautiful, tasteful, hard-working w/aspirations, well-grounded, connected to God, family & friends, (makes friends easily w/long-term friends, ) ... sometimes the wrong guys are attracted to this as a "challenge." Not sure how that 'fits, ' nor WHY that happens if all you mention above is accurate?


You left out one vital point, spiritual strength.


I loved the analogy of eating at a restaurant vs buffet. Very good video. Not sure why it popped up on my feed but I enjoyed it 🤷‍♀️


This is the best advice coming from a man I’ve heard 2024. Social media has distorted the message we communicate with our outer appearance and superficiality of status. That’s not attraction that leads to the essence of a loving relationship❤


Thank you for your explicit guidance Ismael once again ❤️


Hello Ismael. I discovered your channel not much time ago and I'm glad I did. Your content is so interesting, useful, synthetic, gets straight to the point, not too long videous so one can't lose the concentration and you convey authenticity, sincerity. Thank you.


My new man says I have class! I didn't even realise. But I AM these things. 😍


Thank you for all of your informative videos. At 60 I finally met the man of my dreams and appreciate any information to help our budding relationship. ❤❤❤
