Top 3 programming languages to learn in 2022 as a beginner

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Do you want to learn how to code in the next year? Then you should pick the best programming language to get started with. In this video I am going to tell you my top 3 picks for the best programming language for a complete beginner.

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3:13 "Java is compiled, ... language" make you realize how many things word "compiled" can meam. Both Go and Java are compiled, in some sens, but you don't need to understand nooks and crannies of their compilers, to just FEEL that these compilers are very different.


4:10 I would say that in the first three months of learning Python is easier that Go. In the first year or two Go is easier than Python. Because when you go deeper into Python things are more complicated than in Go. There is a much truth in saying that Zen of Python is better suited to Go than to Python.


Im 15 years old with no experience with coding. I recently decided I want to learn how to code. And I’ve been trying to decided which language would be best to start off with and my top 2 were JS and C++. I know that C++ is rather complex than JS and that’s why I wanted to start off with it since I heard it would be easier to understand other language since C++ is kind of the back bone to most languages. But after comparing the pros and cons I’ve decided to start with HTML/CSS and JS and my first language because of its wide spread popularity. Eventually I plan on learning C/C++ after mastering JS. I also plan on starting my coding journey this upcoming Friday since it’s the first day of Christmas break. Thanks for the video it was very informative and professional I’ll definitely be subscribing!


I just started learning C++ I'm having a tricky time learning some of it, (I'm brand new to programming) but I'll still keep going. See how far I get without getting too frustrated. Hopefully I'll get some place with it. Then I'll try Javascript. Thanks for your advice in your video!


Thanks Thomas for the video! As an experienced developer, what are your thoughts about Golang? I've recently started learning it and quite like the language, but unfortunately I find the community is not as active as other languages as you mentioned (like js and python), but I'm determined to continue getting better at it. In your opinion is it worth learning it more or do you think I should switch to another language like Python while I'm still new at it?


Is Javascript good for cybersecurity and artificial intelligence??


Hello Thomas i am Mechanical engineering undergraduate student , i would like to be a programmer, so i am learning java ( I have no prior knowledge in any programming languages, i am brand new) . Can you help me in choosing a perfect language. Can i proceed with java since many of them are saying that its very tough for a beginner.


I'm irked out when it comes to learning a dynamically typed language as your first language, it opens way too much freedom to developing bad habits and misconceptions about code design and debugging.

The fact that "if you can write english you can write python" is not a good thing for learning at all. The more freedom of expression you have to accomplish the same thing within a language, the more likely it is for your learning path to be a wrong or very much suboptimal one.

Learn a straightforward yet statically typed language like golang as your first language, python and javascript can come later.

I'm actually not sure what frontend libraries are there for golang if there are any, so that's one thing where javascript still rules, but if you know you don't want to specialize in frontend specifically then you should really pick a statically typed language as your first one.


I really wanna ask this how old are you??


1. Go.
2. Go.
3. Go.
4. JavaScript. 😁


The problem with JavaScript is that people use it for things it shouldn’t be used for.


I knew the answers before you were gonna say
