Sword Art Online: Fractured Daydream is the Most SAO Game to Date, But I'm Worried About the Grind

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Edit: Release date is October 4, 2024!


Fatal Bullet is the only SAO I've ever beaten. It was very fun.
So I'm glad Bandai Namco stopped giving the SAO projects to Aquria and gave it back to Dimps.


somehow worried how matchmaking would be hell when the player count drops later in it's life.


Sword Art Relink? I'm sold! And if not for the "grind" what else would there be?


The game doesn't seem to have a real progression system other than higher ranked weapons and accessories. All characters have the same 3 skills, one unique skill and one ultimate. It's very much like a co-op Overwatch type game.


Honestly pretty excited to get this one after dropping Alicyzation Lycoris and not even getting Last Recollection.


The problem is not the grind, the problem is how janky and clunky the game feels at times. People will get used to most of the awkwardness as they play more but the fact that the gameplay is a downgrade from FB is crazy to me considering it's the same team. Still excited to play it though, a good grindy slop every now and then is nice


If it is another fanservice sao game that is what I want.


Fatal bullet targeting system was far better than what we've gotten in FD for both guns and swords.
The gameplay is fun but FD really feels like fatal bullet lite. I like the overall premise of the idea of FD but felt it missed the mark *slightly*.
Another issue i had was in the open beta players were rushing the coop quests and killing the boss super fast like we didnt have 25+ minutes. I had never seen golden chest drops before and our groups past them up to kill the boss asap. Ik you get a bonus for fast completion but it wouldve been more fun to kill the boss guarding those gold chests and get their loot.

Even still, cant wait to play early access! Here's hoping they change up the targeting system though, its really hard to use still....


Ay I wasn’t expecting to be in a video 😂 thanks to my friend noticing my user I found this love the video 👍


another big issue is FOMO - if you are late to the party, you may not find anyone to play with, or even worse, the online mode may get shutdown


I’ll look toward the next game. I hope Dimps continues making SAO games. I’d really like for them to create a game that lets us play as our own character within the game and give us a different experience within the universe.


Being a big fan of Hollow Realization and never playing Fatal Bullet, this game is a good change of pace being something different. I just wish they had character customisation of your own character rather than changing the outfits of characters that already exist.
I also believe this game would be good for players who like a grind, not making it too easy - you just need to play the game for each characters progression


A better pathway for the game that caters all fans would be to:
1. Allow players to create their character, and use it as an avatar, while selecting a Weapon from the characters. This caters players that want it, and is optional
2. Allow players to play as any character of the story (that's available), with the ability to use weapons from other characters. This will create an interesting combination. Maybe sell costumes for the fans too.


between every party allowing only one of each character, the shared loot in raids, and the incoming paid DLC characters, battle passes, and microtransactions, what was otherwise a great game to play in the demo feels like it's gonna become unpleasant down the line

that the demo focused solely on the multiplayer over the singleplayer had me worried too. And this was the game I've been waiting for all year after GBF Relink

I feel envious of everyone still excited for the game ( ; O A O)


basically its like granblue fantasy relink just that we can do 20 player co-op


Aww because of the equipment than that will mean no Accel World characters. I liked that series more than the normal Sword art but i did read only the first series not the other ones. But i made an Oc for Accel World.


I just want proper support characters with full support focused abilities. Leafa was very uninspiring to play, with a single support skill to be used. I really hope there's at least one support character with multiple skills for buffing and healing allies


Finally another sao im not usually fond of multiplayer even for previous series most of them I spend 300+ hours and this is my 6th sao game while waiting for last recollection to hopefully drop in switch


I learned through Fatal Bullet that SAO games are arpgs that I want to play but can’t lol
The core gameplay was fun enough and got me wanting to grind for gear to hit enemies with those bigger numbers but I just did not like the social parts in between. The dating sims and forced interactions with the SAO crew were a drag for me and I couldn’t speed them fast enough to keep playing the parts I did like.
