Top 5 Problems Chevy Cobalt Coupe 1st Generation 2005-10

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These are the top 5 problems with the 1st generation Chevy Cobalt, the compact coupe and sedan available in model years 2005 to 2010. In this video, Andy shows you the most common problems you will find on the Chevy Cobalt, and he offers tips and suggestions to help you fix, repair, or replace those problems yourself!

Check out this playlist for more great tips from Andy and the rest of the 1A Auto crew!

0:00 Top Problems Chevy Cobalt 1st Gen 2005-2010
0:12 Ignition Coils
0:41 Combination Switch
1:01 Gas Cap
1:39 Shifter Cable
2:05 Timing Chain Tensioner

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I was a GM tech for 10 years during the years these cars were first made up till early 2012. Yup everything you said is 100% true. I didnt replace alot of shift cables so my personal one would have been the E-brake issues but that is just my experience. Great cars, very cheap, easy to maintain, and if you can find a 08-10 SS you will have fun!


I owned a 2008 Chevy Cobalt. And lemme just say. I...effing.... LOVED THAT CAR!!! the only major problems I had with it were the spark plugs ($200), the gear shift fell a part ($700), and the fuel pump went out. ($900). The car was running good at 188k miles until some chick decided she wanted to go 60+ in a 45 mph speed zone and rear ended a car that rear ended another car, that rear ended me, that pushed me into another car. And that car hit another car at a stop light. Her fault. Not mine. So I bought the Chevy Cruze as the upgrade. Worst mistake in my life. The cobalt gave me nowhere near the problems the Chevy Cruze did.


I'm an auto tech so I see alot of the issues on different brands different models..and I own a 2006 Cobalt 5 speed coupe. I think they are good cars, cheap to own, cheap to fix, easy to work on for the most part. Most stuff can be done by a DIY guy at home with the exception of the water pump/chain tool, which is in the autozone tool isle. Keep the oil changed every 3-5k (dont follow the oil life monitor) and expect to change the timing chain and guides every 100k or so, like a belt. Steering columns are electric and do get worn, due to a plastic gear driven by the electric motor. they are expensive ( $350ish for GM part) but pretty easy to replace. And it they last a long time, it's a one time replacement.


Fuel line near the rear rusts out, left front speaker goes out(cant hear turn signal) and rear springs break. Most common issues I see on Cobalts, both as an automotive technician and someone who owned one for 10 years.


2005 cobalt bought new and still drive it. 289k miles currently on original engine. Items I've replaced or had fixed:
Leaking fuel line in rear
Catalytic converter
Mid pipe
Ignition coil pack
Rear springs
Gas cap
Turn signal switch
Rack and pinion
Steering shaft
Rear main seal
CV axle
Transmission seal
Left front speaker
Control arm bushings
Sway bar bushings
Multiple wheel bearings

Plus regular wear issues like spark plugs, brakes, struts and shocks. Rocker panels are completely rusted out. Other than oil consumption of about 1qt per 1000 miles and a rough cold start. It still drives


Another should be fuel line that runs next to the drivers door under the car, they tend to rust out pretty easily.


To bypass the shifter locking in park remove the console and zip tie the little arm back. You will be able to shift the transmission without the ignition key and without starting the engine. Works like a charm.The shifter solenoid malfunctions.


Fuel pump is a common problem in these cars too(which cause a gasoline smell). Either the seal wearing out or the plastic lines getting holes rubbed in them.


I bought a brand new turn switch and the return wasn't working out of the box. Lol overall excellent vehicle I drive from Palm Springs to Cal to Everett, WA then drove from Seattle, Kent, and Everett every day for work for 2 months and only had to get 1 new tire. 137k miles. I purchased it used and it's been running amazing.


Thanks for the video!! My combination switch just went out in my 2008 Cobalt Coupe. Pretty easy to fix and the part only costs around $25.
I am starting to hear that rattling at cold start, i thought it might be hydraulic lifters, but it sounds like it could actually be timing tensioner, so thanks for highlighting that!!!


I have one, new since 2007, honestly shocked at how well it operates to this day, only wear and tear damage, quiet, but it is a boring econobox of course.


2009-2010 have a revised timing chain tensioner and will unlikely be a problem.
Did a quick scan of the comments, but I didn't see this mentioned.


I do enjoy it my air conditioner still works like a new car in a hot summer season.
Do more vehicles like that one
I have a 2007 ls


My 2010 cobalt LT, 76k never been on mechanic shop! Love it❤️


Just recently purchased a 2010 Colbalt about 1 month ago and my turn signal doesn't go off, it hesitates to start sometimes, and the transmission kicks when I take off at times. I asked the Man who sold it to me have he had any of these problems and he said no 😂 "yeah right" I'm sure that's why you sold it lol. Other than that I like it so far, but will see how many things I will have to replace in due time, hopefully no time soon though. My 03 Kia started up every time for over 3yrs and stopped on me in traffic once (loved that car) but I sold it for this car to upgrade and I hope I don't regret it. 😮‍💨


The turn signal lever also breaks easy, there also was a recall on ignition switch, fuel pump assembly and gas tank on my 07


I have an 08 Cobalt LS...111, 000 miles 1/2 highway 1/2 food delivery. Main problems other than maintenance items. Front struts covered by warranty. Rusted thru fuel line $350. Running lights short in wiring $180. Valve cover gasket did myself $31. Front passenger side wheel bearing $240. Battery made it 13 years and 109, 000 miles. Several lights. Outside temperature thingy... don't need. Wheel pressure reading thingy... don't need. Original rotors from 2 brake pad changes that I did myself. Doing rotors next brake job. Lots of insignificant plastic thingys break.


ive had 3 the rust is bad on them up here in the midwest but you missed the most common ones the lower controll arm busings go out after like 150k miles like clockwork and the front wheel bearings are terrible spot on with the coils and blinker switch though otherwise they are bulletproof


The ignition switch there was a recall in this car for that. I was reading in motor trend about this recall. I told my coworker about this about his car and I told him you can just go to the dealership and they'll fix it for it. He said no no I'll just leave it. A couple days later I see him and he tells me this car almost killed me he told me this steering locked up on him but he is lucky enough to get it stopped do whatever. He took it into the dealership. They fixed it for free he had no issues like them charging him for anything. The best thing I can say is you can check the stuff online for recalls and talk to the dealership about them. And what I mean that is if you drive a GM car go to a GM larger dealer you have a much better luck dealing then going to Bob's used car.
