Mike Glover Talks Ham Radio and Preparedness

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As promised, Mike talks with Ham Radio expert Josh from Ham Radio Crash Course about different survival situations that your Ham Radio can assist you in overcoming. Additionally, Josh talks more in depth how you can become a Ham Radio licensed operator, and different groups in your local community that can assist you in staying proficient with your Ham Radio.

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I was a Field Radio Operator ( MOS 2531, now 0621) in the Marine Corps, then, I cross decked on over to the Army's 75th Ranger Regiment, however, now that I AM a Veteran in the Civilian World, I honestly never thought how important HAM and CB AM/ FM Radio was so important to Me in a Survivalist Prepper mindset. Thank You, Sergeant Major and Josh for the Video and It's accompanying Information and Intelligence ( I2).


My Dad has been into HAM radio for most of his life. He was 14 or 15 when he first started developing an interest around 1960 and built his first radio from a kit, he is 75 now. He turned his hobby into a career working as supervisor for our hometown's city wide police and emergency communications department. I was always fascinated to sit and watch him write out longhand as he translated Morse code like a champ. In that way he communicated with people all over the world. He has his group of cronies that meet same time, same channel almost every night. I am starting to appreciate the importance of HAM radio and may pursue a license of my own. I'd like to do so before Dad passes on to glean a bit of knowledge from him (no way I would ever understand all he knows), and perhaps inherit some of his cool gear too.


Its wild to think this was recorded a week before Covid-19 happened in large effect to us in the states. Its amazing how many people are getting interested into comms and using it get prepared in the trying time. I’m out there for those looking for some extra knowledge on my channel in this time and I will be working with Mike and the Fieldcraft Team as we continue through this historic event.
Keep the batteries charged and the radios programmed.


Thanks so much for having him on. I’m so happy to see good dudes come together for valuable info like this.


My Dad told me when I was a kid, "God gave you two ears and one mouth. You should listen twice as much as you talk." Receive more than you talk.
The problem with Discord is the same problem with Facebook: Privacy.


The rule of 3's. Turn your radio on on the hour every 3 hours for 3 (12 midnight, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12 midday, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm)


I followed Josh's utube channel and recently got my technician license via an on line test.This was very fortunate sinnce the cv19 issue shut down local in person testing. I am very greatful for Josh's efforts to help so many people.


Literally went “whaaaat?! It’s the crash course guy!” Josh is great, his videos helped me get my tech license in 48 hours.


My brother in law use to be a radio operator back in the day in the early 2000s, may he Rest In Peace. I use to sit and listen to him talk on the radio for hours to people he never met but they had a bond that they would be on at the same time daily. I remember he talked to people in other countries. I asked him how he did that because I was intrigued and he said in Spanish. It’s this box called la Chancla in Spanish which translates to “the sandal”. I can definitely say that the radio community is very very close and look out for each other because when someone needed help in the city he would be right there.


All America Patriots should all have ham and CB radio we all had CBs n ham radios in the 70s.


Mike, I discovered Field Craft Survival by watching Vigilance Elite and I would like the opportunity to express my gratitude by saying God Bless you and everything dear in your life. Ive studied multiple videos you've provided and I have drawn the conclusion that the content you provide is TOP TIER. May you continue the course and with all hope you will be relentless in providing me the knowledge I need to see my family thru. Please respond. Thank You.


I'm getting some strong Bill & Ted vibes here lol.

Excellent info, thanks!


I found myself watching the whole video and didn't get bored with it. You guys were great and it looked like you had fun. Soak in all you can.
I hope you take this as a compliment because I've been a HAM operator for 25 years and an Extra class for at least 18 years. I also had a GMRS license and owned a repeater on a building at over 200 feet in the air. I have been subscribed for awhile and look forward to more content.


Who could have imagined what the future would hold, I'm looking back at this from Friday Nov. 20th 2020 and SHTF is here.


Great video. In 1995, hurricane Opal struck NW Florida. Ham radio operators were the only method of comms into or out of the damage zone for a couple of days. Ham is still super relevant and necessary. Thanks to all who operate.


Thanks for doing this. From a former signal soldier from the eighties. Tac-sat auto-von/auto-din Tropospheric scatter all the way down to PRC radios with ancient crypto. When I got out the farthest thing from my mind was radios. I’ve been in communications for 35 years. Never before had an interest in HAM. Thanks for sparking that back up. Studying now for my technician test.


I never wanted to get my ham radio license until I started following this guy.


Hi Mike! Thank you for this video. As a newly licensed ham radio technician class and a wheelchair-bound person from the Philippines, preparedness by using ham radio is one of the things I do for my Persons With Disabilities (PWD) Community here for us to get informed in any massive emergency situations. This episode with Josh really explained how communication is very vital through two-way radio in any emergency scenarios which I am thinking for my PWD Community. Thanks! Kudos to you both.


Great video! I used to be a fast attack submarine radioman back in the day, I’m into preparedness and the well being of my community. Getting into ham radio was something that seemed natural. I started to ask questions locally, but it seemed that some of the ham community were arrogant, super snobby elitists. Made me laugh due to my background in comms, knowing that it’s not rocket science. This video inspired me to give it another chance. There are idiots in every hobby that need to be ignored (see some posts to this video), and good people that are willing to share what they know and be ambassadors for the future of ham radio.


I did the same thing. I bought a small ham base station & a Baofeng Uv-5 two weeks before my ham exam. Motovation..Passed the exam.
( great exam study website..
'The hamwhisperer'. .very easy to learn all you need to easily pass the exam.)
