Calvinism and Idolatry - the Worship of Men - Tommy McMurtry Part 2

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We continue analyzing Tom McMurtry's accusations against Calvinists referring to history and using commentaries. Do Calvinists actually do what he says - preaching the virtues of the Reformers rather than the Word of God?

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Why do they rail against Calvinism when they use a translation (KJV) translated by Calvinists?


So, according to his logic, I suppose if they call themselves a "Free Will Baptist" that must mean that they are making an idol out of man's supposed "free will."


I agree with so many things you say (also just subscribed), but I'm really confused about your defense of the "New" KJV. I found this breakdown by Dr. Michael E. Todd:
The New King James Bible was first published in 1979. It is a deadly version because its editors have succeeded in deceiving the body of Christ on two main points:
(1) That it's a King James Bible (which is a lie), and
(2) That it's based on the Textus Receptus (which is only a partial truth).

It is essential to know that many of the word changes between the original KJV and the NKJV are not changes which result from removing archaisms, etc. Instead, many are changes which clearly reveal that, contrary to their agreed basis, the NKJV translators departed from the original KJV and its underlying Greek text, the Textus Receptus, in favor of the very same wording found in versions translated from corrupted Greek texts.

There's nothing "new" about the NKJV logo. It is a "666" symbol of the pagan trinity which was used in the ancient Egyptian mysteries. It was also used by Satanist Aleister Crowley around the turn of this century. The symbol can be seen on the New King James Bible, on certain rock albums (like Led Zepplin's), or you can see it on the cover of such New Age books as The Aquarian Conspiracy.
Here is the link to the entire article:


😃 0:39 theres some webpages on this, technically calvin wasn't 100% calvinist but I guess IFB doesn't know that.
The 5 points of calvin and tulip is technically called the Canons of Dort or Canons of Dordrecht.
IM curious why IFB has never have done a study on the Canons of Dort?
If its so wrong they should make some sort of video called: "The Canons of Dort EXPOSED"

04:25 yay! I'm King James Only & a Calvinist, i think they go well together, also don't forget the Strongs Concordance too 😃👍

11:12 well yeah, "King James Only" crisscrosses Calvinism in Church History all over the place its strange that IFB denys it,
its quite possible most of the bible translators of medieval european languages translated the manuscripts with a calvinistic mindset,
we don't talk about it but a Translators Theology Mindset will affect how he translates the manuscripts,
theres webpages on the king james translators, they state that most of them were calvinistic in their theology,
also it mite have been more normal and common place throughout europe to think like a calvinist even before the label even existed, it was just part of the european culture

12:45 "The Reformers are connected to The Catholic Church"
Have you guys ever heard the testimony of Richard Bennett?
His Testimony is pretty cool, check it out, he went from hardcore catholic priest to full blown calvinist!
I like one of his quotes: "Today the majority of new calvinist converts are from the catholic church"
Hes got a few videos on youtube, heres one:
"Why Did 50 Roman Catholic Priests Leave the Priesthood?" by Former Dominican Priest Richard Bennett

15:00 yay 😃👍 Historicist Historicism and The Seven Hills ⛰⛰⛰⛰😈⛰⛰⛰

YES, The Council of Trent, In Church History alot of the apologists
like to call this the beginning of "The Counter Reformation"

The Main Objective of The Counter Reformation is to destroy everything The Reformers had established:
The Reformers Collation of The Original Language Manuscripts
The Reformers Bible Translations into the European Languages
The Reformers Theology, Confessions, Creeds, Canons
The Reformers Eschatology and Endtimes Interpretations
The Reformers views on Geocentrism

Part of the counter reformation is what your talking about:
The IFB Understanding of theology and salvation is arminianism (romanism)
Arminianism are fruits of the counter reformation to supposedly help bring people back to rome.

Other fruits of the counter reformation are Ecumenicalism, 🍎🍊🍒🍓🍌🍍
modern bible translations, modern bible study notes,
modern bible commentarys, bible societys,
bible universitys, jesuit teachers,
The Oxford Groomed Scofield and his bible commentarys,
dispensationsalism, the rapture, modern middle east politics,
deep state, secret societys,
cientific societys, astronomy societys, etc.
Theres tons of videos on youtube that you can research.


Did you really just go to the Westminster Confession of Faith to prove your point while trying to debunk what I said about Calvinists going to idols for their final authority? Thank you for proving my point. You people are not capable of not using your idols even when you are trying to make a video proving you don't have idols.
This passage proves that there is a perfect Word of God out there. I believe all evidence points to the KJV while you can't point to any specific translation of Scripture in any language that is perfect.

Psa 12:6  The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 
Psa 12:7  Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.
