What is Spiritual Death & What's the Cure? #shorts

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What does it mean to be spiritually dead and how does one have life?

This question was raised on a recent episode of @Soteriology101 where Warren McGrew (Idol Killer) and Leighton Flowers discussed Total Depravity. If you're not subscribed to either Soteriology 101 or Idol Killer, do so now!

#shorts #spiritualdeath #bornagain #Christian


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This reminds me of a movie when somebody does something bad to another person they say, “ your dead to me”.


“Totally depraved” humanity isn't that we are completely evil and incapable of good, it's that in everything we do our motives our selfish – even in our good works, we do them for selfish gain. If we can identify with the hero in a Hollywood movie, or get a lump in our throat over the ultimate sacrifice by a soldier on the battlefield for his country, how is it we can't be humbled and bow in praise and honor to the loving, selfless author of life itself, who died to give us life.

Present tense joy of the angels over the Individual (not collectively at the foundation of the world):
(Luke 15:10) “... *_I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”_*


Calvinist: "How could a dead sinner ever come to God unless they be Regenerated first?

Jesus: *Tells the story of the Prodigal Son.


Why do other people teach spiritully dead as if you are a corpse at the bottom of the sea? The lost brother wasnt under the sea


Correct, that last quote: by believing you may.... follow the Lord's words back into His Eternal Life. To the fulness of the glory of God the Father in the last day.


Is it fair to use the prodigal son for this point? To me, the point of the parable is not to illustrate depravity, but to show the Father’s love/joy when a sinner repents (like the other lost/found parables).


As a Wesleyan I need to make some additions/corrections here. While the false Augustinian idea of depravity insists man has no abilities at all, and that every biological action is depraved rebellion that necessitates pantheism which Calvinists call sovereignty, there is such a thing as spiritual deadness that only God can cure. This spiritual deadness is not about ability but about sensation. A person reaches a point in which he no longer has a sense of God. That is what spiritual deadness is. It's sensory. A spiritually dead person still has all the abilities to repent and reason about morality, as well as seek God, but without God, his senses of God are not any higher than himself. That's why Christians say that people look for God in the dark. Repenting and going to church and associating with Christian things is what helps revive a person's senses about God but they ultimately have to come in contact with God, in order to have a regeneration of their spiritual senses. Sinful man is absolutely spiritually dead in every way. But spiritual deadness is about senses not ability. That's why Calvinists and Pelagians get it all wrong. Calvinists and pelagians are two sides to the same coin of ability... When it has nothing to do with ability but rather sensation.


I am reassured that it dosen’t mean that the soul is completely dead !


I guess you have never read Eph 2.
No one is denying that you have a free will to come to God, but 1st God has to make a move.


Justin Martyr and, Irenaeus, said the spirit is the connection to God, and that the soul contained the intellect emotions and will. I actually believe the spirit does lie in the soul like a corpse when we reject the moral law, and does rise again when we come to faith in Christ. This may sound Augustinian, but it is not. The will is not in the created human spirit, but the spirit is in the soul but is not a part of it. The Holy Spirit offers the living soul the choice to repent an believe, if it does trust Him, the spirit rises again. If the soul rejects salvation it will die at the second death. The spirit is simple the soul has parts.


You may be misusing the parable. The story isn't about a man who's never heard the Gospel message, but rather about someone who grew up in a 'Christian' home and rejected the teachings of his parents, but after living worldly, he realizes how true his parent's faith was all along. Anything regarding the working of the Holy Spirit isn't mentioned in this parable, either pre or post' faith.' However, we err if we think the parable is an all-inclusive teaching on the subject.
In the parable, it's reasonable to say that the father really thought his son was dead. So, he was surprised to see him alive! Look at the words for dead and lost from Luke 15:24 - For this son of mine was dead (nekros – lifeless) and is alive (anazaō – revive or recover) again; he was lost (apollymi – to destroy) and is found (heyriskō – to meet or to find; found.' It's clear to me that the father was in no position to think his son was alive, but that for all intent and purpose, he was quite dead (lifeless and decaying). To the father, it's as if his son was restored from the dead. So, this story has nothing to say about Provisionism nor Calvinism (or any other ism) because it says nothing of the Holy Spirit's working, again, pre-faith (Calvinist) or post (non-Calvinist) perspective. You would have to read these things into the story.
The parable is about how God's arms are wide open and ready to receive his prodigals, it is about the rejoicing that occurs (in Heaven) when someone believes, and about how some Christians (those who don't wander away from the faith) sometimes become judgmental, self-righteous, like the older brother.


Never saw a God given dead spirit….
……Ec. 12: 7before the dust returns to the ground from which it came
and the spirit returns to God who gave it.


Calvinist: Lazarus is a picture of us being so dead we cannot believe.
Jesus: Joh 11:15  And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, to the intent ye may believe; nevertheless let us go unto him. 
Joh 11:25  Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 
Joh 11:26  And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?


In all due respect, I’m not sure here, IF Doc Flowers is a PSA guy then it’s Baalgate in moral principle isn’t it?
Not as horrid as burn baby burn in practice like with some hyper Calvinists, but still, none the less, truly horrifying.
As of yet, I don’t know how one as a Christian can counter an Islamist apologist if they bring this up.


It would be nice if this was truly iron sharping iron but you guys rebuke Mike but then do not go in very deep detail about what you guys actually believe after each rebuke. It appears like each of these videos offer rebukes but no detailed solution just ver vague.


Synergists always say what Scripture "doesn't mean".
When will they ever attempt to answer what the text 'does mean'?
Synergistic answer: we have to conjure up Saving Faith out of the cauldron of our own 'free will' (falsely defined, of course).

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." 
(Hos. 4:6)

*Soli Deo Gloria*
