5 Attractive Things That Tell Men You Have Class | Relationship Advice for Women by Mat Boggs

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Mat Boggs shares relationship advice for women and 5 attractive things that tell men you have class.

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What are the things that you can do when you are with a man that can clearly demonstrate that you are a woman of class?

When you’re with a man, based on how you’re behaving, based on how you show up, he’s making an assessment as to whether or not you are a long-term partner for him or whether he’s just going to decide to casually date you.

Today I’m going to use the acronym C.L.A.S.S. to share five things you can do to show your man you have class!


3 Things You Can Say To Make Him Feel Like a Man

5 Things Never to Say When Fighting (How To Communicate)

What to Say When a "Vanisher" Comes Back


7 (FALSE!) Reasons You're Still Single

Funny First Date Story! Gotta hear this?

What NOT to do on a First Date (Strange But True)


Why he acts interested, then disappears? (The inside answer most don't know)

Scared of getting hurt again? Use this mindset:

When Should You Sleep With Him?

The Kind of Confidence Men Find Sexy

5 Unusual Signs Your Man is into You!

How to tell if he is emotionally available


3 Affirmations to Attract Love

3 Ways to Create More Self-Love

Uncool is the New Cool (5 "Uncool" Things I Do)



Mat Boggs Bio:

As a sought-after dating and relationship coach for women and international speaker, Mat Boggs has helped thousands of women understand men, improve their relationships, and attract the relationship they want.

As the best-selling author of Project Everlasting, and creator of Cracking The Man Code, Mat Boggs? dating and relationship advice has been featured on national media including The Today Show, CNN, Headline News, Oprah and Friends, and many more.

Mat's Mission: To increase love in the world, one heart at a time.

As a dating coach for women, Mat believes that your history does not determine your destiny, and that you are more powerful than any circumstance you are facing. The relationship dream in your heart really can become the life you love living!

Mat Boggs highly acclaimed relationship programs have served women around the world in all age groups.

Directed and Editing By: Luke Dejoras
Written By: Mathew Boggs

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Dating Advice For Women
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Dating, Relationships, understanding men, Dating Advice, Love Advice Relationship Advice, How Men Think, What Men Want, What attracts men, How to attract a man, how to create lasting love, how to know if he likes you, signs your man likes you.

#DatingAdvice #MatBoggs #RelationshipAdvice
Рекомендации по теме

Very good advice. When I was single I had decided that, as a Christian woman, I was not going to share my body with a guy until we were married. That filtered out a lot of guys, even in the Christian community, , but I didn't compromise and I met a guy with the same values. We have been married 21 years. Don't compromise on your values.


My mother taught me: "Most things in life are irritations, just irritations. Deal with it, walk away and forget it. Save your anger for what is really important." All of these years later, I can't recall the last time I was angry. But also, I don't live with resentment, bitterness or recrimation. Because, as Mom said, I deal, as Mom did, with forthright, direct honesty. Many people have complimented me on the calm and yes, classy, way that I handle difficult situations. Thanks Mom!


C. L. A. S. S.
1. Confidence.
2. Lives above the line.
3. Accountable.
4. Self respect and respect for others.
5. Style without being self consumed.


Ladies, please don't forget that these qualities are required in men who ask to date you, too.


For me etiquette is very classy. Someone who says please, thank you, will/would you mind, I’d love, and so on. This demonstrates to me the person is aware that they have a responsibility to others in their own behaviors and that kindness matters. Etiquette is a great social lubricant! 😊


“A weak mind is quick to anger. A strong mind is quick to love and forgive.” Perfectly said. Great tips, as always.


“A confident woman isn’t afraid of scaring off the ‘wrong’ guy in order to attract the ‘right’ minds are quick to ANGER, strong minds are quick to LOVE.”——pearls of wisdom👍🏻 I so appreciate the insight and perspective you share on this channel Matt, thank you! 👏🏻


My husband giggled when I told him my grandfather told me the key to finding a good man. "Give him nothing and he can't get enough. Like a great mystery book." Bless his soul, he was right, my wonderful man was hooked for 6 yrs. We were neighbors and great friends. Now we are even better together.


2. Respect for myself and others
3. Kindness
4. Compassionate
5. Does not boast of self
6. Selfcontrol
7. Humple
8. Forgiving
9. Good listener
10. Not worry about what others think of me.
11. Decisive
12. Know what I want and where I stand
13. Walk away from an arqument.
14. Never ever stoop to anyone's level
15. Always positive not matter how hopeless a situation is because there is always a solution for everything.


The mistake I used to make was to tell a guy, I would pay for my meal on the first date. I found out that is a masculine behavior on a woman’s part. I learned to shut up and not to offer and let him be the man. Also if he does ask you to pay. Say of course. Pay leave a tip, and never go out with him again.


The real classy woman is the one who you could go through any type of adversities with. The real class is revealed only in the face of challenges and troubles. As it is very easy to be calm, charming, well mannered and so when your life is fine in general. Yet, the real personality is tested in the critical situations only.


Classy to me starts with honesty. It also includes loyalty, discipline, empathy, curiosity, the ability to listen and to stick to your values and walk the talk.


As a former waitress of many years, I am quiet when in a restaurant and watch the way that my date responds to the wait staff. One can almost always pick up on other's personalities via watching the way that they interact with those whom they claim are there to serve them. Excellent video!!


Your story of the cranky waitress, and your dates poor reaction to her, made me think of an experience of my own. When I was 17 and working at Mcdonalds, we had a regular guest who would yell, belittle, and just be rude in so many ways. I was training a new girl, and this regular guest came up in her line. After the encounter the new girl started to cry as she was talking to me about the experience. Knowing that the guest was within ear shot, I said in a loud clear voice. "Your doing great it's your first day. She is like that to EVERYONE. She may be going through a difficult time in her life right now and WE MAY be the only bit of kindness she gets." Every time I saw this guest after that she had a huge smile on her face, called me sweetheart and sweetie, and opened up to me about recently loosing her husband and how she has two teenage boys to deal with alone. The guest opened up to me more and more each time we spoke. My only regret now upon reflection, is that I didn't see it sooner and reach out to her. I'm sorry that the new girl had to go through that, But the point is, how we react can be lovely, or ugly, because it influences change toward a greater beauty or something more vile.


A lady at Walmart was crying because a customer screamed at her. I gave her comfort and encouragement, a hug. I think it did help. I believe it's classy to be a person who practices what you preach. I do try to be this way. I try to be kind and understanding but still take care of my families needs too. It's always classy to really know Jesus Christ.


Classy women respect the man’s time. They don’t text him all day long, just to sound needy.
In addition, classy women never chase a guy nor strike up drama. They don’t flirt with other guys when dating another. She sets her boundaries, and if he walks away or ghosts, she walks away. Never settle for such disrespect.


I am now 70 years of age and class has also meant being gracious, in addition to your lovely list. Graciousness means being willing to help others by being attentive, caring and kind.


I think being classy is by having boundaries. When a woman sets certain standards that a man needs to achieve in order to be fully be with her shows that the woman is of high value. By making yourself accesible to men truly digrades a woman's elegance and men are more likely to see her as a pushover than a woman of high value.


I’ve been married for 32 years, I cherish my husband, and so I appreciate this video because I still want him to want me and I don’t want to take him for granted, thank you so much!!! For the wise words


Thank you Mat. Some ideas that my mom taught me growing up in how she thought women could be classy were : no use of foul language, no gum chewing, always have good manners and etiquette. Listening to others without interrupting and actually show an interest in the people around you and to what they are saying. Be kind, don’t judge and that it is ok to be anonymous when being charitable to others. In this day and age, being classy is not having your phone attached to you while on a date or at dinner while sharing someone else’s company. Insignificance towards others is definitely NOT CLASSY. Love your channel!
