Hemorrhoids: Top 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Them 🍑 #shorts

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How to get rid of hemorrhoids 🍑 Medical emergency Do NOT use the Video for medical emergencies. If you have a medical emergency, call a physician or qualified healthcare provider, or CALL 911 immediately. Under no circumstances should you attempt self-treatment based on anything you have seen or read on the Video. General information is not medical advice The general information provided on the Video is for informational purposes only and is not professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or care, nor is it intended to be a substitute therefore. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider properly licensed to practise medicine or general healthcare in your jurisdiction concerning any questions you may have regarding any information obtained from this Video and any medical condition you believe may be relevant to you or to someone else. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Video. Always consult with your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program. Information obtained on the Video is not exhaustive and does not cover all diseases, ailments, physical conditions, or their treatment. #hemorrhoids #constipation #piles #hemorrhoid #externalpiles #bleedingpiles #internalpiles #internalhemorrhoids #externalhemorrhoids #analpain #hemorroides #bawaseer #pregnancy #hemorroids #hemorrhoidtreatment #health #fistula #thrombosis #straining #hemorroidas #hematoma #bilalpilesclinic #hemorroide #hemorrhoidrelief #steambath #liftingheavy #hemorroid #fissure #hematomas #hemorroidectomia
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I followed this advice and completely cured my hemorrhoids! Thank you so much! I suffered for years, thank you thank you and God bless!


I had to have emergency hemorrhoid surgery and the post op recovery isn’t fun and especially knowing how they position you during surgery lol. I worked for a Physician and there was a Christmas party where all the Dr’s in one group celebrated and I saw my Surgeon. I went up to him and introduced myself and made mention he performed surgery. His response? “Yeah I know I recognized you from the back.” 😝 He did a great job.


Many plant foods are rich in
flavonoids, therefore, increasing fruits and vegetables in your diet is the easiest way to obtain them. These 10 foods are some of the best sources of dietary flavonoids available:

1. Berries: All berries contain flavonoids, but certain varieties are more potent than others. Blackberries are particularly powerful and include all six types of flavonoids. Blueberries, cherries, and raspberries also contain all flavonoids. Strawberries have moderate amounts of anthocyanidins.

2. Red Cabbage: Another great dietary source of anthocyanidins is red cabbage. Anthocyanidins, in particular, have been studied for their protective effects against cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and age-related cognitive disorders.

3. Onions: Onions form the basis for a multitude of cuisines, and it’s no wonder why. This humble vegetable is a powerhouse of nutrients and adds flavor to any dish. Onions are a great source of flavonols, which can reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

4. Kale: Another great source of flavonols is kale. Kale leaves make an excellent base for salads and can be added to soups and stews to boost their nutritional value. If you don’t care for the taste, add kale in smoothies and protein shakes to hide the taste.

5. Parsley: Parsley provides more flavonols in the American diet than any other food. Parsley contains over 130 milligrams of flavonols per gram. Add it to soups and sauces, or sprinkle over dishes before serving.

6. Tea: The easiest way to add flavonoids to your diet is to drink tea. Green, oolong, and black teas all contain high levels of flavanols, which have been studied for their benefits to cardiovascular and cognitive health.

7. Red Wine: Another great source of flavanols is red wine. Red wine in moderation has multiple health benefits, especially with lowering risks of cardiovascular disease.

8. Dark Chocolate: Chocolate and cocoa are both high in flavanols. Cocoa, in particular, has been studied for its cognitive-boosting properties and its protective effect on the cardiovascular system.

9. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, lemons, and limes contain flavanones. Juicing these fruits results in even more concentrated availability of these healthy plant compounds. You can also squeeze fresh lemon or lime juice into ice water to add nutritional value.

10. Soybeans: Soybeans come in a variety of different forms and are the best source of isoflavones. Eating edamame, tofu, tempeh, and soy sauce are great ways to increase isoflavones in your diet. Isoflavones have been studied for their protective effects against reproductive cancers like breast, ovarian, prostate, and testicular cancer.


The subject is hemorrhoids, a pain in the rear. And you two crack me up! Your videos have the perfect content to keep me moving toward health, like fiber buds on my cereal.


Bro stop making me laugh my but hurts every time I laugh or cough Fr 😭🤣🤣🤣


What an informative comedy act you two have. You put a huge smile on my face & also informed me, in a roundabout way, why I don't have hemorrhoids. Thanks!


Increase water not fiber
Fiber can make it worst
More fiber more poo more pain


Good docs, sense of humor and including other remedies before getting to medication or surgery.


Haha! Please let me know when your comedy act will be coming to Regina, as I want to be first in line for tickets. Happy New Year, Doctors!!


You might have incomplete evacuation, basically you didn't get all the poo out. This leads to the beginning of your stool being hard since it's leftover from the last time you didn't fully go, it basically dries out. You may need to stay on the toilet a bit longer or try to go again a bit later in the day or whenever you can to get that extra bit out.


Increase triple magnesium...softer stools


For the external variety, alternate hot and cold water temps in the shower directly on the area or in the tub if you have one. Then pat dry and massage on a generous amount of quality castor oil. Then cover it with a small cotton pad like the kind used for makeup and nail polish removal. This should bring fast relief. Im sure fiber and diet is good for long term but won't do much when you're having an active flare up and need something right away.


Psyllium husks 1 t mixed in an 8 ounce glass of water and your drink it right down before it gets gelatinous much better instead of processed all bran


Many many years ago my father took great delight in sending to friends unlucky enough to have had hemorrhoid surgery get well wishes for a “Happy New Rear”! 😂


Pranicura cream works best along with first two as per proctologist advice. I have been so grateful for this cream, years of just silently suffering with an external hemorrhoid (plural toward the point when I started really dealing with it), almost completely back to normal after a few months.


Thank you for the satire. And not making me feel this is as serious as I thought. I feel A lot better! 🎉 Still seeing my physician. Appreciate it


What about internal hemorrhoids or fissures?


Biggest problem I’m having is hemorrhaging has left loose skin/anus, where it’s fine but after I use the restroom, using bath tissue starts to be problem as now it “tugs” or pulls. I have memories back 10+ years of this. Same hemorrhoid has shown itself 2-3x within that 10 years but the loose skin came before the hemorrhoid or pain associated with a hemorrhoid. & yes same spot.



I made a home treatment sitz bath with chamomile tea, and soluble immunity vitamins. I stayed in it for 15 minutes every day for a week. Mind you my h. Was external. It is almost completely gone. I also avoid sitting on the loo for more than 5 maximum 10 minutes as it makes them more swollen. 😊


Thank you! Been suffering almost every day since like October. And it just so happens I have a bunch of citrus and a bottle of witch hazel.
