The Morality of Charity

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Martin Brookes, chief executive of New Philanthropy Capital, argues that we need to find new ways to make it simpler for people to make rational choices about giving.
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@bluefootedpig "instead of money?" Opensource, absolute automation, owner-less, resourced based. Big fan of the Venus project. I must admit its pretty hard to digest at first glance but as an computer programmer/engineer it makes an incredible amount of sense.


imagine if we worked towards a world where charity wasn't built into the system. I'm amazed by how all these people never question money itself.


@bluefootedpig i understand that's fairly well addressed, you may not be considering the change in culture with people redefining what desirable is. remember the market largely teaches us what is desirable first in order to sell us stuff without it or us even noticing it. Also with no ownership people can casually move from country to country, freeing up locations for others to see what all the fuss is about. To recap, beyond safety/health desirable is thought. P.S. Ferraris are sexy?


the iPhone wouldn't exist as its proprietary but if you wanted to upgrade your phone you open the removable cover and replace the interchangeable part which required the upgrade (like Lego) and send the replaced part off for reusing/recycling. but for the future if you look up 3d printers you will see we are a stones throw away from downloading an iPhone torrent and printing out one yourself. In regards motivation just look up opensource, motivation turned on its head, RSA even has vids on it.


@youniverse9 I wonder if you mean what I have been thinking for the longest time in regards to this supposed cheritability of rich people.
Rich people who have so much money the money they give away is meaningless to them.

Its money they robbed, schemed, and gouged out of people who needed or wanted what they had and the choice is to have it or nothing at all. Not that theres much choice between the rich persons business and the small business for many products.


@meadowsirl I thought you would say that, I am an engineer too, and with the goal to replace all humans with computers. That being said, the venus project while interesting, fails to address scarcity. Sure you can produce enough, but there are some things that are naturally scarce. Like living location. Some people want several acres on the coastline, but not everyone can have that. Or who gets the home on top of a hill? We already produce enough to feed the entire world fyi.


@meadowsirl But even taught differently, and in a different culture, there is one thing that has always been in common among all people. People like the latest inventions. So when the new iphone comes out, do you produce a few million first then give them out? or how do you decide on who gets them first? also what drives innovation? yeah we can all relax, sounds awesome, but we still need to innovate, and how is going to spell all their time in a lab, to produce a slightly better iphone?


@meadowsirl What do you suggest instead of money? barter? Money only is a representation of time and value, and you trade your time and value for other time and value. So I am confused how you plan on removing time and value from the equation.


@prisha91755 He's already decided to donate most of his money to the public after he dies, so I don't see the point in taxing him now. But if you mean a degree of socialism, I agree.


@PressForFreedom Maybe look in the description?

Why would it be better spent elsewhere when is trying to give a speech to improve a broken system, full of scandal and no regulation, and make it easier to see which organizations are truly what you want to give charity to.


@drizztmay Where to start, ill keep it short. we can do better. watch?v=EewGMBOB4Gg explains it pretty well, by the way the other video i ment to post was watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc



They may be volunteers with professions elsewhere.


@prisha91755 Well Gates is agnostic so I doubt that, but that would suck.


@Aresftfun I actually admire Bill Gates and think that he is a lucky man who was in the right place at the right time with the right amount of support from his middle class white parents. If he were growing up today he probably wouldn't have been able to do what he did since the rich have all the money and there isn't much left for the rest or our schools. His school bought one of the first computers which he was able to spend hours & hours playing around on.


@prisha91755 Well, bill gates did change the world with the PC and software development. And seeing as from my view point, over half the population is not smart, and just are greedy, yes, I would rather have a tiny group that might make the right choice vs everyone making the wrong one. It is as Socrates said, the best ruler would be a philosophical king. Key points, he is smart, self reflective, and low in numbers.


@Aresftfun I do mean a degree of democratic socialism. Also, what if Bill Gates and his rich cronies decides that they are going to give their billions to the Catholic church? Would we be patting them on their backs? Do we really want a tiny group of people deciding the fate of the world?


@youniverse9 I would prefer they didnt make so much money that they had millions to give. That would be a better world, nobody at all is worth that much. The hoarding and releasing of money that is meaningless to them at their own descretion is robbing each country of its own limited reserves when theres so much need for such limited money.


It is demoralizing to take charity.
Wouldn't it be better to have Bill Gates pay more taxes so that the whole population could decide how best to use the money?
