Most Incredible Civilizations Scientists Can’t Explain

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Let's rewind time and visit the most incredible civilizations scientists can't explain!

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In regards to the Trypillian people, I am currently studying them in my ancient history and archaeology class at university, the reason they would burn their houses down so frequently was due to the fact that their houses were not made of the sturdiest of materials (made almost entirely of mud/ soil which was dried into bricks, with a sort of thatched roof, and lime plaster used on the outside for extra protection against the elements) however it is believed that due to the weak structure, over time elements such as rain, wind and even insects would leave the buildings vulnerable. The house would sooner or later need to be replaced, causing the Trypillian inhabitants to burn down their homes, afterwards this will leave formations of ‘tells’ (or small hills) which the next generation will build on, making each house a couple feet higher than the last.

If you wish to learn more about this I suggest reading ‘Gates, C, 2011: Ancient Cities: the archaeology of urban life in the ancient Near East and Egypt, Greece, and Rome’ pages 5-6


“Unlike my ex said, bigger isn’t always better.”

Bro 💀


Quite an interesting video. It's true that we often think of China as a huge country but ignore the different smaller civilizations that were homogenized into the current one.


Keep in mind that only 20% of the ocean has been explored, so just imagine what other lost civilizations or unknown wonders could be hiding down there (No, i'm not talking about the Megalodon LOL, that guy is long dead). Civilizations that once existed, but sank into the ocean. Who knows? We might even discover Skull Island.


Whoever’s reading this, i pray that whatever you’re going’s throughh gets better and whatever you’re struggling with or worrying bout is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen


Personally, I think the island of Santorini maybe the inspiration for Atlantis.


Alot of animals had bigger versions in the past so I don't think it's a crazy idea to consider the possibility of giants being around in the past and its a recurring theme .


For the star Close to Sirius.B maybe it was there but may have died out a long time before and the light completed its journey past earth in the middle of both eras. Some stars you see in the night sky might actually no longer exist but because of the distance the photons of light are still traveling. I hope this helps 😊


You can do anything you set your mind to with patience, determination, and an unlimited supply of expendable labor.


Have to say I Loved Be Amazeds critter looking at its own cave painting 😂😍😂 Fantastic video, I studied British Prehistoric Archaeology and what we know changes so fast as technology allows more and more new discoveries 😊 After this I'm off to find a video showing more of the Longyou Caves, they look Phenomenal 😍 I'd never heard of them before 😮 Fantastic educational video again, with some cracking puns ❤❤❤


Cant we just take a moment to appreciate how this guy surprises us with his knowledge? Its so cool!


I remember an oil exploration worker saying (this was before satellites) that every jungle he ever went to where used a theodolite and dropped the plumb bob it would hit stone that had been worke by humans. The so called "old growth" forests were really what grew on the land undisturbed for millenia after human civilizations collapsed.


Many things can't be explained.. First btw, love you videos! & to anyone reading this, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY B).


I think Plato didn't lie about Atlantis existence but i think he's that one friend we all have, who always adds stuff to his stories and experiences to make them sound more intresting.💀

So it was probably just a normal city who looked a bit different from any other city


Been subbed to your channel since 1998 when it was still called "Be Flabbergasted" & I'll never stop appreciating the subtitles. Never stop adding them!🙏🏿


The Dogon Trible baffled me about their intricate knowledge of the Sirius stars.

Just because we people of modern society have more information. It doesn't mean we know everything.
What worse that it's easy to be skeptical than being open-minded about the possibility.
Although I don't know what make about the Dogon Tribe supposed contact with some unknown race that give them the knowledge about Sirius. We can't just easily dismissed this since some hardly ancient tribal folks ever lies their folklore.


Glad to see South Africa in this list proud to be one😎


What if Atlantis was a alienship that basically disappeared and flou up into space


I really want to wing suit onto that keyhole island in the middle of the night with a shovel.


The Smithsonian has skeletons of giants in storage. They “buried” the findings. Look into it and make a video about the “buried” findings of the Smithsonian.
