Peter Singer: The why and how of effective altruism

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If you're lucky enough to live without want, it's a natural impulse to help others in need. But, asks philosopher Peter Singer, what's the most effective way to give charitably? He talks through some surprising thought experiments to help you balance emotion and practicality -- and make the biggest impact with whatever you can share.

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I have a co-worker in China that told me a lot of people are afraid of helping people in the streets as it's common to be caught up in the accident and blamed and framed to be the perpetrator and sued.


Life changing. Thanks.

I'm a guy that likes philosophy, math, and studied economics at university. Now I work in the finance sector. This makes total sense to me, I have been searching for ways to live more morally. Even began a career change, but changed my mind.

So, my plan now is to follow Peter's advice.


I love the fact that there are hundreds of languages for options as subtitles


If you donate to the Against Malaria Foundation (as I have, based on Giving What We Can's recommendation), then they email you when the nets you've paid for are distributed :) They track this carefully and publicly post photos of them being distributed.


One of my all time favorite philosophers.


I don't know why people don't like Singer - surely his ideas are a logical extension of preference utilitarianism - I mean it would make sense that the ethical framework that favors maximizing preferences would be one that advocates for charitable actions. But even on the whole animal rights part of his philosophy, I mean the tenet of utilitarianism is really that the moral action strives towards maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain - and it's not as if humans are the only species that can feel pain or some form of pleasure. You might not like Singer's ideas, you might not think they're practically feasible, but you have to admit they're pretty logically consistent.


I had never heard of Mr.Singer. Then I start watching this and hear his Australian accent. WOW.! Much love & humility from SYDNEY.


When TEDtalkers use and reference great websites, like this, it would be amazing if they were in the video description! I'd love to see TED use it to communicate and offer more.
Amazing talk, this is a community I want to live in!


Very good way to collective enlightment and improvement of the well-being of the global society. 


Great proyect, effective altruism is a beginning  to great changes in the world. Hope we can learn to be more sensitive and smart making things


Brilliant as always Singer, the analogy of a hedonic treadmill hit me the greatest.


People like this man speaking here, give me hope and peace and strength, and I thank God for giving us the resources and the intelligencefor dealing with lifes hardships and for life to have better days.


I think we have to get over fear of being immodest when talking about our own giving. It is definitely possible to talk about this without boasting. If we were more open about what we gave, more people would be encouraged to also give themselves.


That last line was powerful.. Well done.


Professor Dr. Peter Singer is the leading ethical philosopher of our century. He introduces humanity to what true love means. Most people do not understand the meaning of true love. Altruism is true love. Altruism is giving true love to all sentient beings equally. 


I absolutely agree with Singers views here, we should definitely try and be come altruistic. But surely it shouldn't be a burden on the individual to stop poverty. Wouldn't it be more effective to address the oppressive systems that mean that some people live in squalor whilst others lick gold off their fingers? The one percent hoards all their wealth exploiting the poor, we shouldn't rely on their altruism to make the biggest difference in the world.


He's done such great work over his life, but still seems so humble about it. It's great he's being joined by so many people at The Life You Can Save!


I adore Peter Singer and what he has done. Great points he has made by Affective Altruism.


Through this lecture, I realized that if individual do ‘The Effective Charity’, it would be even much more meaningful participation. This lecture was the opportunity that when I do the charity, how to donate to help improve the social structure. I hope that this video is widespread and helps a lot of people.


Peter Singer is an asset for the world.
