How to push your hemorrhoids in!

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You are so real! You're patients are fortunate to have you as a care provider.


Kind of refreshing just think if most doc were like Dr Chung. So tired of Compliance Medicine Types that dont care about their patients. He is humble


I have had these guys on and off for over 30 years. I learned a long time ago how to clench my buttocks and have them pull completely back up into their home. No fingers and NO POPPING BACK OUT (until the next poop session at least.) very surprised that I haven’t read about other people doing this, and that it seams most people are still manually pushing them back with their fingers. During a flair up, or what I would call, “haemorrhoid season” I would have these guys pop out large and in charge during a pooping session. On finishing up, I very gently wipe off excess poop just once while sitting down. I then stand and face the toilet. I place the palms of both hands onto the wall above the toilet in front of me, about shoulder height so as I am tilted slightly forward towards the wall. I put my feet/heels together. I then push my hips forward, stand on my toes and clench my buttocks (moderately hard). If you do this correctly it will feel strange and a bit uncomfortable at first but you will feel those pesky hemorrhoids start to move upwards. If you keep it up for a short time longer you will feel a satisfying “blop” as they literally pop completely back onto place. The whole thing shouldn’t take more that about ten seconds once you’ve worked it out and gotten good at it. Once they’ve popped back up in place you can continue to wipe your bottom and you will notice that you can wipe smoothly with not a hint of hemorrhoids. When you get good at this butt clench you can even do it on the odd occasion that they decide to pop out while off the toilet, once you feel them pop back up you can hold the clench a little bit longer and this can set them in place and make them stay, (again, until next toilet time at least.) This may not work for everyone but it has worked perfectly for me for over ten years now. I don’t know how I used to deal with flare ups before then, but I do remember feeling like I was at their mercy, just hoping they would go back in all the way on their own and wondering when I could feel comfortable again. NOW I’M THE BOSS, and after a ten second clench they do what they are told for the rest of the day. I know this is a long message but I really wanted to explain the process well enough to give anyone who wants to try this the best chance of success. Believe it or not, this is the first time I’ve shared this butt clench technique and I wouldn’t be sharing this if there was more butt clench information out there. Surely there’s other people out there doing this as well. If not there should be, give it a try, take control of these little (sometimes not so little) buggers, send them back to their home and give you and your butt hole some peace for the rest of the day. By the way, I’m NOT a Doctor, and if the actual Doctor/Proctologist on this channel disagrees with what I have posted you won’t hear me argue about it, in fact I would recommend that you listen to him and totally disregard what I have said if he tells you i’m wrong. BUT, if there’s no problem raised by the good doctor, I say get clenching guys,


I want those guys to run away and never come back!


I'd never heard of this. Could you make an extended video explaining more in detail?


I’m just here for itching. I’m leaving here praying that I don’t ever have to perform this on myself. 😢😂😮


Worth mentioning that using some lubrication helps!


Gotta edit out the Sitz bath part and repost :) great stuff!


I'm scared to touch those things because if the pain


For me it makes life hard, because i cant go to the toilet at work or anywhere else. I can only poop at home :(


Good morning Doc ! What's the best after care after surgery of removal of the people down there? 🤔 😖😓😰


can you plz make a video about on what stuaition we have to do surgery


Good morning Dr Chung! I’ve read about this banding treatment, but is it really effective in curing hemorrhoids?


How do we know when it's time to go to doctor or hospital? The pain is radiating to my butt cheek and my leg feels kinda numb


Please can water or dietary fibre have any helpful effect on dry, hard poop that's already in the rectum?


Will this work with Thrombosed Hemorrhoids?


Ok was thinking of hemorrhoid wipes.Gonna get the the suppository because the prep H don’t think it’s working but I’ll use both. Sighs


can you please make video on urine retention after haemorrhoids surgery!!!!


... I don't like the way this guy smiles while telling us what to do about Hemorrhoids!! 😅😅 SMFHH


I do wipe. put lubricant on and go ly. face down and they go back in☺
