Ancient Egyptian Stone Working Drills & Boring Tools TECHNIQUES RE-EXAMINED

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#ancientegyptiantools #experimentalarchaeology #drillingstone

Re-examining the work of Denys A Stocks and his interpretations of ancient Egyptian depictions of stone workers with the newer work from the Scientists Against Myths channel.
Ancient egyptian stone working tools, ancient Egyptian Core drilling, ancinet Egyptian vase making.
Using experimental archaeology and the archaeological record to shed new light on the artefacts and the processes of old. What were their tools and how exactly did they use them.

Some Experiments in Ancient Egyptian Stone Technology - Denys A. Stocks
I have mirrored this video with comments enabled

Experiments in Egyptian Archaeology: Stoneworking Technology in Ancient Egypt By Denys A Stocks

Making Egyptian Drill Holes: Lost Ancient High Technology by Scientists Against Myths

Making a stone vase with primitive tools by Scientists Against Myths
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The drill was without doubt spun around. Otherwise you would not have that stone disc present on the shaft which would not only obstruct you but also slow you down. The stone disc is a gyroscopic shaft stabilizer. It has a high moment of inertia and if you were to only twist the drill back and forth it would work against you as you need to both accelerate and decelerate it for each time you change directions.
But when continuously rotating it in the same direction the spinning disc serves three important purposes.
1) The disc will store rotational energy maintaining the rotation and thereby keep the drill going at a steady pace.
2) The disc acts as a gyroscopic stabilizer, which stabilizes the shaft helping bore a very straight and even hole.
3) The mass of the disc helps keep it in place and applies downwards pressure which increases the drilling efficiency.
The guy showcasing his spinning technique with one hand is completely right BUT his replica has a somewhat important flaw. Namely the disc he is using is a tall cylinder which (while nice and heavy) has a much much lower moment of inertia compared to a disc of same mass but large radius and lower height. If he was to reconstruct that disc to be much wider the drill would become even more stable than it already is and would at the same time maintain its spinning motion better.


What a great find! Fair play to this guy! Funny all these ancient alien ideas out there and this is the 1st vid I’ve ever seen show anything about drilling like this.


enjoying the new content you bring, always worth visiting this channel


Nice work ! What you show is pretty well convincing when it comes how they performed their drilling.


Great video. Youtube has been hiding this sort of content.


You have superb powers of observation, info retention, and recall.


School of Granite Drilling...

Made me spit out my coffee. Well done sir.


Even the hieroglyphs for the word drill are known? Slam dunk SGD.


Good stuff dude, definitely subscribed and going to check out what else you got. Love your sass in the comments too, to the point and not taking any BS.


What!? No lasers? No microwaves? No harmonic lifting?
What a dissappointment.


No one has ever said these tools weren't used for this. Kinda hard to deny when there's hieroglyphs showing it. We're saying the megalithic stones were obviously not cut, shaped, and transported by the Egyptians. If so there would most definitely be records of it.


This is the BEST example and explanation I have ever saw in regard to ancient drilling techniques. It actually makes perfect sense and would leave the so called "scoop marks" found at the bottom of cuts. I strongly suspect, at this point, that they drilled holes and then used a vibrating wire saw with counterweight to cut perfectly straight lines. I seriously think this mystery will be solved soon. Then comes the question of how they moved them but looks like we have the puzzle solved by 2/3.


I'd never been convinced about these techniques until watching that Scientists Against Myths channel. I just wish someone would come up with a feasible answer to how they actually moved the larger stones like the Aswan Obelisk?


The walls of the tomb of Rekhmire are truly incredible and show depictions of workers doing every type of to video worth a watch
Some examples are
Stepping on bellows by fire 3:37
Working on various vases 3:48
Bow drills and saws 4:03
Carving Statue 4:21
Carving on Scaffolding 4:31


I don't know if theyll let that link stay up.
But there's a video of Egyptians using the ancient techniques that explains the bottom piece on the drill.
Title of video
"Egypts stone carvers keep their ancestors traditions alives - still standing "


Egyptians did find ways to bore stone. It is the older high tech Machined pots these techniques CAN''T replicate!


Maybe a show about why rebar is needed and geopolymers won't work.


Did it escape anyone's attention that these depictions are describing drilling and production of vases of calcite and not granite?


They may have used this on Calcite Jars. ( Calcite is very soft, you can cut it with a dull knife). as it says but they clearly used much more advanced tooling to cut and move the larger Granit stones. Ive been a mine owner for 22 years and have tried different methods at the mines and I really think they used sound to cut and move granit and basalts. Ganite and Basalt is MUCH harder.


Looks like a alien space ship, laser cutting tool to me mate, or maybe a free power tesla hidden tool thats holding us back from reaching our potential, blah blah. Love your scientific factual based explanations mate. 😊
