Jane Austen July TBR

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In which I talk about my plans for Jane Austen July . . .

Jane Austen July is a month-long readathon all about Jane Austen.

*The Challenges*

1. Read one of Jane Austen’s main six novels
2. Read something by Jane Austen that is not one of her main six novels
3. Read a non-fiction work about Jane Austen or her time
4. Read a retelling of a Jane Austen book OR a work of historical fiction set in Jane Austen’s time
5. Read a book by a contemporary of Jane Austen (ie, published between 1775–1817)
6. Watch a direct screen adaptation of a Jane Austen book
7. Watch a modern screen adaptation/retelling of a Jane Austen book

*Readalong Schedules*

Northanger Abbey:
1 July: chapters 1, 2, 3
2: 4, 5, 6
3: 7, 8, 9
4: 10, 11, 12
5: 13, 14, 15
6: 16, 17, 18
7: 19, 20, 21
8 22, 23, 24
9: 25, 26, 27
10: 28, 29, 30, 31


*Books Mentioned*

Jane Austen’s Juvenilia: see links above.

*Adaptations Mentioned*

*My Debut Novel*

My debut novel, The Secrets of Hartwood Hall, is OUT NOW.

*General Links*

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Speaking of the library, you know what would make an interesting vlog — particularly for your non UK viewers — would be a trip to the library. How books are laid out, services, architecture, book checkout process, etc. Especially Victorian author shelves and UK history sections which I assume would be more extensive than they would be in, for example, the US.


The year is flying! I can't believe we are already getting ready for Jane Austen July!! This and Victober are my two favorite Youtube events!!


I decided to read Pride and Prejudice a few weeks ago and then just continued with Sense and Sensibility, Emma and now onto Northanger Abbey. I am enjoying this one, very funny in parts and such a great window into early 19th century social life. It is hard not to like Catherine, she represents all the good we can aspire to.


I’m going to be reading Sense and Sensibility too, but it’s my first time! Once I’ve read it I will have finally read all of the big six! 🎉


I’m planning to read Sense and Sensibility and Ladies of the House. I’ll be rewatching Sense and Sensibility and the BBC series of Pride and Prejudice.


I always add things to my tbr and future reading list when I watch your videos. I found the Miss Elizabeth Bennet as an audio program online so I will be listening to that. Added the show too. Looking forward to JAJuly!


Absolutely participating in this terrific event. I have two Jane Austen novels left to read, Northanger Abbey and Persuasion so my main goal is to read them both this July. I will also read some of the Juvenalia and I’d like to finally read John Mullan’s book about Jane Austen. Those are my main plans.


I look forward to reading Persuasion this July. Thanks for organizing Katy.


That is a very ambitious list! I will be reading and following you for this July!


Awesome! Love Jane Austen's work. Can't wait to hear your review on them 🙂


Oh I’m looking forward to your Mr Willoughby - I always find it hard to end up knowing what to think of him. Thanks for the reminder on Elegant Etiquette I forgot it existed but every time I hear of it I’m reminded I want to read it. I absolutely loved Remarkable Creatures, I hope you enjoy it! And For Darkness Shows the Stars — I’ve never heard it but am definitely interested. I’m going to watch Rational Creatures. Roll on July 😊


I'm super excited for Jane Austen July this year, as always 🎉. This will be my third year taking part of it. I'm thinking on rereading Emma and What Matters in Jane Austen and reading The Beautifull Cassandra, A Woman of Coulour and Black Voices on Britain (a compilation of non-fiction works from the XVIII and XIX Centuries) for the first time. I'd also love to reread on audiobook Longbourn, The Jane Austen Society and Austenland. And I'm planning a buddy read of Deerbrook with a friend. It has nothing to do with Jane Austen July buuuut it may be a good Victorian to read in conversation with Sense and Sensibility (one may hope 😬).


I'm so excited! This will be my third year joining you all for Jane Austen July. I am going to read Northanger Abbey and Austen's juvenilia along with you all, so I'm looking forward to the discussions about those. The non-fiction work I'm going to read is Jane Austen & Crime by Susannah Fullerton. (It's been on my shelf for a long time, and while it is not specifically about NA, it has a darker subject matter that might fit with NA.) The Austen retelling I'm reading is Gay Pride and Prejudice by Ryan Field. I don't have a NA retelling, and I thought this would be a good one I could read now as we are ending Pride month and moving into JA July. The book from an Austen contemporary is going to be one of the Gothic novels mentioned in NA, but I haven't decided which one. I found an ebook titled The Complete Northanger Abbey Horrid Novel Collection, so I will see what jumps out at me the most from that. For the films, I'm looking forward to revisiting the 2007 NA, and I found there is a 1993 film called Ruby in Paradise, which is supposed to be a NA retelling. If I can find it, that will be my choice. Finally, if I can get to The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner, that will be a bonus read. Again, I'm so happy you all do this each year!


WOW! SO many possibilities! I plan to join in on Jane Austen July, but I will also be doing Summerween🎃. Should be an interesting month!


A School of Scandal is on my list and I'm excited!


I’m also reading Northanger Abbey and Sense and Sensibility this year and hoping my appreciation of SS will grow! It also ties in with another reading project of mine which is to read books connected to the South West of England. The Juliet Stevenson narration of NA is hilarious. I do hope you find the A.A.Milne play - how interesting! It is an ambitious tbr as always, but putting the TBR together is half the fun!


Patty-I'm planning on reading a retelling of Sense and Sensibility by Sarah Price. She has done 5 other 6 books with an Amish twist. I've read of the 5, and they were very good.


Im soo excited 🎉🎉🎉 I have soo many books and will admit I actually ordered some online for the Readathon which I never normally do 😮


Really looking forward to this, Katy! I think I’ll be rereading Mansfield Park - I think it’s the only one of her completed novels I’ve only read once and I’m curious to see if I didn’t like the book itself or just the professor I read it for 😂


Robert Morrison's book Regency Revolution has been previously published under the title The Regency Years, I think. At least, both titles are filed as one and the same on Goodreads.
