Esau's Tears

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Uncover the history of the evil seed line in the Bible

Esau and the Edomites is an often overlooked topic in many churches. The question arises, if evil is associated with Esau, when did this hatred end and when did God change his mind to love Esau as much as Jacob? The Bible provides insight into this subject.

Isaac prayed to the Lord for his wife who was barren and the Lord answered his prayers. Rebecca, his wife, gave birth to twins who struggled in her womb before birth. The Lord told Rebecca that two nations were in her womb and one would be stronger than the other, with the greater serving the younger.

According to the Book of Jasher, Esau was deceitful from birth while Jacob was perfect and wise. Isaac loved Esau for eating his venison, but Rebecca loved Jacob. In Genesis 25, Jacob offered Esau bread and lentil pottage, and when Esau ate it, he despised his birthright. Jesus mentions that Esau fled from Nimrod due to exhaustion from fighting and fleeing.

Esau was 40 years old when he married Judith, the daughter of Bride. Isaac blessed Jacob and charged him not to take a wife from the daughters of Canaan. Esau cried bitterly when he saw Isaac bless Jacob and send him away. The Bible mentions a conflict between Isaac and Jacob in Genesis 33.

In Exodus 17, there was a war between Israel and Al-Malik, descendants of Esau. The Lord told Moses to write a memorial of this in a book and to declare it to Joshua. The Edomites did not accommodate the Israelites, leading God to hold it against them for generations.

In 2 Samuel 8, David had a close companion who turned on him, typical of Edomites who deceitfully gained high positions next to the king. In John 13:18, Jesus spoke of his betrayal and death, referring to Judas Iscariot. Jesus used the same term as David when referring to his betrayal.

In Matthew 21:38, Jesus gives the parable of the householder concerning the vineyard of the Lord. The husband sent his son, who the husbandmen wanted to kill to seize his inheritance. In John 8:38, Jesus argued with the Pharisees and Sadducees, saying they sought to kill him because his word had no place in them. Jesus revealed they were of their father the Devil.

When Jesus was born, Herod, a descendant of the Herodium who had converted to Judaism, was on the throne and tried to kill Jesus. When Jesus confronted the Herodian scribes and Pharisees, he was dealing with Edomites who betrayed him. In Psalm 83, Edomites are described as warmongers and God has declared war against them. They are Confederate against the tabernacles of Edam and the Israelites of Moab, Gebal, Ammon, and Philistines.

Truth in History with Charles A. Jennings

Рекомендации по теме

Excellent analysis! Fully agree to the T. With this information all things make total sense. I have been researching this topic for quite some time myself. I am very glad I found your Ministry. You are certainly one of the very, very few who even attempt to deal with this subject and you hit the nail right on. In my home country (I no longer live there) the brainwashed evangelicals all worship secular Israel and proclaim them as the true Israel. I do not understand how anybody can study the bible for decades and not decipher the Esau/Edom vs. true Israelites elephant in the room!!? Sadly churches these days all want to be politically correct rather than proclaiming biblical truth.


The two seedline message is the only way to understand the Bible and world events. I have a paper on this a PDF. But this message has already explained it. Excellent message Pastor J. You have the key of David for sure. Revelation 2 9 and 3 9


Thank you, sir. No, I've never heard this in "church". Tough lesson and the kind I want and need.


The thing is our people have got to wake up and turn back to god as A PEOPLE


This is the Gospel.
This is the good message.
This is the plain word of Scripture.
Rejoice & be comforted.
Thankyou brother.
Praise Yahweh.


This was an in depth study. I have NEVER been taught this deep of a study on this subject. Very grateful!

God bless you for caring for your Brothers and Sisters!


Excellent! I understood it ALL! THANK YOU!


Thank God for sound doctrine. Thank you Pastor for this very interesting lesson. Yes Esau's spirit is rampant in the earth from the Whitehouse to the outhouse. Even so come Lord Jesus Christ our only hope. Amen +


I'm receiving your message around Thanksgiving of 2022 and it is quite a blessing of a Thanksgiving style sermon! Full of the meat of the word and really, really a blessing. Thank you, the length of your sermon doesn't bother anybody who's truly interested in learning more about the word and the truth by which we are living today! Again thank you Pastor Jennings for the blessings of the meat of the Word at this Thanksgiving time when we really needed it. Lord bless you!


Thank you Charles, very enlightening and well done! Also, Special thanks to an insightful bible teacher from North Carolina for bringing this topic full circle in 2022-23. After Jacob had received the blessing from Isaac with guile, Esau came back from hunting to procure the same blessing. Too late as the full blessing was given in Gen 27:28-29 (NASB) to Jacob which include having "dominion" over Esau and Esau's descendants and state, "And may your mother's sons bow down to you" oh Jacob. Never-the-less, Esau was blessed with a lesser blessing as he had already "sold his birthright." (Birthright and blessings go together.)The lesser blessing followed the same pattern given to Esau in Gen. 27:39-40. (There appears a punch line for today in these verses.) Although the blessing was already given to Jacob, Esau thus receives a blessing from Isaac while Esau weeps with obvious sorrow that he's been again "supplanted me these two times" by Jacob Gen 27:36.(KJV) Notice in the blessing to Esau, vs. 40, (KJV) that Isaac says you (Esau) shall serve you brother- (Jacob's dominion). Isaac says, (vs. 40, KJV) "and shalt serve thy brother (Jacob); and it will come to pass (in the future) when thou (Jacob) shall have the dominion (over the earth and Esau's descendants) that thou (Esau) shall break his (Jacob's yoke) from off thy neck." So Jacob via Isaac's blessing and the birthright already supplanted from elder, Esau, would have dominion over the the earth. Recall the promises iterated to Jacob was a reiteration of many promises and the covenant which began with grandfather Abraham, Gen 17:1-9; Gen 22:16-18, and passed to Isaac and then to Jacob. Therefore, one can visualize that Jacob's descendants have had "dominion" over the entire earth as a result; but while that continued from the time of receiving the blessing, in the future, Esau's descendants would break that "yoke of dominion" from Jacob's descendants. It's realized: The dominion of Esau's descendants began in the late 18th century, likely 1770-1780 with the House of Rothschild's banking dynasty and the moneyed powers that followed in total financial control of Western nations. Simultaneously, 1776, God's embryonic kingdom was giving birth as the United States became an independent nation. (Recall, mother Rebekah was told by God, as a result of the struggle in her womb, that there 'TWO NATIONS', Gen 25:22-23, KJV) in thy womb and two manner of peoples shall be separated from thy bowels." Rothschild's were even able to get the First Bank of the U.S. during the administration of George Washington, verifying Esau had dominion. These despots have dominion currently and rule as "Mystery Babylon" which is now reigns over the nations . This appears to be the proper interpretation of Isaac's blessing to Esau. Esau descendants fulfill all that Isaac spoke concerning Esau, (Gen 27: 40, 41, KJV) showing Esau would live by the sword, (finance wars) and live to kill Jacobs descendants, with wars, while having dominion. Although Esau's descendants have dominion currently in 2023, both kingdoms are vying for dominion and struggling as they had in Rebekah's womb. Bible students realize that struggle will continue and end with Jesus Christ' deliverance from the current ungodly dominion of Mystery Babylon and Esau and his descendants; as Esau is hated by the Most High God; Malachi 1-2-3.


Good sermon Pastor! Really enjoyed it.


Precept upon precept and line upon line! Thank you for the in depth research and bringing out the truth! You are truly appreciated for your deliverance of the Word! Thankful that the Holy Spirit has guided us, through you, to these truths!


Great perspective concerning Esau and Nimrod as well


Great sermon. You nailed it. We know who they are.


Another good one pastor Jennings thank you for such rich deep biblical teaching
And thank you Almighty Loki for opening pastor Jennings eyes over the course of his life


Ooh, this is gonna be GOOD!
All ears!


But Edom exists, and a good student of the Word of GOD knows who he is.


Thanks for that! As per usual with me I know a little and you teach a lot. God Bless You.


The two seed lines began with Cain and Abel. It was started anew with Seth through Adam because Cain was not Adam's son. It's switched into a new phase with Jacob and Esau when Esau married hittite women which are of the Canaanites, thus destroying the holy seed and creating a serpent bloodline. Even without Isaac's blessing, the holy seed line would have had to continue through. Jacob, because Esau destroyed his birthright which is the genetic lineage from Adam.


The two seed lines started with Eve and the serpent. Esau breed with the line of Cain by marring Canaanite wives.
