Ancient Ceremonial Complex Discovered in Britain | Ancient Architects

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Archaeologists have unearthed a "phenomenal" Neolithic enclosure and trackway along the cable route for a £2.5 billion wind farm. Experts have said that the large ceremonial complex in Suffolk is a discovery of "international significance" and I’m happy to read that on the back of the discovery, Scottish Power Renewables is now altering the 23-mile long cable route around the area to protect the find.

The site at Woodbridge is one of 50 excavation sites along the cable route, but it is certainly the most important discovery. What was, on the surface an apparently featureless site, was in fact a discovery that that has astounded the experts. When the topsoil was removed, clear spring water bubbled up from the ground, and with it came massive, perfectly preserved timbers.

Watch the video to find out more and please subscribe.

Images via Scottish Power Renewables and Google Images for educational purposes only.
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Thank You for being one of the freshest channels keeping science, not dogma, in the forefront of your hypothesis. I thoroughly enjoy the videos and look forward to the publication of your work. Great luck!


I enjoy your videos on Egypt and to say I was thrilled to see this one is an understatement. I find accurate information on the Ancient UK hard to find and this was most welcome. I'm looking forward to reading your book, don't be shy about letting your loyal followers know when it is available.


Congratulations on the Book, will be placing an order. Thank you so much for this fascinating update;I read about, this incredible discovery only a couple of days ago and haven't had time to do further research, whilst I will, your beautiful illustrated, well informed and presented video, has been wonderfully elucidating. It makes me SO PROUD of British archeology that such an intense and concerted effort is going into this project and that a lost site will once again be back on the "map of public consciousness";though I'd be prouder still, if the entire site was saved and a museum built nearby, like Stonhenge. This site obviously consolidates, already shown, evidence of something occurring along the east coast of England - with the discovery of the wooden henges etc, it would seem to point to an important "landscape on high ground" overlooking Doggerland? But, then i think that will and does apply to theventireveast coat from the Northern Isles down to and round to the landscapes of Wiltshire and Ireland. The obsession with the present and 'judo-christian-islamic' based sites is sad, but inevitable as these organisations have the money to lobby for their importance in our "heritage" . Having read with disgust, despair and confusion today with regard to the new UNESCO list and seen that GÖBEKLI TEPE has still NOT been designated/included whilst more sites from the last couple of of millennia have been thought worthy - one could wonder what the remit of this dubious organisation is?!. You mention the obvious age of the new site is Suffolk and the implications of older dates to come, but, this pointless self impotant Cabal whose purpose seems so nebulous and random, won't be bothering themselves with excursion zones or preserving the actual site!? Which considering its age and unfolding history would seem a complete no brainer, even if the ancient artifacts are taken off site for preservation and a site reconstruction was attempted, leaving the integrity of the actual site intact? Kew Gardens is on their list as are now some 'art nouveau' buildings in Mumbai, amongst some sites, which makes one wonder what their actual definition of World Heritage is, if the oldest known structure (only 5% excavated and already registered writing history) isn't worthy of inclusion and hundreds of religious sites are included, then what conclusion will the next generation - if they're even aware or interested, unless it comes as a download in virtual tour format - going to do to preserve and question, who we really are? Where and when we really come from and WHY? It will/would be fascinating to find the diverse locations of the origins of these white stones, I'm sure it will surprise many? Sorry for the rant, but, I feel you'll understand? Thank you again for this awesome video - you call it an update and yet it's more informative and new than 90% of the rehashed "ancient history" sites on YouTube can be bothered to create and present ( relying instead on plagiarism and click bait sensationalist titles and pics).So kudos to yourself. Really excited about your book, again congratulations and best of luck with it. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and hope the coming week is good for you, best wishes as ever.


You're a heck of a researcher this much I can say. Thanks a lot Matt!


Soon as your book is out I'll be buying it. Wow what a find that's amazing.


Hi Matt, just wanted to say I'm always impressed with your videos. Awesome job, and thanks!


Thanks Matt good to see your on the case.


I'm SO excited about this find, and can't wait for your book!


Looking forward to your book! I really appreciate your open-minded and analytical approach to the various subjects you've covered.


Dude stoked about your book! You're shaping up to be a force to be reckoned with in the alternative history community. Graham Hancock better watch out! :P


Congratulations on the book!! This is exactly what I have been waiting on!💃Can't wait to read it!


As always just fantastic. I'm really enjoying your videos and my heart always jumps when i get the notification, that you have uploaded a video.
Stay well, stay healthy, see you soon Matt (:


Another good, insightful vid. 👍 the Woodbridge excavation is currently being studied by experts at Norwich castle and Ipswich museum services. My father has been asked to consult on the findings as he was the display designer and consultant on the recent wood henge display at kings Lyn museum, where a wooden circle was recovered from the sea along the norfolk coast, general speculation is that it is contemporary with stone henge and of a similar tribe/people from landed migrants.
Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next 👍


your channel is one of the best on historical sites on youtube--I'm so glad to find one that doesn't go into goofy aliens and magical nonsense---but also takes a fresh approach to interpreting archeological sites--thank you for all of your vids & great info


Can't wait for the book my friend!


Thank you for letting us know of this fabulous find. The title and publication date of your book would also be great.


Glad more of ancient Britain is being found and expanding our knowledge of that time period.


Wow!! I can't thank you enough because I Never hear about any of these things where I live. I look forward to your videos every week and you continue to amaze me with your hypotheses that fit in with the scientific data. I'm very much looking forward your book, I'm sure you will post about it when it is ready to go. Thank you again for all your hard work I appreciated.


Fantastic and insightful video. Very intriguing find !!! Thanks for posting !!!
