Which Sword Art Online Game Should You Get First?

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For a long time, you have been asking me which Sword Art Online game you should buy. Well, here is my opinion on which SAO game is the best!
I also recommend checking out Alicization Lycoris DLC impressions if you are curious about how the game has evolved since release. This video about all SAO Games will be updated to become the definitive edition later in Lycoris' life cycle as it's the final SAO Gameverse game.

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Its 2018 and so far, we have 5 different Sword Art Online console/PC games available for you to get. Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment, the remake of Infinity Moment, where the SAO Gameverse has begun and introduced Takemiya Kotone, aka Philia and Strea into the cast. Sword Art Online Lost Song that took us to ALfheim Online for the first time and introduced Nanairo Arshavin, aka Seven, and Karatachi Nijiga, aka Rain. Cast only grew bigger with Sword Art Online Hollow Realization, introducing Premiere and Tia in the world of Ainground. The crossover came and went with Accel World vs Sword Art Online. And eventually, we reached Gun Gale Online in Sword Art Online Fatal Bullet, introducing your OC, his friend Kureha, Zeliska and Itsuki, while Kirito was busy with Death Gun. But which of these games is actually worth it? Which of these games should you get first? Let me answer!

Which Sword Art Online Game Should I Buy, answered by Gamerturk.

#SwordArtOnline #Gaming #Anime
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I also recommend checking out Alicization Lycoris DLC impressions if you are curious about how the game has evolved since release. This video about all SAO Games will be updated to become the definitive edition later in Lycoris' life cycle as it's the final SAO Gameverse game.


Why don't they just make an actual SAO MMORPG (not the actual VRMMO), do they realized the potential of it?


we need a first person, online SAO game where you play in the original Aincrad world with your own character and can actually advance to the 10th floor with other players, the different floors would be inaccessible if your party or you yourself (as a solo player) havent beaten the boss, the floors would also be great if they were hosted on different servers or something, kinda like the way planets work in Destiny, you would travel to that location, have a loading screen and then be in a completely different server. There should also be houses and stuff like they have done in GTA 5 with apartments, that would be the best game ever lmao, also imagine VR support, now thats taking it to the next level


Dude, not gonna lie... You gave us a TLDR, with multiple options, in less than 35 seconds. I'm about to watch more of the video, but you definitely earned that "like" 35 seconds in.


I think they should make an SAO game that doesn't talk about the anime/novel stories. It should be like SAO as a game where things work the same way as the show had advertised it. Ask me if you have questions, I'll explain.


Fatal bullet. We all know it. The game is really good


so far the most enjoyable SAO game for me is Fatal Bullet


I seriously love that you do a 30 second summary of the video at the start, not a lot of channels do this


my man im proud that u said the answer straight to us at the beginning, appreciate it


They need an SAO game that starts off in Aincrad with your own created character right when the death game begun. You are separate from Kirito and you go around doing quests and trying to level up in order to beat the game. But that you make your own decisions in dialogues to build up your own characters’ personality or “fame”—whether you’re more of a group person or a soloist.It would be really fun to create your own character and actually feel like what it would’ve been like when they were put into the death game (of course without the whole dying irl if you die in the game).


Imagine an sao survival game. It would give the feel of the sao, it would absolutely be a challenge. Difficulty modes could be, die with no penalty, die with all items dropped and the hardest mode you die you need to restart. That alone would make for the best survival game out there imo


I personally got Fatal Bullet first, gifted to me from a friend. The game was really fun, and then I ended up getting Hollow Realization that has more of an MMORPG feel to it. I’ve yet to play the others but can’t wait too


Wish more YouTubers would make their vids like this love how u get right into it and don’t waste to much time and the content in all is good


If you’re comfortable with mobile games and getting used to the screen layout, then sword art online integral factor is pretty good (the game is currently incomplete but it has updates regularly) in integral factor you play as yourself during the aincrad arc from the anime and you even fight alongside Kirito and Asuna, the game dies have some changes to the story which make it kind of annoying, but overall it’s decent for an sao game I guess

Did I forget to mention that it’s free!


I really liked Fatal Bullet, it was refreshing to be able to customize your character and have it actually mean something. I'm not really sure why the other games even give you the option honestly... I wasn't able to get into Hollow Fragment or Hollow Realization though... I definitely need to catch up on these games seeing that I didn't even know about Accel World until after I heard about Fatal Bullet. I still have Lost Song as my favorite but I'm sure thats just because its the first SAO game I really got into. if Accel World is like Lost Song then I'm gonna have to check it out lol. Great video


Character Creation Alone is enough to make fatal bullet become my number 1 game of SAO Franchise.
cause, you know. not every one want to be Kirito all the time xD


Fatal Bullet is the only one I enjoyed, at least that one has semi-interesting gameplay and was written in a way where you actually feel immersed like you're your own character who's been dropped into the story. All the other games had extremely boring and repetitive gameplay mixed with just as lackluster writing.


Fatal Bullet has been my favorite, just because I’m a fan of guns and character creation. I also really didn’t grind in the game, I just turned Kirito into a highly effective meat shield and worked from there.

Of course, the story would be really good if they didn’t constantly try to jam the fact that Kirito is SAO’s main character down your throat. I get it, he’s there, alright? But all aim gonna do is feed him to the bosses for an hour for fun, so I don’t care.

Integral Factor is also nice, though not really following with the trend of the other games on the list. Main reason is that Kirito doesn’t matter too much. Still don’t get much story control though.


Imagine Sword Art Online VR
I would pay for that to come, best series ever😭😊


This is exactly the kind of review I was looking for. Been on the fence for buying a SAO game for years. Wanted a third opinion. Will wait for the next SAO game assuming it follows the release schedule.
