Esau is dwelling in the tents of Jacob

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Disclaimer: Adult themes. View at your own risk.

... and Canaan is his servant. (slight but true variation on: Gen 9.27)

Just think about Counterfeit Israel, "founded" on the blood of Jacob´s Children on May 14, 1948.

Remember Rachel, crying for her children, because they were not? (Jer 31.15 and Matthew 2.18)

Who translated the Bible and was burned at the stake for it? Was it a black man?

Who was the "forerunner" of the "reformation", whose bones were dug up and burned? Was he black?
Who was Jan Hus? And his loyal - and all but absolutely forgotten - but insanely brilliant friend and lawyer Jan Z Jesenice? Were these not Czech men of Jacob Israel?
Are not the farmers of the earth white men, being put out of business?

The battle for the birthright is between two "twin" but very different brothers. How can Jacob be black and Esau white - or "red" as the blacks call us. They do have an ax to grind, literally.

It´s time to wake up folks to what is really going on.

The forces that should not be want to shame Jacob-Israel into silence.
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We didn't translate the bible we wrote it
