God of War. God of Pain.

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Song: I was only temporary - my head is empty
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Idk why but the comments have been off for the first 200 thousand views- I just wanted to say I'm happy that this video got so many views, its my most viewed video so far. I wasn't really expecting it to get so many views, its a vent animation, I uploaded it just because I could, just like my other videos, but I'm glad that so many people liked it. I hope everyone seeing this has a great rest of their day, and I'd be happy to make more animations for you guys from now on :)


How I feel after my parents bought me something expensive and then suddenly I remembered all the times I've been ungrateful towards them.


how i feel after talking trash about a player and he answers: sorry, i dont play too much


Kratos. He's truly one of the most human characters in modern fiction.


"Just gotta make it to friday"


"There's no Forgiving you! You Chose! I...Chose"


"You are more than that."

Out of all the people that I expected Kratos to have mercy for, mercy for himself is the most unexpected.


A man who is a god but still understands human suffering and pain. He is the strongest one but still after over thousand years he could accept himself and what he has done. Thousand years of pain, experience and wisdom.


You can sense and hear all of the emotions that Kratos is feeling at that very moment


When you getting mad at your past self but you realize you were just a kid


As someone who was a "gifted kid ending up horrible" this hit deep


How it feels when your parents say "I'm proud of you" but you end up thinking you've done nothing to deserve such a compliment


2023:"Just gotta make it to friday"
2024: "just gotta make it to next day"


Kratos: What can I say to you? I remember how it felt to take that throne. All that it meant and all that it did not. A God of war. God of pain, of suffering, of destruction. The Norns said I chase redemption that I know I can never deserve. What does that make me? God of fools. A God of... Hope. "When all else is lost". You lost everything. And everyone. you became... There is no forgiving you. You chose... I chose. What now? Should I, the same man, should I sit? take? proclaim? lead? place myself in service? In service. Should I lose everything and everyone, there's to be enough left inside so that I do not become you? I do not know. But I have... hope. You are cruel and arrogant and selfish. But you are more than that. You have always been more than what others saw. You are more than that.


I think people forget about the meaning of his speech. It's a sad one, but it is still about Hope, about being better. We have to keep that hope, no matter what


Him saying "Chasing a redemption I know I never deserve." Is the same exact thing the Norns said to him. Showing fate still has its effects after it has been averted.


I don't remember waking up with a smile anymore. I don't remember looking forward to anything anymore. I feel myself breaking more and more each passing day. A man can die from heartbreak, and I believe my days are numbered.

Edit: Thanks for all the support in the comments, and I hope all of you that can relate feel better soon!


When you just chillin but then you remember you’re lowkey ugly


Kratos truly embodies what we should all strive to be. Try to be better no matter what.

Overcome adversity and better yourself.

And in the end, you’ll see how far you’ve come.

Humanity is the most powerful thing on this planet.

Don’t lose that.


I don't usually comment on videos, but this one just evoked emotions I didn't know I could feel. The part where Kratos explains how everyone walks away just hits me in a weak spot. I spent years building up friendship and improving myself as well as trying to fit in at places I don't belong to, just to watch it crumble to bits in the blink of an eye. It always feels like I'm back at ground zero no matter how much improvement or progress I make in life. People always say that life gets better, but does it really? No matter how hard I push myself to do and be better, it's just futile. Going day by day, having to deal with the pain of life gets harder and harder with every single minute on this planet. Having to sit idly and watch as people you care about stab you in the back and leave your life is a pain worse than any person should ever have to experience. It's inhumane and cruel.

For the people that read this comment and feel the same way I do, please be sure to lend a hand to someone in need. Don't be indifferent to other people who hurt. It will benefit both the people involved to find another person who has at least 10 cents worth of compassion.

Thank you for reading this, and best of luck to anyone else struggling with mental health, or anything at all.
