Sekiro: Shadows Cry Twice ► Shura

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►Sekiro: The End. My content on the game is comprehensive, and this is my last major video for it.

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Рекомендации по теме

“one who kills excessively becomes a shura”
And here I am spending 5 hours XP farming the same 5 red guard members


Hidden Lore:

The Demon Of Hatred’s fireball attack. Look closer. He’s actually throwing wooden Buddha statues.


I love how the Shura path shortens the game and is relatively the easy way out.
The right path is indeed always a perilous journey


I love how after you refuse to give Isshin your name, he just immediately starts calling you Wolf. Like, he knew who you were and who you worked for, he was just asking your name as a formality and you were just being a weirdo.


Isshin is kinda one of my favourite videogame characters ever. I appreciate how despite his obsession with war and swordplay, he's utterly disgusted by people who kill without reason, and it seems like his main objective in life at this point is to stop people from going down the path of bloodlust.
And the Shura ending is so perfectly twisted, because in that one Isshin is unquestionably the good guy, trying desperately to stop you from going on a murderous rampage across Japan.


Never realized how much of Sekiro’s dialogue is just him repeating things that people say to him.


"Tell me your name!"

Bro you're wearing a ninja mask and carrying a sword I dont wanna tell you my name


Isn't there a description in the Demon of Hatred memory that his manifestation is that of a "failed Shura" meaning, he became a demon but not a Shura? His chance to become a "true" Shura ended the moment he arm was severed. I believe Isshin mentions also how a Shura is something that kills for no reason but for the sake of it, for the pleasure of it. The Sculptor is consumed by hatred and rage but never seems to take any enjoyment from it. That he retains enough lucidity to thank you right after killing him indicates to me likewise.

I look at Shura as the ultimate manifestation of evil in the game that can only happen to you. And the fact we get barely a glimpse of what you have/are about to become with only a narrated epilogue over a black screen describing the death toll and the continued rumors of a demon lurking the land tells me that what "Shura" is is something that's left to the imagination.

For the Shura ending, everyone, Emma, Isshin, Owl seeing you after being impaled with your blade and Kuro, all call or cry out at you as "Shura!" very specifically. The Sculptor is a "mere" wrathful demon, one that has consumed him, a form which he cannot cease though we see the signs he does not want this (besides his last dying lines there's also stunning him using the Malcontent whistle on him).

Shura has no remorse, purpose or feeling besides the desire to kill in cold blood, as many as possible, with the greatest means possible (you kill Owl and take the second Mortal Blade with you making you practically unstoppable).

Shura is so terrible we're never meant to see or encounter it in its true incarnation, and the only character who can become one is you, should you choose to abandon your one purpose, the only thing that gave your incessant killings throughout the game any sort of meaning or reason, which is to serve and protect Kuro at all costs. Without that you're just another psychopathic killer and a perfect vessel for Shura.


Nalright, you've convinced me, I'll play it again. 🤷‍♂️


kuro: :u can't be shura
Sekiro: : Observe


After a few drinks and folks will spill out their life stories. Huh, relatable.


Hope everyone enjoys the footage! It was always a real pleasure to work with this masterpiece :)


This ending was spine chilling, Ishin wasn't exaggerating in his warnings


Sekiro, Emma and Genichiro are literally protagonists in anime with similar back ground (all “cubs” found in battlefields) they each went on different paths and have their fate intertwined and the ending to each story depended on how you play the game.


Disappointed that Isshin never taught us any water breathing techniques after killing the rats


This video sounds so weird after playing through the game 3 times with Japanese voices xD


I've literally beaten the Shura ending for the first time a couple of minutes ago, lmao.


I think you got one thing wrong here Vaati: In the Shura ending we do not kill for power like owl. When we kill Emma the short sequence we see of Sekiro shows us that after killing her he is smiling, something we never see him do before. That's when he starts to enjoy killing for the sake of it. It is also the same reason that owl is so surprised that you kill him and then afraid when he realizes you are becoming shura. Killing for power is not necessarily connected to hatred. As a matter of fact we do not know if owl regrets his deeds or if his lust for power outweighs his conscience and if you think about it, Isshin is not much different except for the fact that he kills for the power of his clan as a whole. In the end, by denying Sekiro a name or personality and giving him nothing but the ability to kill and the iron code to follow, owl created the perfect vessel for Shura. When he then revealed the iron code to be nothing but a tool to manipulate Sekiro and tried to use it to make him go against the divine heir (something that in itself contradicts the code) Sekiro takes comfort in the only thing he truly has - an unparalleled ability to kill. In the absence of a name or a sense of self Sekiro starts to construct these around this singular reason for his existence, literally becoming Shura in name and being.

Unrelated: Why not do a Shura art competition? Artists would have to send in their versions of Sekiro after his transformation into Shura is complete and explain a bit about what he does and how he fights.


i love this ending to bits the complete betrayal in kuros voice is heartbreaking, especially for the things you've done for each other. love this game to pieces


Sekiro's Shura has been so inspiring. I'm working on a story set in 1210 which includes poor and deprived veterans from a previous crusade overcome with trauma, desperation or out of simple greed pillage, drink and burn a falling empire. The concept of Shura really puts in perspective how at a time before psychology was understood war induced madness was perceived.
