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Why Do People Get So Confused Opening Tesla Doors? 🤣🥴
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Why do people get so mad like chill out 😭💀
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When having Tesla is your entire personality
As a non Tesla owner i feel very relatable
You call that a psychopath? Nah. A true psychopath would use the phone app to pop open the door, and then grab the glass.
As a non Tesla owner who rides in Teslas sometimes the doors are really easy to open idk why people say it’s confusing
Whoever designed that thing is the real psychopath
The psychopath is better than the experienced owner 😂
Lol, you can bet once I get a Tesla I'll open it right on the first time
Imagine its winter and you want to open your door.
Instructions unclear: I’m stuck under the Tesla
You forgot step one: Tell everyone in a one mile radius that you own a tesla.
"Ways people flex their Tesla"
You can bet I don’t use the door handle, I use a brick.
Ways people open Tesla doors:
No one:
Me: *calling an uber*
This is the type of guy that will constantly keep reminding you he has a Tesla regardless whether you asked or not
As a person who's country doesn't even have Tesla...this seems relatable
The gta san door opening has entered the chat
when he said “the *brand new* “ I started thinking of the 1 2 buckle my shoe meme 😭
Everyone that tries to open my Tesla for the first time are like: 👏👌👍🤦👏💪✌🏻👋🤞
I might be overthinking, but there is literally no reason not to install usual mechanical door handles and make life of the car's owner easier, than a strong willing to make him/her suffer. Especially in the cold weather.