Pu Goward 'Kicks up Stink' in Men's Lavatory 💩

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Gender equality "expert" Pru Goward occupies men's lavatory in parliamentary toilet takeover bidet.

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If male MPs had invaded female toilet space, in this way, "taken over the female bathroom", then they would've been accused of sexism, misogyny, etc. Security would've been called and they may have even been arrested and put on the Sex Offender's Register. I notice the Coogee Women's Pool is exempt from the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act. It was argued by feminists that it had "always" been a women's only pool. (That isn't exactly true, as I swam in it years ago.) Men were eventually outlawed, altogether, after feminists claimed women needed a "safe place to swim" and "Islamic women needed somewhere private" etc. Any spurious argument was used to turn those Coogee baths into permanent female only space. In other words, "tradition" meant that Coogee pool space was the exclusive preserve of women. The same, now, could be said of male toilet and bathroom space in NSW Parliament House. Why shouldn't toilet space that was traditionally male stay in the domain of men? If we can bypass gender equality concerns, and even the NSW Anti-Discrimination Act, for a tidal pool, and "traditional" secret women's business space, why can't we set aside gender equality concerns, now, about toilet space in Parliament House, and leave men to their traditional privileges and secret men's business space? Historically, men have always had the shorter end of the stick, anyway, as far as toilets and bathrooms are concerned. Every town's park had a "Women's Rest Centre" which had provisions far more luxurious than afforded any man. While these "rest centres" were perhaps also used for breastfeeding, and changing babies, I understand they also had showers, chairs to sit in, clean towels, and even coffee and tea making facilities and other mod cons. So my mother told me, anyway. No men's toilet in any park ever had such luxury conveniences laid on for the men and boys. Indeed, as a child, I noticed men and boys were always expected to be chivalrous and expect far less. Like the men's "dressing shed" at my local swimming pool was merely the hollow concrete space under the grandstand. Surrounded by chlorine pipes and humming machinery--rough concrete and a few benches. The women's dressing shed was properly fitted out with cubicles and tiles and fittings and things. All mod cons. Comparing notes with my mother, I found out that often, especially in country areas, where men only had a rusty drum or pit to piss in, female toilets were often luxurious facilities with flush toilets and handbasins and things. I don't see that, if we are all "equal", women can now expect men to chivalrousy give women the best conveniences while doing it rough themselves. Indeed, traditionally, it has been men that did all the heavy and unpleasant sewerage and night-cart work. Carrying all the bulk of heavy shit away was the unpleasant task of men. I notice gender equality expert Pru Goward in the front line-up in this men's toilet invasion photo. While some might liken this to a story about women's suffrage, and gender equality, the fact is that Pru Goward, as former Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Minister for Family and Community Services and now Minister for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, has never yet uttered a single word in defence of a helpless male child's right to genital integrity, a human right. She's all for "gender equality" but has, and will always, turned a blind eye and a deaf ear, and kept "mum" as far as Male Genital Mutilation is concerned. I would think that protecting a male child from the knife-rape known as "circumcision" should be her priority, rather than trying to muscle in on traditional male toilet and bathing space. Goward wouldn't tolerate any man arguing the right to access Coogee Women's Pool. She would never in a million years argue for genital integrity as a human right for boys. If there isn't money to accommodate more female toilet space, I suggest the government introduce a couple of new designated unisex and intersex low budget toilet areas. Plastic funnels could be provided to Pru and others, who want to wear the pants, so they could stand up to take a piss to use and share the traditionally male urinals. That would save valuable floor space and money.


I have the solution: make them wear nappies!

It's good enough for astronauts.


Is that an electronic "Hitachi Magic Wand" device feminist and gender equality expert Pru Goward is brandishing in this photo as she, along with fellow female parliamentarians, invades male-only toilet space? Should plastic funnels and strap-on urethra extensions be provided free to all female MPs, at taxpayers' expense, so that they can stand up and avail themselves of the male urinals in NSW Parliament House?
