Should I Become A Musician? Advice and Strategies for Success - Josh Wright Piano TV

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If you have the passion and there is nothing you'd rather be doing, then do it. Simple.


At 26, I kinda regret doing music as my major. Now I'm teaching but I feel unappreciated. I pour my heart and soul into teaching yet students will leave one day. I'm still practising every day in hopes of being able to be a YouTube pianist. I believe I'm a good pianist, lots of teachers have complimented my tone, touch and sensitivity. But I'm not good enough like ballades and concerto level. So I don't even know what I am. My friends who are not as good have happily settled into their teaching career, the others who are really good have gone on to better schools and better gigs. Me...the one who is good but not super great, feel stuck.


I already took 3 non music degrees and failed to finish them, i barely even finished a semester on all 3. And now after 4 years of convincing my parents, next month I will finally start a new bachelor's program which is bachelor of music major in music education so that if ever I don't become successful being a performer then I could still become a successful teacher and create new opportunities for younger generations


You are so right with your questions for any young people who are considering the career in music!


Except the part mister Josh as a musician is good i like the psychology lessons he is doing. He giving some questions and not only in this video but lot that makes every musician t think deeper. This man doesn't help me for me personally t improve my idea and skills and technique of Piano but he is also teaching us t become more creative and more in way of thinking t practice. Have a good day mister Josh


richard feynman used to say the best way to teach yourself is to teach others


what a perfect thing to hear right now! I needed to hear this!


On the topic of being innovate as a musician, I draw inspiration from this quote of Cus D'amato (Mike Tyson's foremost trainer): "Boxing is a contest of character and ingenuity. The boxer with more will, determination, desire, and intelligence is always the one who comes out the victor." That being said, in my musicality, I try to have as much will, determination, desire, and intelligence as possible. It's not about having pure speed and precision and technicality -- though those are all great things -- but really having SUBSTANCE as a musician, having character and ingenuity.


Wish I could find a teacher as good as you irl :(


I can think of myself being a mathematician and feeling happy about that. I am already studying maths at uni. But piano and music in general is my passion. I imagine myself as a succesful piano teacher (I am not really interested in performing) and I feel something special, stronger than just "happiness". Maths are good but my love and dedication to music is even better. Piano is my passion, this is the difference. And you know what? I am 20 years old, and started just 2 years ago. I think I am too afraid to chase my dream and spend a decade on piano lessons and I suppose I will never make it to the end. But, at least I hope I can keep on trying to both of these, maths as my main job, piano as a hobby. And who knows...? :)


Thankyou Josh... this video certainly left me with a lot to think about.


Thank you for this video, it was a subject I really needed and you covered it up well, thumbs up, keep up the good work Josh!


I know there seems to be a bombardment of questions, but heres one more.
I've only started with music rather late (started playing guitar at the age of 15, and piano last year at 17). Now over the course of highschool i decided that I wanted a career in music because I really enjoy it, but obv I dont have the instrumental skills yet to compete in the industry (My guitar is quite good, but theres not much demand for electric guitar), and I've been practicing piano for about 2-3 hours a day for 8 months, but obv It'll take a while to catch up.
Ive decided that the best way to get into the industry is in the side of recording, mixing mastering and possibly session playing, which is what I am hopfeully going to university for.
Do you think its possible for me to reach a level where I could also play piano for atleast a portion of my income within like the next decade?


Is it too late to consider becoming a professional classical pianist having started at age 13? If yes what about just your average professional musician.


Hey Josh, what are for, example Concert pianists that dont add anything special to the industry?


Very interesting, insightful and inspiring content as usual but I have to say this: loving the classy suit and all but the socks are definitely stealing the spotlight here ;^)


I don't know... I want to have a career in music, but I have no special to bring to the table. It also doesn't help I'm 21, music is one of the only things that makes me happy. I feel like even if I do get good enough I'll be too old for it to matter...


Why do you think that a parent shouldn't teach his/her child?


I feel so dumb after watching this video.
Why don't I hear a difference between most recordings of famous pianists? Like I would've never thought that Daniil Trifonov was special. I only hear technical differences (if they're big). Also I feel like I'm way too lazy and bad...


I'm not looking to become a performer. I'm not talented enough and I'm not doing the hours I need to keep up the quality of playing. I am however interested in getting into composing. Something fairly simple, something that I can play when I'm with my friends playing board games or role-playing games. So instrumental soundtrack type of thing, mostly just piano though. I'm still at uni so I have literally no money, but in the future I'm looking into options for good recording and composing software.

My main income (hopefully) is from programming and that is something I also might be interested in combining with music. I don't know how exactly yet. I mean audio engineering for example is incredibly technical and I'm not sure how much I'd enjoy it.

My current goals are to get my technique to a level that I can practice some of the easier advanced piano pieces. It's a long time goal and I'm taking my time. I like to practice hard pieces in these tiny increments by playing one line of one hand over and over again. Mostly I'm focusing on pieces that are on my level. The other goal I need to be working towards is to actually understand the theory in a way that makes it work for the type of composing I want to be doing. So simple chord structures that musicians use, what's the relationship between melody and the accompaniment, etc.

Learning to compose is going to be the challenge. I'm kind of at a loss where I'm going to start so that I can cross the line to the composing side of music and not just be the listener.
